massivediet Member


  • I am 15 pounds heavier than last year. Oops! But thanks for giving me the motivation to check that and be exact, I noticed that I didn't put most of it on over the holidays but gained more or less steadily. Let this year be different!
  • Maybe? I feel a little more assertive. I noticed that i used to be apologetic about my body, like if I had to move past people in a crowd or at the movies, I would look down and have a fact like "I'm sorry." Now I just strut wherever I want and don't even mind too much if I bump into someone. I also think I used to say yes…
  • I have heard that, at a healthy weight and body fat percentage, there is a lot less difference between a pear, apple, and hourglass than there is at an elevated weight. The second lady from The Biggest Loser started out as a definite apple, but at goal weight it would be hard to classify her as one more than another of the…
  • You are carrying your current weight well--great legs!--and I would have thought you weighed less. Imagine how great you will look and feel at goal weight!
  • It is awesome that you're already able to walk so much! I am 170 pounds and if I walked that much and ate 2600 calories, I would just about maintain my current weight (of course, that is with being active rather than sedentary the rest of the day). I imagine that for you, the calorie deficit is great and will have you…
  • 39 here, and I am smaller and in better shape than at any point in my adult life. I am hoping to be at goal weight by the time I turn 40. I dieted in my teens and twenties and, contrary to what some have experienced, I find it easier now.
  • Regardless of what other people's experiences are, it sounds like you do have a problem with the amount of diet soda you are drinking, so why not try cutting the amount or quitting cold turkey? You should give it a chance to work by committing to a few weeks and having substitutes on hand, maybe iced tea or coffee at least…
  • About 6 months ago, I was my smallest ever as an adult. Down from a high of size 18, I wore a certain pair of size 8 skinny jeans as my regular jeans. Things happened and I put on somewhere between 8-13 pounds. All the other new clothes fit OK, but those jeans really refused. Today I put those jeans on again : )
  • You can see a huge difference, and you look great, especially in the torso. I weigh a lot less than you do right now (about 25 pounds) and my midsection does not look half that good!
  • Fairly quickly (3 months?) mine went from being dark marks to now being texture rather than color. That is somethingI I used tons of Palmer's Cocoa Butter and also tried to stay as well hydrated as possible because that was the advice I saw repeated over and over. I have also heard that regaining and re losing weight will…
  • Chili with peanut butter is excellent and can be made in a vegetarian form too. People generally do not detect the peanut butter, if the goal here is to have people guessing, but it makes for a richer overall flavor. There are many recipes online, but if you have a good chili recipe, I think it would be safe to just add…
  • This morning for breakfast I had a filling breakfast of fried eggs with the rest of the plate filled with sauteed mushrooms and strips of sirloin steak, tomatoes, and a little shredded cheese. I think that would have been just as good without the eggs. If you can have potatoes, a scramble made with a few of those and a lot…
  • I agree it might not be necessary to use recipes. Are you cooking healthy meals for your family, or are you preparing food for yourself alone? (either no one else to cook for or they want something you are not eating). I am the only one "on a diet" at my house. I get my meal ideas from Mexican restaurants, where everything…
  • I like a soft-serve cone for 250 calories, a really good cookie for 200, or dark chocolates A banana smoothie with cocoa or both cocoa and protein powder is pretty sweet and can be a quick meal. Strawberries and greek yogurt smoothie, and so on.
  • I am also 5' 5" and my goal weight is anything under 150 (high normal according to BMI charts). "Thin" is relative. I am walking around now at 172, wearing a size 8 or 10, and I feel pretty thin everywhere but the gym because many of the people I see around town are so much more overweight than I am. I imagine at 150 I…
  • I definitely suffer with this problem too! Here are a few things that have helped me: *Try upping your protein goal to 30% or above, if it is not already there. Some find that high-protein foods keep them feeling full longer. *Be looking for ways to fill up on very low calorie vegetables. Before a meal, eat a very plain…
  • Oh--as for when you should see results--it depends on what you mean by results. I lost some inches from doing each of the 30 day sequences along with diet, but the best results to me were the strength and endurance gains. You will probably feel noticeably stronger by the end of week 2. It's awesome when you know you can…
  • I have done 30DS and Ripped in 30 along with some other Jillian videos. It takes 4-5 days for me to stop aching after I have re-introduced the videos to my routine. If you can, do some light exercise such as walking after the video, rather than stopping cold, and try having a protein shake right after (a Midol or two would…
  • The weighing and measuring will probably help a lot. More intense exercise, in addition to the walking, might also help. If you are not able to do more intense exercise, can you walk more than 30 minutes each day?
  • I think that if you eat that little, you will be even less likely to exercise and will also set yourself up for some binges later on. Eat plenty and keep your energy level up for exercise, and the weight loss will happen.
  • Congratulations. I think you look great! I have always heard that it is safer to get 5 lb below your goal as you will gain some when you try to start maintaining. Maybe it would be a good idea to stay on a deficit but a smaller one for a few weeks to ease into maintenance.
  • I have a hard time doing anything intense, but sustained light activity is always good! According to the fitbit, I burned 560 extra calories yesterday just doing house and yard work. To get a number like that, you have to be on your feet most of the day, but you don't have to strain anything.
  • I was once 225 pounds at 5'5". I don't know if that was morbid or not, but definitely well into the obese category. I am 168-170 now and slowly getting to a Healthy BMI (anything under 150). I know it's different for everybody, but what worked for me was not small steps, easing myself in. I tried small steps like cutting…
  • When you're that light, it's hard to burn a lot of calories. What kind of cardio are you doing? If it's easy for you, could you try something harder to burn more calories? A circuit training video would be good. I use Jillian Michaels, but or Beachbody videos are recommended a lot here too. Ab exercises…
  • If you like a thick burger, you can mix the hamburger mead with finely chopped mushrooms (and onions and bell pepper if you like them--I don't). This will bulk up the size and still taste great. What I do is make a smaller, thinner patty and then sautee mushrooms to put on top--again, to bulk it up with few added calories.…
  • 2% or nonfat cottage cheese and greek yogurt are great protein sources that fill you up without a lot of calories, so I would definitely add in some dairy if you don't have any outside (ethical, allergy) reasons for cutting it. The stop early and take an hour walk advice is also great, as it will burn some calories as well…
  • There are scholarly journal articles on how macronutrient ratios affect weight loss in databases such as Medline. Have you searched your library databases or just the open web?
  • Hi! I'll bet I have a lot of twins out there. I am 39, 5'5" HW 225 SW 210 CW 170 GW 150 I exercise as much as I can, walking and circuit training DVDs mostly, usually an hour or more 3-4 times a week, but I am not averse to going a week without exercise. I have been maintaining for a while rather than losing but am…
  • I feel the way you do sometimes. I lost a total of about 60 pounds, 15 of them before starting MFP, and I have about 20 pounds to go, and in some ways I am less comfortable with my body, mainly because of the boob issue and some loose skin. I feel happy and confident with the way I am dressing, though, and the compliments…
  • Thank you for reposting. This actually made me cry! What an inspiration.