VicBurrows1 Member


  • Hey, I just started on here yesterday. 3st ish to lose so got a long journey ahead of me. All friends welcome :smile:
  • My daily exercise will be going out for a 25-30 min run/jog/walk this evening. What are you doing to move more?
  • Day 1 today!!! I have organised my food for the day so there are no surprises and I have booked in the exercise to be done (gardening and a walk) I am going to go out for a run now - it won't be long as I am just starting but everyone has to start somewhere right? Good luck everyone. x
  • Hi, Well done Jane, that is an inspiring loss. I have just joined too and it is lovely to be able to talk "stones" I am from West Yorkshire, currently weigh 14st 8lbs and as I am 5ft 11in I am realistically looking at 11st as my target weight. Anything lower than that and I think I may look ill. Haven't been there since I…
  • I am in, I weight 204 now and plan to be 196 (2lbs per week) by the end of April. We are similar in weight, how tall are you? I am 32, 5ft 11in. Fancy buddying?
  • Boredom is my trigger, keep me busy and I don't eat, give me an evening like tonight and I am trying to resist scarfing down all the kdis easter eggs!
  • Hiya, I would love a twin. Female 32 5' 11' SW 209 CW 204 GW 154
  • Sounds like fun, count me in. I am new to this so I have never done a challenge before but anything that will help keep me on track is a winner in my book.
  • Thats an amazing transformation and one I hope I can follow!
  • I would use it, be careful if you decide to put it in the dishwasher though as it may melt, it gets pretty hot in there! I melted the kids drinking bottles, lol.