Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30



  • Picky_nikki
    Picky_nikki Posts: 405 Member
    i absolutely HATE level 3!! i hated level 2 when i started it too but when i got towards the end it started to grow on me... i hope this happens with level 3 but at this point i'm kinda doubting it...
    I start Level 3 tomorrow! EEK! I watched it today when I was having my lunch as I always do to ready myself for the exercises! Wow, warm-up seemed like more than a strength circuit in level one! lol Although I agree when I first peeked at what level 2 was all about, I thought, "NO WAY" would I be able to do it. I was wrong! I was able to!! Even can do full sets of renegade rows, crazy how she builds up your strength!
  • Wdgibbs
    Wdgibbs Posts: 7 Member
    I have been doing L1 for the last few weeks, but only for one or 2 days a week. I decided to do it for the entire week and take Sundays off. I have started a blog to keep track everyday. I did 30DS and loved it. I do like this, but it is harder. I have to go by measurements when working out because I don't seem to drop weight quickly.
    Good Luck everyone this week.

    Is your blog on this website? I would love to follow it!
  • TexasGirl92
    TexasGirl92 Posts: 76 Member
    Wow today was Day 2 of Level 3 for me and holy cow it make me slightly afraid to see what is in level 4.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    my hamstrings are sore from day 1 level 1 - love it haha. do u guys think i shud do the on my days off from boot camp or do it along with bootcamp? i don't want to over do it. I do boot camp MWF for an hour in the mornings @ 5:30am. so if i wanna do this the same day i can do it after work. im not even sure that is physically possible haha.
  • slm33
    slm33 Posts: 11
    Whew a lot to catch up on!

    Coastalmama01 - The HRM was my big xmas present this year so I feel you on not being able to afford one. I have to say though, it's an AMAZING investment. I'm 5'3 140 lbs and my cals have been from 330 to 370 if that helps you out at all

    JBatt123 - I'm on week 2 day 2 and while I wasn't perfect at level 1 I found that moving on was a good thing. I'm struggling through level 2 but it's so motivating when I get a little more today than I did yesterday. I'm a big fan of plowing on through!

    wgroce - Not doing the meal plan but I started a few days before the 1st and am hoping to finish by the end of the month. Welcome!

    nolachick - No knee cracking but my hips pop a lot. I think you're right to modify moves that seem to be doing you damage. As Jillian says, just keep up that heart rate and you'll be fine. As for the bootcamp, why not try it for a few days doing both and see if you drop dead (as I would) or if you just power through. You can always drop off the bootcamp if it looks like it's going to be too much!

    No weight change after one week but I lost a half inch on my thighs and a full inch on my waist. I'm taking weekly pictures as well and I can already see the difference so I'm not too bummed about that pound. I'll trade in a pound of fat for muscle any day! Level two is a challenge but I'm getting through it. Was able to do a little more today than yesterday and that's all that matters! Back to a lower cal burn (320 today) as I struggle to keep up but I'll get there. Just keep swimming just keep swimming...

    Hey, anyone on level three, is there as much plank cardio in that one? Planks are my NEMESIS!
  • mislove68
    mislove68 Posts: 240
    I just finished day 3 lvl 1 and this dvd is WAY better then shred. But glad I did shred first!!
  • Thanks, that actually helps. I think I'm going to bump the calories to 275 or 300. I'm POURING sweat the entire time so I*think* I'm burning a lot, haha.

    I've decided I'm going to do 2 weeks of each week. I did Day 7 today of Week 1 and bumped it up with 5lb handweights and it STILL slays me even though I can make it through the whole thing now. I figure another week of conditioning will leave me better prepared for the horrors of the next levels, ;)
  • Hi Everyone!
    I started Ripped in 30 L1 on Friday. I'm on Day4 right now. I'm incorporating 6 week 6 pack and running (im doing a 5k in May and June). For some reason I like working out for 1 hour. I getting better at the cardio. The first time I did level one I seriously thought I was going to die. But has gotten a little easier.
  • nikkisekstal
    nikkisekstal Posts: 14 Member
    I went to Vegas over the weekend and even though I ate and drank way more than normal, I managed to wake up and do ripped both mornings we were there! :drinker: So hopefully my breakdown at the M&M store was somewhat combated! :laugh: I skipped today since we were traveling and working but I will be back at it with D6L1 tomorrow...I feel a lot more soreness than when I was doing 30DS!

    I am staying away from the scale for a few days, until I get back into the swing of things...I am scared of what it might say...

    Hope everyone is having a fantastic week!
  • MaKisMom
    MaKisMom Posts: 65 Member
    I just did Day 1 Level 4 today. She's seriously trying to kill me, lol. It's definitely the hardest of the levels, but it seems to have less impact on my knees, so I'm hoping they hold out until I'm done next week.

    I've just been putting 28min circuit training for exercise, and it's saying I burn about 200cal. I don't have the money for a HRM right now, either, so I've just been guessing. I'm 5'3 and 118lbs. I was definitely sweating more after Level 4 than any other level.

