30 Day Shred Motivation Thread



  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    Well I did my first day of L1 today and I have to say I was knackered!!!! But hopefully it will be worth it - I am surprised at how out of breath I was and how much it made me "glow" LOL. I only thank God it's not a 40 minute workout or I'd be needing a stretcher!

    I've logged it as "general circuit training" so it says I've burnt 181 calories. Does that sound about right?

    I started D1 L1 today. I looked it up online and i said that level1 burns 250 calories.

    Ooooh even better - thank you! :)
  • Flacachica
    Flacachica Posts: 328 Member
    Hi everyone! I am starting D2 of L3 today. I had to take a break because my wrists were hurting. I am still doing modified movements, but stepped the weights from 3 lbs to 4 lbs. Yay!! :smooched: I can't remember when I actually started this, but I know it's been more than 30 days. Oh well, the important thing is that I'm doing it!
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    Have to say, as the Shred is so popular I'm a little surprised it hasn't been added in some generalised format to the exercise database?? Just about every other activity known to man seems to be there.... :)
  • Iceskatefanrn
    Iceskatefanrn Posts: 489 Member
    I started 30 Day Shred last week, so today will be D6L1 for me.

    As for Jillian - I happen to like her "chatter", although I know others have said she talks too much. She seems to know when to say exactly what I need to hear! For example, I hate doing Jumping Jacks, but I love how she says there is NO modification for this move, she has "400 lb people" that can do Jumping Jacks, and I should be able to as well!

    Yesterday I did more Jumping Jacks than ever before - partly because it was D5 and with each day my performance is improving, and partly because she said that!

    So I do have one request for the folks that make the DVD's - during the "Boxing" portion, the video should be 3-D so I can actually punch Jillian in the head, lolol!

    (I mean that in the most LOVING sense of course, I think she's great!!!)
  • Iceskatefanrn
    Iceskatefanrn Posts: 489 Member
    Regarding the recording of this for exercise:

    On another thread it was recommended that it be recorded as "Circuit Training". So I record that for 20 minutes, which shows up as 238 cals burned, then I also record "Mild Stretching" for 10 mins, which shows another 38 cals burned.
  • tnkbest
    tnkbest Posts: 58 Member
  • tnkbest
    tnkbest Posts: 58 Member
    I ordered this last week. Can't wait to get it and try it out. Do you need any equipment with it?
  • glad to have found this thread...i started the 30 day shred last week did 2 days and then got the stomach flu...needless to say that ended my shredding temporarily. Oh boy was I sore though!!!

    I'm looking forward to jumping back on my shredding today or tomorrow though. I've read lots about it and hear that the inches are were you really lose doing this workout!!! and that makes your clothes fit better, and that makes me Happy :)
  • @ meadows654 ; thank you for the stretching adivce! Turns out I pulled a muscle in my shin and have "shin splints", which is the generic term I guess for any lower leg pain. I have to do stretches, ice it and take anti-inflammatory meds for a few days-and I have to lay off the cardio until it heals, which sucks!! I'm still doing the DVD, but with "modified" cardio- lots of punches,lol. It makes me sad to think how out of shape I must be if a few jumping jacks did this kind of damage to me,lol!
  • Just finished Day 3 (L1). Was able to increase my hand weights and was able to go deeper in the push ups. :happy:
  • My wrists were hurting from the pressure doing the push ups. Today I did them with my hand weights under them which causes the wrists to be at a lesser angle. Only works if the bells on the end are tall enough to have your fingers wrap around (I couldn't do it with my 3 lb. wieghts, but could with the 5's). It helped a lot. Maybe it wil help you.
  • nellyp0oh
    nellyp0oh Posts: 27 Member
    YES!! :laugh: She says one time in L2 that if Natalie can do it, so can you. And every time I think, 100% certain, that I will NEVER be able to do that move. I think it's one that really hurts my back.

    suelynn... Fantastic!! See you in L2 tomorrow!

    I'm still on L1 but I watched L2 today just to prepare myself. (I'm on D5L1) Anyway, was it just me or does natalie look like she's struggling too?? If she can struggle, what the hell am I gonna do??? Die!!!!!!!!!!!
  • mandyb84
    mandyb84 Posts: 8 Member
    Oh my gosh, that's awesome! Thanks for the motivation!
  • nellyp0oh
    nellyp0oh Posts: 27 Member
    I need to burn more calories and I do not have any machines at home. Should I do the Shred 2x a day? (If my body isnt too sore) LOL
    I'm still on Level 1 (D5) and I look forward to the jumping jacks!! They are the easiest for me to do.
  • nikkisekstal
    nikkisekstal Posts: 14 Member
    Just finished D9L2, it was my first day with Level 2 and it was pretty intense. I struggle with push ups so the plank moves were challenging, especially the plank jumping jack and the oblique twist. Oh so hard! Nice to get out of L1 :)

    Happy shredding!
  • 2Young4This
    2Young4This Posts: 172 Member
    So I did L2D2 this morning.... and tonight I had a little extra time so... I did L3. Wow, I was not prepared for that! It is hugely more difficult than L2 but so proud that I got through it and mostly kept up with Natalie. So now I guess I'm going to have to do L3 everyday... can't really go backwards!
  • I know a few people asked about calories burned. So I did lvl 1 today with my HRM. I weight 147. In the 27 minutes i burned 223. I didnt do any modifications expect half the push ups. But i also did use 5lb weights and used them for the punches. It does really depend on how much your weight for how many calories burned. My husband who is 165 burned 298.

    When I finished doing lvl 3 with alot of the modifications I was burning 221.

    i also think the begininer is for someone who is the first time threw. Because now I can do everything sooo much easier. So dont beat yourself up sticking on a lvl. The next lvl will work other muscles and make you stonger!
  • Iceskatefanrn
    Iceskatefanrn Posts: 489 Member
    Just finished D6L1, and this time I REALLY NOTICED an improvement! Still don't like the "jumping" part of the aerobics (jumping jacks, jump rope...) but everything else I really did with gusto and got through it!

    Woo hoooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Will be restarting it tomorrow. ughh! :laugh:
  • Will be restarting it tomorrow. ughh! :laugh:
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