over eating triggers...

Dexy24 Posts: 62 Member
I over ate the last 2 days and I'm not sure what triggered it..... what are somethings that trigger you to over eat?


  • GangstaMa
    GangstaMa Posts: 39
    When I think about "being on a diet" or the thought " I need to lose weight" ... being negative i guess... I tend to over eat quite often :(
  • jdyer90
    jdyer90 Posts: 15 Member
    That time of the month... If I don't eat a "full" meal I will snack all day until the next meal... I wasn't thinking and brought home made chicken noodle soup to work for lunch, I was full after I ate it but then an hour later I peed it all out and was starving again! I can get away with soup any other time but I guess I learned my lession, I ended up eating 3 special-K bars..... Needless to say I trucked my butt around 4 miles last night..
  • sweetNsassy2584
    sweetNsassy2584 Posts: 515 Member
    If you eat small meals every few hours it will keep the hunger under control. Make sure to eat plenty of protein because you will stay full for longer.
  • Lauramh31
    Lauramh31 Posts: 95 Member
    Being stressed! Also just seeing sweets - makes me start craving them and makes it hard to resist. It's best for me when I don't have any at my house- out of sight out of mind (sort of). I really hate when the secretaries here have candy sitting out in bowls that I have to walk by. I just try not to look so I won't get tempted :) Sometimes it's also hard not to mindlessly snack if I'm bored and hanging out on the couch catching up on my DVR... I try to keep busy, even just reading a magazine and then it's a win win - I'm active AND eating less!
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Low blood sugar. I'm type I diabetic (have been since I was 15 years old)

    I over ate last night (I would have been over 500 calories under for the day-and NOT starving myself), but my sugar crashed right before bedtime and I am so serious...ANYTHING...EVERYTHING...I have to eat it all.

    Especially peanut butter. Which makes NO sense, since it would not help at all with bringing my sugar back up...

    I remember once after a REALLY bad low, I almost blacked out. When I finally came to my senses, I had an open jar of Peanut butter and open jar of Nutella...and a spoon.

    Ooooh...the shame.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,307 Member
    Some foods are triggers...sugary things, peanuts, breads.

    Or not eating enough in general. If you have set too large a calorie deficit, after a few days you are going to over eat by a lot. Your body has a rock in its glove. It's going to fight you and usually win when you try to under eat for too long.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Wheat gets me. I can do just fine until I have a sandwich, or toast, or any other wheat based product.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,307 Member
    So I looked at your food for the last five days. You were only over your goal on one of those days. And really I think your calories are set a little low.

    At age 24, with an active job and only 22 ish pounds to lose, I think you should be eating more than 1600 calories.

    To figure you needs, go here:




    The other thing I noticed is in the last five days you've had three servings of vegetables. Lots of sugary foods - which are allowed, but they are pretty useless for nutrition. Eat some more vegetables and more lean protein. Eat less cookies and stuff like that. When you are eating to lose weight, you need to pay close attention to your nutrition. Your body needs all the stuff it gets from vegetables. Make it a plan to add them to two meals a day for a week.
  • mrau719
    mrau719 Posts: 288 Member
    Not eating enough--depriving myself.
  • sac4fd
    sac4fd Posts: 41 Member

    Especially peanut butter. Which makes NO sense, since it would not help at all with bringing my sugar back up...

    This is me too!! Peanut butter gets me every time, which is a shame since it is so delicious.

    Sugar does this to me as well. It's hard for me to have just one candy or dessert portion.
  • If I wait too long before eating it's pretty bad, and I can't really get by with snacks or 'small' meals. I have to get a decent-sized amount of food at pretty consistent intervals or I have a hard time staying in control. Also if I eat junk food--I can do fast food all day long and stay under my cals, but if I go for chips/cookies/candy I end up finishing the bag.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    3-letter acronyms seem trigger me to overeat. Primarily PMS and TOM.
  • VicBurrows1
    VicBurrows1 Posts: 11 Member
    Boredom is my trigger, keep me busy and I don't eat, give me an evening like tonight and I am trying to resist scarfing down all the kdis easter eggs!
  • divemunkey
    divemunkey Posts: 288 Member
    Grain makes me binge. That's why I try to avoid it.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Grains/Starchy carbs make me crave more of the same. I find if I don't have enough fat in my diet, I am super cranky and hungry.
  • EOHerrera
    EOHerrera Posts: 45
    Emotions triggered at certain times of the year that mark significant events - such as the loss of a sibling/parent/loved one. I have been eating like a crazy Pac-Man the last two days and I feel pretty certain it's because this time last year I didn't know that I was spending the last two weeks with my mom before she passed away - just two months after I had lost my only sibling. So I find my thoughts and emotions are centered on the events of last year and I think I'm seeking "comfort" in food(s).

    I guess what I'd like to know is if others have this same problem what it is that they do instead of turning to food?
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Emotions triggered at certain times of the year that mark significant events - such as the loss of a sibling/parent/loved one. I have been eating like a crazy Pac-Man the last two days and I feel pretty certain it's because this time last year I didn't know that I was spending the last two weeks with my mom before she passed away - just two months after I had lost my only sibling. So I find my thoughts and emotions are centered on the events of last year and I think I'm seeking "comfort" in food(s).

    I guess what I'd like to know is if others have this same problem what it is that they do instead of turning to food?

    I look to turn to food when I'm upset as well, but I call myself out on it, now that I realize what I'm doing. It's up to you whether you give in, and we all know we feel like crap after (usually physically AND emotionally) so I've been pretty good about NOT doing that. I think finding another outlet is a good coping skill; exercise, art, reading something inspirational, anything that will distract! xxx
  • JessiBelleW
    JessiBelleW Posts: 831 Member
    Not enough sleep .... when I am tired I just want to eat a bunch of bread

    Thinking about a food too much -> ie really wanting something thats a little fat filled/ sugar filled than I would like -I should just eat a tiny piece and enjoy it.

    Some foods used to set me off - potatoes with butter on the top. Now that I am eating a ton less crap its more manageable (I ate a slice of cake last night and didn't want more) but I haven't been brave enough to try potatoes with butter yet!
  • MommaChocoLatte
    MommaChocoLatte Posts: 389 Member
    Boredom, stress, and hormones.
  • GingerBiscuit_19
    GingerBiscuit_19 Posts: 75 Member
    I always crave stodgy or buttery stuff after 8pm, which is really annoying. I could have a fantastic day, then go over by eating toast. ..