

  • I'm not sure if anyone's posted this yet - but it's floating all over Pinterest and looks divine! Have yet to try.
  • I've done both. And I did just as you've read - 30 Day Shred for a month, then moved on to Ripped in 30 the following month. I would highly recommend trying that plan for 2 reasons: 1) Ripped in 30 is a little harder, so it was nice to build up some strength before that extra challenge, and 2) you'll need something to do…
  • Most definitely attainable! I'm 5'8 and weigh 132 - started at 140ish and wasn't sure I could lose any weight. Once I started using MPF I found myself eating healthier, watching calories, and exercising regularly. Then the results followed. Good luck!
  • I had gotten it as a gift once.... when I finally tried it out I couldn't handle it. It was waaaay too cheesy. I prefer Jillian Michael's videos: 30 Day Shred, followed by Ripped in 30. That'd be a great start!! Good luck.
  • Hi Katie, I think that 10 days is a little soon to look for results - I try to stick to measuring once a month. The arms take the longest - I've barely had any movement in mine & it's been 3 months, however I can SEE muscles (other places i've lost inches). Gain there coud be growing muscle, so I wouldn't worry at this…
  • Congratulations on your success thus far, that's amazing!! Have you seen the documentary "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead"? That's what really inspired me to change my ways!
  • I also have a Jack Lalane. It's not the fanciest of juicers, but it works just fine for us so far! An easy starting recipe is an equal amount of carrot, apple, pear (ex: 3 carrots, 3 apples, 3 pears). Another good one is: 1 lb. Strawberries, 1 bag of green grapes, 1 medium sized cucumber, 6 carrots. Good luck!