denannedw Member


  • I bought the 10 min solutions dvd's one was knock out and another for kettlebell training, You can mix up the ten mins and make your own exercise to keep yourself motivated. They are really good and not that expensive :) I love the knock out one really burns off calories. The kettle bell dvd is really good to add ten mins…
  • Wow I did 20mins of new dvd which has 5 ten min session.can see this being a real benefit to my weight loss.
  • well my kettlebells arrived yesterday.. just waiting for the dvd... did a few sets with them seems like a lot of people are using them now a days. Ordered a ten minute workout with kettlebells, has anyone used this dvd?
  • thank you all will have a look into these :smile:
  • oh cool will have a look into that :):smile:
  • Hi dont be discouraged... your more than likely building up muscle and losing fat. Muscle weighs more than fat. Have a look at how your clothes are fitting that will be a good indication of the changes you are making. I had the same issue when I looked at my fat content had gone down but my weight hadnt. My clothes are…
  • You could try palmers coco butter cream, I use this and its brilliant and smells really good. Also a lot cheaper than bio oil. Well done on the weight loss
  • be careful with fish oil tablets they can give some strange side affects.... look up on the web I took them for two days and gave up they caused me more problems than good:embarassed:
  • I would definately saying swimming when I hurt my back it was the best thing as you dont put any pressure on it. If you want to do any biking I would suggest a rucumbent bike where your in a sitting position, this will make your back more comfortable. You could try basic yoga also but I would suggest possibly a sports…