tara9blur Member


  • Hi Melissa, how did The Babywearing Workout work for you? I am starting the June challenge soon! Tara
  • I've got Core 20 + Stretch 40 tomorrow - I'll be thinking of you! Believe it or not, downward dog will eventually feel like a resting pose!!! :)
  • LaChinaDoll - maybe put your hair in a high bun, so at least that's not bugging you? Take the moves slowly, and remember to BREATHE. If you need to pause and go to your knees, do it. When you're ready, go back into whatever pose Chalene has moved on to. Give it time, it will get better... :)
  • I think I'm also not doing the standing crunches correctly - feels like nothing. But a couple days later, I definitely feel it in my core, so I must be doing something right! I also disliked Stretch 40 at first, mainly because the standing splits move made me feel like I was dying. But I've gotten much better at it, and…
  • Rach, you look incredible!!! What a huge difference! Check out your awesome abs, too! Way to go - what an inspiration you are... How far in where you in your second set of photos? Seriously, the difference between the second set and third set is awe-inspiring! Congrats!
  • Fire 60 for me today! One more day of week 14 - amazing! Curious minds want to know - do you "shake it" during the warmup when Chalene tells you to "bust your move"? I do not - I'm usually adjusting my undies to avoid turbo wedgie for the rest of the class... :)
  • Hi all! Today should be my rest day, but I think I need the workout so it will be Fire 30 + Upper 30 for me today. I'm in week 13! I was up on the scale today - a combination of bad eating choices this week plus that time of the month. Feeling irritated and defeated. But I'm trying to listen to some good advice I've…
  • I'M BACK! I had to take three days off due to a nasty nasty stomach bug, but I did Fire 30 + Stretch 10 this morning and I feel really good! Definitely low on energy, no jumping and did mostly low-impact, but it was a good start... Tomorrow I'm in WEEK 12!!!!! Cool for many reasons, not least of which is the TWO rest days…
  • That's a great idea, Holly! I definitely want to continue logging exercise, but it is really nice to just glance at MFP and know how many cals I have left without doing a bunch of math! :)
  • That is really useful - thanks! Now I just need to get brave enough to eat like 1,000 more calories per day.... :P
  • I got HIIT 20 and Tone 30 done during naptime today - YES!!! And it was one of those amazing days where you feel incredible, and just kill it through the whole workout. I wish every day was like that.... :)
  • I am almost done with week 10, and I did not do the prep schedule. (I hadn't done much exercise prior to that, just a bit of swimming and Zumba.) Like Holly said, the main thing is learning the moves, which takes a while! Don't let that discourage you. I always like to quote another TF buddy - at the beginning, you pretty…
  • MFP gives me 1200 calories, but between the different calculations (TurboFire booklet, Scooby's, etc), I should be eating between 2,100 and 2,300 calories per day. The thing that confuses me is that if I adjust my calorie goal on MFP based on these equations, then I should NOT eat my calories back, right? Because the…
  • I am wondering if I will wind up going under my calorie goal - when I work out first thing, I know exactly how many calories I've got to work with. It's HIIT 20 + Tone 30 today, so I can probably estimate based on previous burns... I might try to do it during nap time - that's a good idea! Iremi - I know what you mean! My…
  • Happy birthday, Rach!!!!
  • YES - I hate that sound they play during lunges!!! Durzh! Durzh! Durzhdurzhdurzhdurzhdurzh! :P Edit: I meant to quote a post above about the lunge sound haunting someone's sleep - can't do anything right tonight!
  • Fire 55 EZ this morning plus a 2m 15s plank and 175 squats tonight!!! Tomorrow morning hubby leaves for a business trip, and I'm going to try out evening workouts after my toddler is in bed. I'm always afraid I won't get it done if I don't do it first thing, but doing TF with a toddler underfoot is next to impossible! Wish…
  • I love my HRM too! Love the motivation I get from seeing how many calories I've burned! It really helps me keep my nutrition on track, too! I've got the Polar FT4...
  • I was only weighing / doing measurements once a month, per the TF schedule. But after 2 months I didn't see any change, because I was not paying attention to my nutrition. Now that I'm actually counting calories, I'm weighing once per week to keep better track. I will still do measurements once a month... Hope that helps!
    in Weigh In Comment by tara9blur May 2013
  • I started Week 10 today! I had to get up at 5AM to squeeze in my workout before my 2 year old daughter woke up. She's been jet lagged for the past week, which meant I could work out at 6 or 7 AM without a kid hanging on to my legs - sooooo nice. Now she's back on her normal sleep schedule, which means I have to resume my 5…
  • My hubby let me sleep in for Mother's Day - best gift ever! Then he took our 2 year old out while I got my TurboFire on! Today I did Fire 30 + Stretch 10, and tomorrow I officially start week 10. Woo hoo!
  • Tomorrow I start week 10 of TurboFire, and I'm loving it! Always looking for new TF buddies - feel free to add me!
  • I just finished week 9 and I thought the same thing - what the heck, measurements AGAIN? But when I look at the booklet with the measurements and progress photos, it turns out we really don't do it until week 12. So I think the "track your results" on the calendar is a typo... Phew! :)
  • Nice, Rach! I am almost half way through my 31 day squat & plank challenge, and I'm looking forward to finishing up with strong thighs and booty myself!! The planks might kill me though......
  • HIIT 15 and Tone 30 today. I felt like I didn't give it my all in the workout, and I think it's because I didn't eat enough yesterday! I need to do better at planning meals and snacks so I hit the right number of calories!
  • Hi everyone! I just started week 9 - I can't believe it! I have really been enjoying the workouts, but I have not seen a change on the scale or in inches. I blame myself - I have had ZERO focus on my diet so far. AND I've just come home from a 3 week trip visit family overseas. (I kept up with my workouts, but did LOTS of…
  • Okay, I re-did my math, and found that per the two websites quoted above, I should be netting about 2,200 calories per day, with exercise. But, if I understand correctly, as @erinjleslie said, then I should NOT eat back my calories per the MFP site, because they're accounted for in the above calculations. So should I set…
  • Oh my god! Per the first site, I should be eating about 2,300 per day, and the second site says I should eat over 2,700! I have a lot of weight to lose, and my diet has been out of control the last few weeks as I've been in the US visiting family. Next week we head back home, and I am planning to crack down on my diet! I…
  • Ha ha ha ha!!!! I know what you mean!!
  • Rach, I think I know the blonde you mean - I love her too! I call her "the mom," and love that she has a more "normal" body type and is still really kick *kitten*. She's the one with the straight, cropped blonde bob haircut, right?