Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30



  • Picky_nikki
    Picky_nikki Posts: 405 Member
    Wow... I don't know how I missed this thread! When I first bought this a week and a half ago, I posted asking if there was a group doing this. I got NO responses. :( Everyone is still doing the 30DS, and not this new one yet!

    Anyways I just finished week 1 (level 1) today, and am starting Level 2 tomorrow. I did pre-preview it today while I had my lunch, and wow, I am in for WAY more of a workout tomorrow!! I do it every day, and hope to progress every week, however if I do not feel I have mastered the moves for Level 2 I wont move on till I do.
    Hope there is someone else in the same week as me!
  • amyannie
    amyannie Posts: 139 Member
    welcome to the discussion newbies!!! this work is amazing but challenging! i am doing it with my mom and she has already lost 5 pounds in 2 weeks! JEALOUS. I too am on level 2 and I won't move up until I master all the moves.. still trying to stay in my plank for 2 minutes and doing the crow pushups and the tables... we'll see if i ever move up! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!
  • kje2011
    kje2011 Posts: 502 Member
    Love ripped in 30.
    I am just starting level 3! Awesome burn, awesome workout.
    I do still alternate tho with 6week ab and Troublezone and BoostMetabolismBurnFat.
    Love "getting my butt kicked",
  • jeanaustin
    jeanaustin Posts: 101
    I'm on my last 3 days of JM 30DS, so I'm thinking about picking up Ripped in 30 after reading all these reviews. Sounds like everyone is kicking butt! YAY!
  • plc765
    plc765 Posts: 71 Member
    Today was day one of week two. Omg what a killer. I didn't think I would make it through the plank cardio. Hopefully by the end of the week I'll have it down. This one is tough!!!

    I HATED the plank position when I started out. My arms would shake and it was so difficult for me. Now, I LOVE it! I know it's weird to say that, but I am so much stronger now and no more shaking, and I feel so strong when in the plank position now! Keep it up and your endurance will greatly improve!
  • Sden1231
    Sden1231 Posts: 61
    Today was day one of week two. Omg what a killer. I didn't think I would make it through the plank cardio. Hopefully by the end of the week I'll have it down. This one is tough!!!

    I HATED the plank position when I started out. My arms would shake and it was so difficult for me. Now, I LOVE it! I know it's weird to say that, but I am so much stronger now and no more shaking, and I feel so strong when in the plank position now! Keep it up and your endurance will greatly improve!

    Thanks for the motivation! Today during the planks, I held it the entire time, but couldn't keep up the cardio. Atleat it's an improvement since yesterday. My arms were shaking and sweat was pouring, but I did my best. I'm so out of shape lol
  • hillview2
    hillview2 Posts: 212 Member
    I just got the DVD and plan to use it when traveling. I am just getting started and doing a class bootcamp when at home. What # weights are you using if you are a beginner? Tomorrow morning will be my first day of level 1 -- I just watched it and it looks really similar to my bootcamp (which kicks my butt). Thanks!
  • slm33
    slm33 Posts: 11
    Hey everyone!

    I just got my Ripped in 30 and I'm going to start it today (after I digest my lunch). I'm so determined to finish this one out! I loved 30 Day Shred but got sick in the beginning of level three and was unable to finish! I gained some weight back during the holidays (after losing 30, ugh) so I'm trying to get back to my goal that I hit in December. 30DS was instrumental in getting me to my goal the first time, I'm hoping Ripped will help me get back there in time for bikini season!

    I'll post measurements and my opinions (I have many... always) once I finish up but I wanted to introduce myself! Reading all your posts is getting me excited! I hope to be done by April 25th and I hope you all will be here with me every step of the way!

    Thanks for making this group, I can't wait to get into it with everyone!

  • slm33
    slm33 Posts: 11
    HRM says 330 calories burned... and I felt every single one of them.

