30 Day Shred Motivation Thread



  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    I've decided to alternate 30DS with C25k. I committed to C25k first so that takes priority. I run on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and do a repeat C25k day on Saturdays. My plan is to burn off at least 500 calories per day, usually working out at least an hour.

    Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday: C25K and elliptical (or prolong the c25k if I'm feeling it)
    Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 30DS and Elliptical or walk on treadmill
    Saturday: try and do C25k (bonus run) AND Shred on the same day to keep myself challenged.

    I did C25K last night and actually did 1.5 of W5D2. I just repeated the runs/walks. Tonight I'll do Shred and maybe another short run just to get some extra cardio in tonight. I'm still only in Level 1 of Shred, so I have far to go. I'm committed to giving it everything I have tonight though. I haven't done shred since Sunday (which was only for 5 minutes, before that was Saturday). It's been long enough and I'm anxious to get back in it.
  • aalexander0607
    aalexander0607 Posts: 34 Member
    I've decided to alternate 30DS with C25k. I committed to C25k first so that takes priority. I run on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and do a repeat C25k day on Saturdays. My plan is to burn off at least 500 calories per day, usually working out at least an hour.

    Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday: C25K and elliptical (or prolong the c25k if I'm feeling it)
    Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 30DS and Elliptical or walk on treadmill
    Saturday: try and do C25k (bonus run) AND Shred on the same day to keep myself challenged.

    I did C25K last night and actually did 1.5 of W5D2. I just repeated the runs/walks. Tonight I'll do Shred and maybe another short run just to get some extra cardio in tonight. I'm still only in Level 1 of Shred, so I have far to go. I'm committed to giving it everything I have tonight though. I haven't done shred since Sunday (which was only for 5 minutes, before that was Saturday). It's been long enough and I'm anxious to get back in it.

    WOW! I don't think I can keep up with that! I just did my first 25min run yesterday and thought I would puke! I was so happy to leave the gym when that thing said "workout complete"!!!!!

    I'm thinking of doing two days of the shred and then the next day only C25K. Keep me posted on how your routine is working for you!!
  • JoJo1953
    JoJo1953 Posts: 182 Member
    I just finished D7 L1 of Shred and Jillian is kicking my butt!!!:cry: I can't say it's getting any easier and I doubt I will ever beable to do a real push up. Oh well I'm still pushing through and good luck to everyone else out there doing the Shred!!!!!:smile:
  • abbylane35
    So I didn't do my Shred yesterday...I was in too much pain! I did, however, do my elliptical and bike workout today (4.5 miles total) and will do my day 3 of Shred today! I feel much better today!
  • andrea2011ka
    andrea2011ka Posts: 47 Member
    I'm still here - been reading along. I did w5d1 of C25K last night and will do the Shred tonight...thinking of doing Lev1 followed by Lev2 tonight so I can get a good 45 minutes in. We'll see how that goes because I've still got to do C25K tomorrow!
  • TrinityPixie4
    I'm still waiting on getting the 30 Day Shred, I should have it before the 28th. When I do get it, I will be joining in more often, although I will be behing everyone else.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Day 2 level 2 done (day 10/30 complete). Getting easier but feel better as its working me hard. Hope everyone is getting on ok. :)
  • laura4410
    laura4410 Posts: 44 Member
    Im finished!!! Today was day 30!! I feel great! I will weigh and measure myself in the morning and post the final results!! I dont want to stop, so I guess my goal now is another 30 days, mixing it up with three different workouts. I want to add something else in too, I may try her 6 week 6 pack.

    You guys can finish too!! I definitely notice a difference, my body as a whole just feels tighter and stronger!!
  • mislove68
    Im finished!!! Today was day 30!! I feel great! I will weigh and measure myself in the morning and post the final results!! I dont want to stop, so I guess my goal now is another 30 days, mixing it up with three different workouts. I want to add something else in too, I may try her 6 week 6 pack.

    You guys can finish too!! I definitely notice a difference, my body as a whole just feels tighter and stronger!!

    I am also trying to figure out my plan. i was thinking every other 30 day shred and the other days will be other videos. I tried the No more trouble zones and its killer.
  • smcgrath29
    Hey! I been trying out Shred too and for me its not so much about being able to actually do the work its just not that exciting! I know a lot of people like it and I want to like it but honestly just for me I'm not pumped about it.

    Last night I was on the treadmill with my ipod in and realized that when I got good music playing to pump me up I can workout for a LOT longer that what I would have originally thought. With the dvd you can't listen to music to get "in the zone" you have to liten to someone talk and for me that doesn't work too great... So don't be so hard on yourself maybe its just trying to find something that suites you better and that you actually enjoy.

    I am however going to give the shred another go I don't plan to give up that easily on it but I also want to enjoy my workouts because I will be more likely to stick with what I enjoy and what makes me feel good!
  • mhoch
    mhoch Posts: 50
    Just finished L1D7! I left work early to take the dogs on a walk/jog before I did the shred, we did just over 2.5 miles in just about 40 minutes. Not a fast speed or anything but it was more than a slow walk.

    After 7 days I feel it is easier, but some stuff is still hard to do nonstop, but I got through the first round of push ups with no break, which I could not do day 1. Muscles are not nearly as sore so I'm looking forward to level 2 soon. I think my muscles are getting bored.

