Ahendon824 Member


  • Same here!!! It will get better!
  • In the same boat! But my little girl is now 8 months! I actually play with my daughter to get part of a work out! Other times I do work outs and she finds it amusing. You have to try to do what will work for you and your little one! Good luck!
  • I lost 105 lbs after having my first daughter (who will be 4 in a couple weeks.) I could feel my stomach was flat underneath but had excess skin. It wasn't too bad or too noticable with clothes on. Right now I am 14 lbs away from where I was then. But I just had my second daughter almost 8 months ago.. my stomach is no…
  • It's 30 DAYS!!!!!!!!!! Not all 3 levels in 10 days. Your body can't handle that! You start with level one for 10 day, then level 2 for 10 and so on. Don't over do it! It's a great routine and it works wonders. It's considered a circut training workout. Each level is about 23-25 minutes long! Hope that's helpful! Good luck!
  • I have a condition that makes me sweat all the time even if it's 20 below out. But I have noticed with the humidity even if I'm working out inside I tend to sweat even more. And yes even my ears too! :wink:
  • Hello! I would like to tell you that there is nothing you can't do after having a baby that you could do before!!! As in weight loss, I had always been overweight my adult life. Before I got pregnant with my 1st I was 210. The day I had her 250. After that I decided enough was enough. With in 18 months I was down to 145…
    in Babies! Comment by Ahendon824 July 2011
  • Do whatever works for you!! That's the only way you will accomplish anything! Good luck!
  • Hello! Good for you on making it so far!! You are doing wonderful! MFP is a great thing. I have been doing this since January and am in love with this site. I am sure you will be too! Good luck on your continuing journey!
    in Day 4... Comment by Ahendon824 July 2011
  • Just like others have put, its 25 minutes but the calories will adjust for you and your body type.
  • Sounds wonderful!! Thanks for the idea!
  • Love the idea of a bracelet! That's a good one to live by. I don't have a favorite motto but I try to think of one possitve or good thing in the morning and concentrate on that. Instead of seeing the negative I can think of my positve thought and keep going!
  • You're weight can fluctuate a lot throughout the day! If you have to use the bathroom, just ate, etc, can change the number on the scale! I have heard you can see a difference of 5 or more pounds. Usually the best time to weigh yourself is in the morning. I have to admit I weigh myself more than once a day on occassions!…
  • I don't think it really matters. I have heard that it is better to have one after a workout because your muscles use protein to burn fat. I think it's what works best for you! Good luck!!
  • Welcome! I love this site and I am sure you will too. You can find great motivation from others here! And it's nice to see another Michigander! Though I have not lived there in a few years (My husband is in the Army,) I am always excited to hear from others from my home state!!! Good luck on your weight loss journey!
  • Usually something that is going to hold you over! Don't work out on an empty stomach you will not get the results you want and it's so bad for your body. I usually grab a granola bar. (good ones like kashi.) or even a handful of almonds. Something with a little protein. And the same when you get done with your work out and…
  • Hello Holly! Welcome to MFP! LOVE this site! I have been on here for 2 months and it is great! Good luck with your weight loss journey!!
  • Michelle I did it a couple weeks ago. You have been walking and exercising so you are gaining muscle. You are still losing weight!! Don't get discouraged at all!! Keep on doing what you're doing. Your hard work will pay off!!!
  • Good for you for sticking to your guns and ordering what you know is good for you! People who have not tried to lose weight or think they have tried and gave up before they even had a chance have an even harder time understanding what we are going through! It's easier for them to be jealous than to use words of…
  • Congrats on being a newly wed!! I am also an Army wife. Stay strong during this time. When my hubby was deployed over a year ago. I reached my goal and was the smallest, healthiest I have ever been. (3 months after he got back we decided it was time for another baby!) So now the battle of baby weight! Good luck to you!…
  • I will be your friend! I'm working on 45lbs right now after having a baby. Lost 10 so far just by using this site and great friends who have motivated me! Good luck to you!
  • Hello, I agree with you completely! All the support you can get is well worth it! And giving the same support is a great boost too!!
  • I am in the same boat! I have a 2 month old and a 3 year old. In my I have my fathers wedding to attend and also the end of summer my high school reunion. Good luck to you!!