nikkisekstal Member


  • I went to Vegas over the weekend and even though I ate and drank way more than normal, I managed to wake up and do ripped both mornings we were there! :drinker: So hopefully my breakdown at the M&M store was somewhat combated! :laugh: I skipped today since we were traveling and working but I will be back at it with D6L1…
  • Just completed D1L1 :happy: I did my last day of 30DS yesterday and this is the perfect transition....I could get through almost all the moves, I did the modified ab move at the end though, thats a rough one for me :laugh: Loving it! Have a rockin day! :laugh:
  • I am starting Ripped on Thursday, I am on my last day of 30DS tomorrow! Love the workout, really looking forward to some new moves... :happy: Excited to get ripped!! I lost around 8 lbs with 30DS and have discovered muscles I didn't even know I had! :laugh:
  • Pre-ordered my copy which should be here tomorrow! Planning to start after I finish 30DS..... I am on L2 15/30 and really loving it! :) I also have her Yoga DVD which I have yet to try out... :smile:
  • Just finished D9L2, it was my first day with Level 2 and it was pretty intense. I struggle with push ups so the plank moves were challenging, especially the plank jumping jack and the oblique twist. Oh so hard! Nice to get out of L1 :) Happy shredding!
  • Newbie post! I need some friends :happy: I joined MFP on a recommendation from a very inspiring friend, its amazing how tracking food could be such an eye opener. I wanted to kick it up a bit by adding in a workout since I haven't really done anything besides walking for exercise in the last few years....started 30DS last…