Pills for Fat/Weight Loss

Does anyone have any tips on choosing and using fat/weight loss pills? Are there any anyone would recommend? I've been thinking about trying the Slimquick Extreme as it has gotten great results (as posted by reviewers of the product on gnc.com).


  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    i honestly dont think any of the fat/weight loss pill is worth anything... since it will just make you gain ten times more. like it always have for me...
  • sendmoretigers
    if there was a magic pill that worked do you think there would be so many people on this web site?
  • butifulmom
    None of us got here overnight, so a weight loss pill is not going to make us slim overnight either. I believe you need to address the core reasons you are overweight, and the rest will happen naturally. When you stop eating because you are bored, tired, in need of comfort, or simply because it's there, then you have started on the true journey. I love food, and it shows! I am working on changing my outlook towards food...trying to see it just as fuel and not as something to make me feel better. It's not easy, but it is rewarding!
  • Lusadi
    Lusadi Posts: 79
    Yes! Because we all love exercise! Right? Anyone?
  • rskidmore
    rskidmore Posts: 212
    I was just hoping for something to jumpstart my weight loss instead of something long term. My problem at the moment is staying with it, however I feel if I see some results in the next month or so with the help of something then I could keep going and drop the pill you know? I've lost weight before but it's never been as hard as it is right now and I need a push.
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    I was just hoping for something to jumpstart my weight loss instead of something long term. My problem at the moment is staying with it, however I feel if I see some results in the next month or so with the help of something then I could keep going and drop the pill you know? I've lost weight before but it's never been as hard as it is right now and I need a push.

    need a push or a jump start would be better if you work out more, well at least more intense. maybe you should try a cleansing. pills wont do good as i said before. even if it is a jump start. it can be great at first then when you go off of it ... your body is like im missing something regardless if it is long term or short terms.
  • sendmoretigers
    I was just hoping for something to jumpstart my weight loss instead of something long term. My problem at the moment is staying with it, however I feel if I see some results in the next month or so with the help of something then I could keep going and drop the pill you know? I've lost weight before but it's never been as hard as it is right now and I need a push.

    i know it's hard to make progress but all i hear from you above is "i want to take a short cut and then, if the short cut works, of course i'll take the hard way after that. why would i continue with the short cut after getting quick results using it?" a healthy lifestyle can be a total upheaval of your old habits and the thing with diet pills is that, as some others here have already mentioned, they promise you a change in your life without you actually having to make any changes in your life. does that make any sense at all? i don't want to come across like a jerk but whenever someone offers something for nothing, in this case losing weight by taking a pill rather than exercising and good diet, it is a scam, generally designed to separate you from your money. weight is a huge issue for a lot of people(translation: an eager market desperate for a quick fix) and the "health industry" is more than happy to supply a wide variety of products to help people meet their goals, but not people like you and me meet our weight loss goals, people who sell weight loss products meet their profit margin goals.
  • rskidmore
    rskidmore Posts: 212
    I have decided to try Slimquick Extreme. I have heard fantastic reviews about this product from not only people online but also friends. I'm not stupid, I will be changing my eating and exercising habits (I have already changed a lot of them and I'm really enjoying the changes), but at this point I need to see results as I've only been able to lose four pounds since joining in January. I'm struggling and I need help. I graduate at the end of August and my program has a gala and I would like to be able to wear a dress to the event and feel comfortable in it. I don't need to explain myself, my decisions are my decisions, but I am doing this with the intention of changing my habits for the long term. I know I can maintain once I've gotten to my goal (because I've done it before and the only reason I gained the weight I carry now is because I moved out and to a different province four years ago and gained college weight because I didn't have a gym to go to and we were required to have a campus meal card in my residence) so I'm focussing on getting to my goal and maintaining it by slowly adjusting back to not needing "help". If you don't agree that's fine, but I posted this looking for support, not criticism.
  • eliz405
    eliz405 Posts: 9
    I have tried many products that were supposed to curb my appetite. They didn't really work. Besides that the problem for me was the choices of what I ate and how much of it. I didn't really have a plan or strategy. I still ate way more than I was supposed at a sitting.

    What has worked for me though is Alli. I've lost 15 pounds since January. I have learned to eat more healthy, smaller portions and low fat. I am tapering off the pills and i'm still losing. As long as I continue using the tools I have learned i will keep on losing even when I no longer take them.
    As far as side effects, Haven't really had any. There are pleantly of lowfat meals and snack that are good, and satisfying. I have not been deprived of anything and if I'm going to have icecream then I plan for it.

    I hope this helps. I know that many frown on using supliments, they have only shared there opinion. take what you want and leave the rest. No worries.:flowerforyou:
  • rskidmore
    rskidmore Posts: 212
    Thanks for your positive comment, what you're doing is exactly what I'm planning on doing. I have looked into Alli, and if Slimquick Extreme doesn't give the results I'd like I may try it. :)
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    ahhh I know alot of people don't like the thought of weightloss pills, but some people do....even if it really isnt the pill i know it used to keep me focused and helped me stay on track for quite some time with my regimen...I used to take hydroxycut and always got good results...but it was mostly from the exercise and eating right.....the only thing the pills helped me with was to stay on schedule and keep a routine :smile: hope it all works out for u
  • freequest
    as far as i understand it they are moslty supposed to stop you craving snacks that can ruin you diet i use something from golden glow called fat blitz and its has helped me control my craving for foods i should not eat ... i also put in 30+ mins of exercise a day and eat regular meals ...

    weight loss pills should not be a substitute for a healthy diet and exercise.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I use Super Dieter's tea with lemon in it. I have one cup after dinner. It doesn't curb your appetite or anything. It just works as a cleanse to help out when you change the way you eat. It does make you feel a little weird at first but it helps as your body gets used to eating better.