

  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Hi everyone!

    So I went out for a 1/2 hour walk a little while ago. I must say that it was very refreshing and felt really nice having the sun on my face. The sun is shining out here in Ontario, Canada and not a breath of wind in the air. With everyone at work (except for me) my walk around my neighborhood was very quiet. Except for the crunch of the snow under my boots.

    I took advantage of this time to think about how I want to do my workout routine. I find that I keep changing my mind on what I want to do. I know that "the experts" all say to do at least 30 minutes of cardio every day. So, bearing that in mind I think I will alternate between the treadmill and the stationary bike early each morning and then take 20 minutes to stretch and tone by doing yoga. I actually LOVE yoga. I find that it really helps to relieve stress as well as stretch out my warmed up muscles. On the weekends I think I will push myself to do an outdoor activity, my choice, that way I think it will be more fun than torture. I already love to go for walks and I do have snowshoes. There is always the driveway to shovel too (oh joy)

    I would love to hear what some of you ladies are doing to keep things interesting. I'm always open to options.

    Have a healthy and happy day!
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Just a quick post to say I am finally making it back to the "land of the living".

    Trying to log my food but haven't got back to exercising yet. I went out to the grocery store for a few things and forgot the temperature extremes were likely to set off a coughing fit.

    I made Turkey Con Chili for lunch. Spicy hot things are what I am craving. Served with brown rice and I'll fix a salad.

    well I hope things are going better for everyone else.

    Again Hi to all the new people!

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    It was a bit like pulling teeth, but I finally got it in gear and exercised.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I was planning to go swimming in an hour, but having a hard time talking myself into going back out into the bitter cold. We'll see which side of me wins, the want to get healthy side or the freezing to death side. Or maybe they can reach a compromise! :)
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    I was planning to go swimming in an hour, but having a hard time talking myself into going back out into the bitter cold. We'll see which side of me wins, the want to get healthy side or the freezing to death side. Or maybe they can reach a compromise! :)

    Im definitely having the same issue, so i thought instead of going to gym i would do some exercising with my kettlenetics program that i got months ago but told myself i was too busy to do..this looks like fun and seems doable ..ill fyi everyone after i use it a few times.:smile:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I was planning to go swimming in an hour, but having a hard time talking myself into going back out into the bitter cold. We'll see which side of me wins, the want to get healthy side or the freezing to death side. Or maybe they can reach a compromise! :)

    Thanks you guys! I know, you didn't say a word, but just because I knew that you were all there for me, and I would have to report back to you, after posting this I was able to strike down freezing to death woman, and want to get healthy woman won the day! I worked out on my Wii fit for 30 minutes, and then went and swam 1/3 of a mile in 30 minutes. Woo hoo! Here's to smart choices!

    I will say that I didn't get my hair quite dry after my shower, and some of it froze on the way to the car! :wink:
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    I was planning to go swimming in an hour, but having a hard time talking myself into going back out into the bitter cold. We'll see which side of me wins, the want to get healthy side or the freezing to death side. Or maybe they can reach a compromise! :)

    Thanks you guys! I know, you didn't say a word, but just because I knew that you were all there for me, and I would have to report back to you, after posting this I was able to strike down freezing to death woman, and want to get healthy woman won the day! I worked out on my Wii fit for 30 minutes, and then went and swam 1/3 of a mile in 30 minutes. Woo hoo! Here's to smart choices!

    I will say that I didn't get my hair quite dry after my shower, and some of it froze on the way to the car! :wink:

    Woohoo msh! Good Job! Swimming is awesome exercise! Kettlenetics was fun too Woosh! What a workout:heart:
  • weebles
    weebles Posts: 50
    So HELLO to everyone! I have joined MFP for the first time a couple days ago. Just snooping around and trying to figure things out. I am 51 and totally understand the problems with thyroids, menopause, etc. I think these things are definately something we all could do without! :ohwell:

    I have been planning my strategy for getting healthy for the last month and hope that together we can all reach our goals. I believe this forum is going to be good for me and help with motivation and support.

    I look forward to chatting with all of you and have a blessed evening! :smile:
  • butifulmom
    Hey everybody! My name is Julie aka butifulmom, and I have restarted my exercise regimen. I don't know how many of you are familiar with BeachBody, but that is the company..I guess? that I get all my w/o DVD's from. I have a whole library and just need to stay motivated to use them! I have Turbo Jam, Power90, Power Half Hour, the Master Series, Hip Hop Abs, Yoga Booty Ballet, Slim in 6.....you name it, I got it! Now if I can just use them, I will be doing great!
    On another thread, a woman told us that we needed to make S.M.A.R.T. goals. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely goals. I really thought that was such a great post, and have since tried to incorporate it into my lifetime goals.
    Here's hoping that you all have a really great week, and I'll see you all later!

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Weebles and Julie - Welcome! We're glad that you found us! We love to have new members, and we look forward to getting to know you. Just remember, you can do this, and we are here for you!
  • firetuck
    firetuck Posts: 87 Member
    Welcome to all the new names and faces! You're going to love this place -everybody is really supportive and we all seem to be going through the same things.
    Winter has me going crazy. More snow - below zero windchills. I think I'm getting to old for this. On the upside - shoveling out the end of the drive after the snowplows fill it up with hard icy snow is a great work out for abs and shoulders! Got me warmed up enough to come in and do my 30 Day Shred video and burn off some stress from the weather. Salmon and sweet potato for supper. At least I know I'm going to sleep well tonight after all the extra effort I put in today! Hope you all are having a good day with your goals! I'm going to go start my second book for the month....
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening ladies, another stressful day.:huh: I was pretty good though, my comfort food was a half a peanutbutter and jelly sanwhich with a half cup of coffee.:smile: Only went over calories by 23. :bigsmile: Didn't actually exercise but I think moving 5 cases of copy paper and 2 cases of legal size paper from the laundry area at work to the business supply closet (about 10 feet) and then lifting them up to stack them, probably burned a few calories.:happy: I know I was sweating and panting by the time I was done.:bigsmile: Friday is weigh in day. :glasses: Hope everyone has a wonderful day tomorrow. TGIF :heart: Love (((Hugs))) and Prayers, Rose
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone and welcome to weebles and Julie :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: . you will love it here!