    But it was awesome. Excited for tomorrow and a crack at those harder variations (now that I've got the basic feel down)

    Took some starting pics but I'll save them for comparison at the end. Measurements are:

    Starting Weight: 139 lbs
    Thigh: 20.5''
    Hip: 35.5''
    Waist: 28''
    Arm: 11''

    Hope all is well and thanks again for starting a group for Ripped in 30!
  • nikkisekstal
    nikkisekstal Posts: 14 Member
    I am starting Ripped on Thursday, I am on my last day of 30DS tomorrow! Love the workout, really looking forward to some new moves... :happy: Excited to get ripped!! I lost around 8 lbs with 30DS and have discovered muscles I didn't even know I had! :laugh:
  • just finished day 2 of wk 1 of 30DS & i'm happy to say that i did more than yesterday!
  • ouryear002
    ouryear002 Posts: 325 Member
    Finished Shred and starting Ripped this week. Glad I found a group!
  • Sden1231
    Sden1231 Posts: 61
    Today was day three of week two! I'm loving that it is getting easier everyday! I killed the plank jacks today! Ab work is still tough, but I blame that on my csection, I don't push as hard because it still kind of hurts. Anyone else have that problem?
  • amyannie
    amyannie Posts: 139 Member
    Today was day three of week two! I'm loving that it is getting easier everyday! I killed the plank jacks today! Ab work is still tough, but I blame that on my csection, I don't push as hard because it still kind of hurts. Anyone else have that problem?

    week 2 is still hard for me! i am on day 6.. but maybe today was extra hard because i pushed myself harder than i normally do. i've decided that i'm going to stay on level 2 until i master it!... or get bored with it... hahaha but i'm loving the results i'm getting for it... so GAME ON!
  • Sden1231
    Sden1231 Posts: 61
    Today was day three of week two! I'm loving that it is getting easier everyday! I killed the plank jacks today! Ab work is still tough, but I blame that on my csection, I don't push as hard because it still kind of hurts. Anyone else have that problem?

    week 2 is still hard for me! i am on day 6.. but maybe today was extra hard because i pushed myself harder than i normally do. i've decided that i'm going to stay on level 2 until i master it!... or get bored with it... hahaha but i'm loving the results i'm getting for it... so GAME ON!

    Keep up the good work! It's still tough for me, but I did better today then I did Monday lol. I'm gonna goto level three next week even if I don't have it completey mastered. Mainly because I get bored and I'm ready for the next level. And at the end of it I like to go back and do all the levels again to see how much I improved. I did that with the shred. When my 10 days were up for level two, I still struggled but went ahead to level three. And when I finished those 10 days, I did level one and two again and I was successful. But I did all modified for the shred. I'm not trying to do any modifications for this one....except those stupid *kitten* pushups with the knee things! I forgot what they were called
  • slm33
    slm33 Posts: 11
    nikkisekstal - I wish I had your determination! I don't think I could ever do 30DS right into Ripped. You are a force!

    jsp1233 - I'm at the same place as you but with Ripped! Every day I just strive to do a LITTLE more and then every day becomes a big accomplishment. Keep it up!

    ouryear002 - like I said to nikki - I'm SO impressed by you all that do one program right after another!

    Sden1231 - Plank jacks are my nemisis. Will have to savor the lack of them in week one and then push through it in week two lol. I'm also with you on the moving on even if it's not all mastered. When I finish the program I can do it again but with all the hard modifications and feel all proud :-)

    amyannealderete - Think of how awesome it'll feel when you finish if you go back to week two and remember how hard it was for you! That'll be awesome!

    So day two and I tried some of the harder modifications when I could and the HRM reflected that - burned 350 today. Maybe I can bump it up another 10 or so tomorrow by really pushing myself on those skaters! Was so sore during the day today but I worked through it and I'm happy I did because I feel a little better after the workout. I was walking the kid I nanny for and pushing his stroller and I could feel every single abdominal muscle I had... it was intense!

    Keep it up everyone and see you tomorrow!
  • jondy
    jondy Posts: 4 Member
    day 3 of week 1 ripped..this is one tough DVD. Today i felt really fatigued afterwards.
    I have no idea what plank cardio is and im a little scared lol, but will not worry about that until next week :)
  • Picky_nikki
    Picky_nikki Posts: 405 Member
    Was able to do the renegade rows today!! Whoo Hoo!

    How does everyone work in days off? I have been going steady since I started I just finished L2 D2, and was wondering when people do their rest days? In between the levels? mid-week? I have been trying to do 30 days in a row... but yesterday my body was TIRED! Today was a lot better...
  • Picky_nikki
    Picky_nikki Posts: 405 Member
    Does anyone else notice that their weight loss rate has slowed down since starting the program? I am hoping I am building more muscle... ??
  • GoldenGirl1979
    GoldenGirl1979 Posts: 716 Member
    i started week four on tuesday, & idk why, but it seems to go by so quickly... before i know it, we're finishing circuit 3!! my least favorite exercise this week is the cardio move where ur in plank & you jump from side- to center- to other side...
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