    It is crazy how Jillian knows how to build strength. I couldn't do the hopping crosses in Level 3 when I started. By the end of the week I was keeping up with B.
  • slm33
    slm33 Posts: 11
    MaKisMom - Is there a lot of plank cardio in levels three and four?

    Really didn't want to do it today but pushed myself to do it and do it with a positive attitude and not only was I happier, but I burned more calories, made it through more of the moves in the advanced option AND it went more quickly. I was feeling really good by the end. Plank cardio still SUCKS but I'm just trying to get through more and more as always.

    Hoped everyone is staying positive and sticking with it!
  • MoonMyst3
    MoonMyst3 Posts: 423 Member
    I'm currently doing the 30 DS and once I've finished, am interested in carrying on with Ripped in 30. So, I'm just following along to see how all of you are finding this DVD and if the results are as noticeable as Shred. Good luck everyone! :bigsmile:
  • crashta
    crashta Posts: 72
    Ditto to SassyT3, I am also doing 30 DS and am considering Ripped. I started with JM's Frontside and Backside DVDs but find them too lengthy and slow to do in the morning before work. So glad I bought 30 DS and looking forward to carrying on with Ripped.

    All of you ladies are inspiring! :wink:
  • Kaileyxoxo
    Kaileyxoxo Posts: 95 Member
    YAY i found you!!! lol i posted something similar a few days ago but didnt turn into a discussion, i love ripped in 30, i am only on level 1 but attempted level 2 the FIRST day, and my body was not happy with me, day 3 level 1 tomorrow! i did 6 week 6 pack today because the back of my thighs were KILLING ME and i actually stretched a lot after ripped, but will do it again tomorrow and am actually really excited, then again i am saying this the day before lol, your all inspirational =)
  • plc765
    plc765 Posts: 71 Member
    Welcome Kailey and Crashta! I haven't done 30DS, but it seems the general opinion is Ripped is more challenging than 30 DS. I also have 6wk 6pk, which I think is great too. JM Banish Fat is also a great cardio workout too. I have seen great results with Ripped, lots of toning, inches lost, and a bit of weight loss too. I would def recommend this. Good Luck to you all in your journey!!
  • JBatt123
    JBatt123 Posts: 24
    slm33...Thank you so much! That helps me. I'll start workout 2 then.
  • MoonMyst3
    MoonMyst3 Posts: 423 Member
    Welcome Kailey and Crashta! I haven't done 30DS, but it seems the general opinion is Ripped is more challenging than 30 DS. I also have 6wk 6pk, which I think is great too. JM Banish Fat is also a great cardio workout too. I have seen great results with Ripped, lots of toning, inches lost, and a bit of weight loss too. I would def recommend this. Good Luck to you all in your journey!!

    Hi! I have quite a bit of weight to lose and was wondering how JM Banish Fat is for that. I need to blast off some of this weight and I want to incorporate something that will do the job. Would you recommend this workout for that? :happy:
  • Kaileyxoxo
    Kaileyxoxo Posts: 95 Member
    Hi! I have quite a bit of weight to lose and was wondering how JM Banish Fat is for that. I need to blast off some of this weight and I want to incorporate something that will do the job. Would you recommend this workout for that? :happy:

    Heyy i know this question wasnt for me, but i think any JM dvd you choose will get you results you can actually see and a good jumpstart on your weightloss. The one I'm doing now, ripped in 30 is definately one of her best in my opinion, especially for toning. Its tough but there are beginner modifications while you build your endurance over time. Good luck! =)
  • plc765
    plc765 Posts: 71 Member
    Welcome Kailey and Crashta! I haven't done 30DS, but it seems the general opinion is Ripped is more challenging than 30 DS. I also have 6wk 6pk, which I think is great too. JM Banish Fat is also a great cardio workout too. I have seen great results with Ripped, lots of toning, inches lost, and a bit of weight loss too. I would def recommend this. Good Luck to you all in your journey!!

    Hi! I have quite a bit of weight to lose and was wondering how JM Banish Fat is for that. I need to blast off some of this weight and I want to incorporate something that will do the job. Would you recommend this workout for that? :happy:

    Yes, I would recommend Banish Fat for weightloss. It is a great workout, and I am litterally dripping sweat when I am finished! I also agree with Kailey, any JM video should help you in your journey, and Ripped is my favorite out of all her workouts also. I would incorporate Banish Fat with one of her other ones to get great cardio, along with helping you tone. Good Luck with everything!
  • TamiHudson
    TamiHudson Posts: 83 Member
    I began Ripped in 30 Monday Apri 4th. I am just finishing up week 1 (tomorrow's my last day of week 1). I have loved week 1, but being a JM fan and having done most of her other videos I KNOW the insanity that's to come. Has anyone made it yet to week 3 and week 4? Any words of advice?? Or prhaps WARNING??? :)
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