

  • Hi! I've been with MFP for a couple years now and was first introduced to it through a friend of mine on facebook. I loved the site and have told a lot of people about it! As long as I am diligent about exercising and logging everything I put in my mouth, I do very well. I have a problem with disciplining myself to stay…
  • None of us got here overnight, so a weight loss pill is not going to make us slim overnight either. I believe you need to address the core reasons you are overweight, and the rest will happen naturally. When you stop eating because you are bored, tired, in need of comfort, or simply because it's there, then you have…
  • I'm going with runner on this one. I also believe that whey protein powder with juice is a great combo. I put mine in OJ and it tastes really great!
  • thanks guys! I will just add it in the cardio part.:bigsmile:
  • Hey everybody! My name is Julie aka butifulmom, and I have restarted my exercise regimen. I don't know how many of you are familiar with BeachBody, but that is the company..I guess? that I get all my w/o DVD's from. I have a whole library and just need to stay motivated to use them! I have Turbo Jam, Power90, Power Half…
  • Hey Mande, My name is Julie...butifulmom...I have P90 but am working on a different program right now. I would love to work out with you though. Are you signed up on the wowy website? Work Out With You. Let me know if you want to get on that website. I can add you as a success buddy, and we can work out together, or at the…