TayaCurragh Member


  • January Start Weight: 158.4 January Goal Weight: 152 Ultimate Goal Weight: 127 5th: 158.6 9th: 156 16th: 154.5 23rd: 153.8 30th: Didn't do so well this week, was hoping to make 153.8 but was 0.2 off! Had a bad 2 days for personal reasons so at least I know where I went wrong. I'm not going to write off getting to my…
  • The fact that you've quit smoking shows that you are capable of changing a bad habit - you've got this! I'd start by tracking everything, this makes it easier to see where your calories are coming/which meals or snacks are highest, from which you can look to make changes. Baby steps, try not to make too many changes at…
  • I've lost weight and have rarely do 45 minutes of cardio in one go, except for walking. I mostly do 20-30 minute workouts and although health benefits are good, the biggest reason for me is simply so I can eat more calories. If you do want to start adding in cardio, I'd recommend starting off with maybe 20 minutes at a…
  • January Start Weight: 158.4 January Goal Weight: 152 Ultimate Goal Weight: 127 5th: 158.6 9th: 156 16th: 154.5 23rd: 30th: So far January is going well, I might even exceed b=my monthly goal weight!
  • My last meal was a rice and veg bake. Aubergine, corgette, pepper, onion and a tin of chopped tomatoes cooked with spices. Rissoto rice cooked, then mixed with 2 eggs and cheese. Veg goes in casserole dish, topped with the rice and another sprinkle of cheese. So delicious. Adapted from this recipe if anyone is interested…
  • I've got the turquoise one and I love it! I've made maybe 10 of the recipes so far, but I have lowered my meat intake otherwise I would be using it more. The cuban beef and the creamy garlic chicken are my favourites. The lighter dessert recipes using wraps are intriguing but I haven't tried them yet.
  • January Start Weight: 158.4 January Goal Weight: 152 Ultimate Goal Weight: 127 5th: 158.6 9th: 156 16th: 23rd: 30th: Really happy with this result, the Christmas weight is coming off fast! Only 2.4 more pounds to go until I'm back to my 13th Dec weight.
  • Me: 2 LNS: 2 Streak +2 I discovered that because I'm waking up so late and having dinner still at a normal time, it leaves way too many hours after and this is why I'm getting hungry. So I moved up my dinner and seems to have worked :)
  • My favourite is cheesy 90's and 00's pop music - I use a Spotify playlist called 90s/00s school disco and it really takes me back. Some of the songs included: Reach - S Club 7, Wannabe - Spicegirls, Doctor Jones - Aqua, Cotton Eye Joe etc.
  • This is an amazing thread to find new workouts! I've recently discovered emkfit and she does themed workouts. Today I did the high school music one - it was wonderfully cheesy and so much fun! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNVAQEsmurs&list=WL&index=38
  • My mini goal is to get back to my pre-Christmas weight which was 153.4 on 13th December. Due to lockdown restrictions I didn't get to see any family and I turned to food instead. It was mostly proper homecooked food rather than junk food, but still it was too much of it. On 4th Jan my weigh jn was 158.6 So my mini goal is…
  • Me: 0 LNS: 2 Oh dear, not a great start. Hoping to log in tomorrow and say me:1!
  • I'm a bit late to the party but I'd like to give this a go! I definitely can go overboard in the evenings. I've written myself a list of after dinner treats, and my goal is that I am allowed ONE of these every day between dinner and bed time. If I still feel hungry I can have a tea to see if it's really hunger, and if it…
  • Hi all - I am a little late to the party, but my scales arrived today and I was shocked to find I gained 5 pounds since 13th December. I definitely need to hold myself accountable and hopefully this will help. January Start Weight: 158.4 January Goal Weight: 152 - this is a little stricter than I usually go for, but I'll…
  • You look great! I'm 4"10 so it's nice seeing other succes stories from shorter women. I love that you've mentioned a relapse, I'm in the same position at the moment and lots of success stories seem very linear. Gives me hope :)
  • I had the same thing happen in November (although mine was a slip on the stairs). I used YouTube and found videos for wheelchair users or for a leg/ankle brace that were quite useful. For such a seemingly small injury it can don a lot of damage to activity levels. Just be careful to stay off it as much as possible whilst…
  • I mostly play a non VR game for exercise (Just dance) however I am a fan of Beatsaber which really gets my heart rate up. I've tried a few other games and haven't quite got into anything but it's definitely better than sitting and using a controller.
  • I've had a break for the Christmas period but my meals usually look like: Breakfast - flavoured protein yoghurt, 150 cals Lunch - pasta salads with dressing, around 300 cals Dinner - I cook a range of foods and adjust the portions to around 400-500 calories. Not sure the kind of foods you like but I make things like…
  • Yes, I love to play it. It's great motivation, sometimes I'll go a little out of my way if I see a gym in my colour
  • My petty reason is that I'm at the stage of my journey where I need to get a few new pairs of jeans. Whilst the shops are open here in the UK fitting rooms are closed, I usually need to try on about 10 pairs before I find a pair that fit.
  • You have mentioned you get really hungry in the morning, what kind of foods are you having for breakfast? I find when I eat foods high in carbs like toast or cereal, it just makes me more hungry. I switched to more protein, such as Greek yogurt and fruit or eggs and to me, it's made a huge difference. I've recently found…
  • Well done, you look great! I have to say I love your clothing style.
  • Very insightful, thanks for sharing and congratulations to the both of you.
  • I got 94, thought that was odd as my BMI is currently obese. Not sure if I put my weight in correctly as it doesn't specificy which units - I used pounds - is that right?
  • I don't for herbs and spices unless I'm using a lot of fresh ones. As I usually make 4 portions of each meal, the added calories would be very minimal per portion. I don't log tea, only the milk I have with it. I do add diet soft drinks or squash because I like to keep track of how much of this I drink.
  • I love eggs! I've recently been having a boiled egg alongside my wrap for lunch and it really helps me stay full. I had something else for today and I'm feeling peckish already 1 hour later!
  • It's normal to be a bit tired when first working out so it depends whether it feels excessive to you, I'm not familiar with Pamela Reid. It is important to build up gradually, as its a skill like reading you wouldn't you would jump straight into reading War and Peace when you first get into reading. I find my troat also is…
  • I do this. I'll walk past the kitchen and come back with a chocolate bar just out of habit. I've found what helped for me was moving my treats to an awkward, less accessable part of the kitchen so I can't just grab something without thinking, I have to go out of my way to get it. For me this was the top shelf of my…
  • One thing that gets me is when people say "no (unhealthy snack) for you, you're on a diet" No, I'm not on a "diet". If eating a slice of free office cake fits in with my calorie goats for the day, you bet I'm eating it. Plus it's none of their business what I do or don't eat.