    I did well today and have been really downing the water. It really does help!:happy:

    We had a little sunshine today ( feel bad for all of you in the snow and ice--we"ve only had a couple of days of that so far) so I got out and FINALLY got the last of the dead icky stuff out of the front garden.:tongue:

    I hope I get called back to work soon--I am SO tired of not working! Supposed to be back by the end of the month. I guess I'll have to tweak my workout schedule but I won't know my hours til I get called back.:ohwell:

    Have a good night everyone!

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone and a big WELCOME to everyone new!

    The sun never came out today and since it's sunny 70% of the time here, it made for a gloomy day.

    One of my coworkers gave me a case of water for a Christmas present. While it may seem like a strange present, it's not. He's a guy and he's heard me talking about how I don't drink enough water and he thought it would get me started right for 2010. It was quite the laugh at work. Those that know us think it's sweet, those that don't thought it was a strange present. I'm not quite drinking a bottle a day, but that's 2 cups more than I would otherwise.

    I did 45 minutes on my Wii today and managed to walk outside for 5 minutes before the wind sent us running indoors. It's been in single digits for weeks now. Hopefully, it will get up to freezing by Saturday.

    Here's hoping we all make good choices the rest of the day and tomorrow!

  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    WellI made it for 2 days now and did good didn't go over on my calories and did my exercises. I know that 2 days isn't much but it's a start. I just have to stay with it, and I find something to do in the other room when my nephew is eating his sweet snacks. He is 12 but he is under weight so he eats 4 meals and 2 snacks a day trying to fatten him up maybe he will get some of my weight he needs it. Thanks for listining GOOD NIGHT
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :drinker: Welcome Weebles and Julie :drinker: Isn't it good to find a website and then a message board where people don't mind you talking about your weight loss or gain, your fitness and all the other things that matter to us?

    :wink: I've been staying under my calorie count and going to the gym every day, alternating between cardio and strength training. I've been losing some weight but won't update my ticker until my weekly weigh-in until Saturday.

    :laugh: The gloves are off now. I am serious about slimming down.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member

    One of my coworkers gave me a case of water for a Christmas present. While it may seem like a strange present, it's not. He's a guy and he's heard me talking about how I don't drink enough water and he thought it would get me started right for 2010. It was quite the laugh at work. Those that know us think it's sweet, those that don't thought it was a strange present. I'm not quite drinking a bottle a day, but that's 2 cups more than I would otherwise.

    This is a wonderful story. Jeannie, you are so fortunate to have such a thoughtful co-worker:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    We have been running around in circles all day, but I danced this morning and then got serious with all the tasks. The cats and dogs are safely settled in their respective "pet motels" and the suitcases are packed except for the last minute stuff that will go in tomorrow. We've packed the blender and our Isagenix shake ingredients and apples and cereal and almond milk so we'll be able to fix some of our meals in our room to balance the restaurant meals. We'll be taking the laptop so I hope I'll be able to post my meals and keep in touch with you. The hotel has a fitness room and I plan to make use of it. And I'm so looking forward to our Saturday dinner and meeting with Barb. I'm bringing my camera so I can get a picture of us together to share with you.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Good night to all of you, my great friends who encourage me and listen to me. Thank you for all you've added to my life. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs:heart::heart: :heart: Barbie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Just a quick post in case you get on here before you leave on Friday, I sent you a message on your gmail account, so I wanted to be sure you saw it.

    Hello to Everyone!!

    I am tired and not able to spend any time posting tonight. Welcome to anyone who is new. Best wishes to all facing adversity.

    A quick update on Bradley aka my "Yorkshire Terror." He managed to stay out of trouble for two days in a row, but the 3rd time is NOT the charm. I came home to discover he found a package of peanut butter crackers. I can't figure out where they came from, as I didn't realize I had any left, but anyway, he managed to open them and eat about 8 of them. Needless to say, he wasn't interested in dog food for dinner!!:laugh: :laugh: Now he is sleeping like a log.:yawn: --which is what I need to do.

    His two "co-conspirators" must have helped him consume his "booty" as no one had eaten since I got home from work.

    If I am not on here tomorrow, it will probably be Sunday before I have a chance to post again, as Saturday will be a long day, capped off by meeting Barbie and her hubby, Jake, for dinner in the evening.

    So long for now.

  • weebles
    weebles Posts: 50
    Good Morning! I believe I have found the motivation deep in my heart that will ensure my success on a healthy lifestyle. So now I am asking for your help.

    I need suggestions as to the best protein supplements for women. I will be adding this to my morning shakes. I also add flax to the shakes, but am wondering how much I should be adding. I am learning what I want to do, just need help figuring what product and how much so I don't overload. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! :bigsmile:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Weebles, I use Kroger brand whey protein powder. Mexico is a wonderful motivation !:laugh:

    Is there anyone else out there who, like me, can not exercise on their own? I have to be in a structured class and have someone lead me. I didn't get to class on Tuesday or Wednesday because one of my daughers was sick. Then, yesterday we get all this snow and the YMCA cancelled all the classes. I don't have any scheduled for tonight so that means that I exercised once this week. I do walk about three to five miles a day while at work but much more is needed.