    Buying a bodybugg tonight, excited to see how many calories I really burn all day!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    D10 L1 crossed off! Tomorrow I'm going to start L2!!! :bigsmile: I measured today to find 1/2 and inch gone from my waist!! So exciting, but I wish it was coming off my hips!

    krystleowen... You much BELIEVE it will get easier!! :happy: It will!!

    MissyFit... I don't know how I feel. I'm not really bored, but it's borderline boredom. D2 tomorrow, so that should solve it! CONGRATS on the push ups!!

    mccr... Fantastic with the push ups to you also! I haven't even TRIED to attempt them.

    denisec... Stick with it, and keep telling yourself that it's only 25 minutes! I got through it at 9:30pm that way! I feel the same way about circuit 1 cardio!!

    laura4410... CONGRATS ON COMPLETION!!! :drinker: Tell us all your results tomorrow!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    L1 D6 completed. OMG that kicked my butt! Probably because I did 30 minutes on the elliptical beforehand.
    :laugh: I made the mistake of working out before the Shred before too. It was easy last time (after Zumba), but super hard after my walk! :huh: Go figure...
    What are you guys doing for muscle soreness? Massage? Hot bath? Lots of water? or just rest? i need some ideas.
    Suffering!!! :laugh: Hot water bottle on my neck most often. I might have to ice my knee and ankle later... I hurt it yesterday (non-shred related).
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    I finished Day 3, Level 1 today. Man, that first circuit is hard! I just hope that each day I can get through it taking fewer and fewer breaks. I can get through the first round of push ups (not real ones) and squat and press, but then when it's time to do push ups again, my shoulders/arms are so sore! Same thing goes for the jumping jacks after that - I feel like I can barely lift my arms above my head! Anyway, the rest of it is somewhat easier, and I made it through without turning off the DVD. I think I might be at a point where I can mute Jillian and play my own music. I think that will be a better motivation :).

    Does anyone have any suggestions for avoiding stiffness in the thighs? All day today I felt so tight/stiff. I tried walking around a little instead of sitting down right after the workout, but I'm still pretty tight. Maybe it's just inevitable.

    I'm looking forward to getting through all 30 days of this. I think it'll really help me out.
  • lilybean17
    lilybean17 Posts: 31 Member
    Did D7L1 today. It was really tough for some reason-harder than the past couple days! Hopefully just an off day for me. I really like this workout and if I like levels 2 and 3, I think I'll buy her new video that's supposed to come out in March (right?) to do after the shred. I can't do all the push ups in a row, and I do them modified form, but I'm doing the 100 push ups program so I'm trying to get the arm strength in there.

    Also I LOVE how short it is! Every day I'm surprised at how fast this thing really goes-after strength #2 you're halfway done! And circuit #1 is definitely the hardest for me, so it's nice to think that.

    Keep up the good work everybody!
  • yacker678
    Holy cow I am on day one. I have been working out for 2 months and just the jumping jacks in the warm up were hard. I have HRM and it really gets me going fast. It is pretty hard though and i certaintly can't do real push-ups. I don't know if I will ever be able too. i am going to do 30 day along with my other cardio I have always done. I don't know if it will make a big difference, but it sure seems like it should!!
  • neyes67
    neyes67 Posts: 167 Member
    Completed D9 L1 of 30DS today and I must say it's still very challenging. I wanted to do 30 minutes of cardio on the elliptical afterwards but decided to wait until later because my legs were so sore. Tomorrow is my last day at L1 so I'm going to give it my all before moving on to L2. I watched L2 last night and it looked a little overwhelming but we shall see.
    I'm in it to win it ...21 days to go... Here's to DAY 10!
  • sweetNsassy2584
    sweetNsassy2584 Posts: 515 Member
    L1 D7 complete. I was so tired and haven't had a rest day in over a week. I was going to do yoga but decided not to. Tomorrow I'm going to do L2.. Its time to test my endurance! I'm pretty excited about it actually. I'm sort of getting bored with L1. I'm to the point where I can repeat everything JM says. LAME! I think i'll wake up at 530 and do 30 minutes of cardio then do L2 when I get home from work. I have a massive headache so i'm going to skip the cardio tonight. I'm not one to make excuses and always push myself but I know when my body needs to rest. Happy shredding to all of you!
  • kristinwalker
    kristinwalker Posts: 100 Member
    I am telling you all that despited the fact I have about 5 hours of work staring me in the face right now (at its 830) I am going to carve out 20 min when I get stressed and do it! There I comitted...someone check up on me and make sure I followed through! :D

    Ok so I failed. I was up until 3:30 doing work...ugh. I really need to do it now! So here I go and 3 days off is not a good thing. I really need to stick this out.
  • Kelleinna

    Does anyone have any suggestions for avoiding stiffness in the thighs? All day today I felt so tight/stiff. I tried walking around a little instead of sitting down right after the workout, but I'm still pretty tight. Maybe it's just inevitable.

    I'm looking forward to getting through all 30 days of this. I think it'll really help me out.

    I had HORRIBLE stiffness in the thighs the first two days... it passed by what would have been day 3 (today) had I not decided to do something else because Jillian was sort of boring me. ;)