Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30



  • Sden1231
    Sden1231 Posts: 61
    I did the renegade rows today on my toes instead of my knees! I was so proud of myself! My hubby was like, that doesn't look hard, and he tried it. Needless to say he was shaking, lol. He didn't say anything after that. I've been holding a plank position everynight before I goto bed. Each day I'm trying to add on 10 seconds. I'm up to 1 min 30 secs. I am determined to do all those stupid plank moves!
  • jchapa83
    jchapa83 Posts: 71 Member
    Has anyone done Insanity that is doing Ripped right now?? Some of the moves that I have seen on the clips are similar to a few of Insanity. Just want to know if it's easier/harder or just to know what's coming my way lol!
  • I am doing this! I won it on one of Jillian's twitter contests and today I do Day 3 Week 1. Does the soreness ever get better? I have to say that I can already see results though. While I am still in no means bikini ready, (haha!) I am much firmer everywhere and a little less jiggly :D I can get through almost all of it, but can't do the side thing where I'm supposed to lift my body up on the side (abwork). I sub in crunches because otherwise it just HURTS. I must be a wuss. I've also started to mute her and crank up Pandora, lol.
  • nikkisekstal
    nikkisekstal Posts: 14 Member
    Just completed D1L1 :happy: I did my last day of 30DS yesterday and this is the perfect transition....I could get through almost all the moves, I did the modified ab move at the end though, thats a rough one for me :laugh: Loving it!

    Have a rockin day! :laugh:
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    I'm so excited about Ripped in 30 and from what you're all saying, it's going to be everything I hoped for. I think I'll go get it today! I did the 30 day shred (but it took me about 60 days bc it was post pregnancy lol) Then I started doing a rotation of the shred, Banish Fat Boost Metabolism, and No More Trouble Zones and boy has Jillian whipped my butt into shape. I haven't taken official after pictures but I just thought I'd share this...
    Before starting Jillian's workouts, I had thunder thighs and noodle arms. My legs are still a work in progress but check out these guns...totally compliments of Jillian in case anyone needs further inspiration!

  • plc765
    plc765 Posts: 71 Member
    i started week four on tuesday, & idk why, but it seems to go by so quickly... before i know it, we're finishing circuit 3!! my least favorite exercise this week is the cardio move where ur in plank & you jump from side- to center- to other side...

    Level 4 does seems to go by fast! I agree with you too about that plank move where you jump side to side. I like most of the plank moves now, just not this one!
  • ouryear002
    ouryear002 Posts: 325 Member
    Did L1D1 today! After 30 day shred, that didn't seem too bad. Of course, we'll see how I feel tomorrow!
  • slm33
    slm33 Posts: 11
    Hello lovely ripped people!

    jondy - looks like we're at about the same place in the program. I remember the plank cardio from 30DS and it was my NEMESIS so we'll have to help each other through it!

    Picky_nikki - It depends which program you're doing - for 30 DS I did it between levels, for Ripped I'm resting every Sunday. I like every Sunday better, it gives my body some extra time to recover. And it needs it! Also, I remember getting really frustrated as my weight plateaued when I was doing 30DS but the week after I finished I dropped like three pounds in a week. It definitely has to do with muscle so I'd recommend tracking your measurements and taking progress pics throughout. It is way more uplifting :-)

    Coastalmama01- I just did week 1 day 4 and I'm FINALLY less sore (thought not completely). I think we just have to get used to the idea that the next 30 days are going to be sore ones :-) And I agree, the side planks SUCK

    nikkisekstal - You are a ROCKSTAR!

    dixiejo1987- You look amazing! And could that little man be any more adorable? I don't think so!

    So my HRM keeps saying I burn more calories every time I do the workout! Yesterday was 366 and today was 372. I think it's because I am attempting more of the harder versions of the moves every day. It makes me happy to see some tangible proof of my hard work every day though!

    Another thing: I've been trying to compile the BEST music for the workout and my playlist is still a work in progress but I have some gems that even had me smiling in the side plank section. Here's my playlist right now (I love 80s rock and 90s pop as you'll see) and if you have any suggestions, I'd LOVE them!

    The Call - Backstreet Boys

    Fight for your right - Beastie Boys

    Livin' on a prayer - Bon Jovi

    Intergalactic - Beastie Boys

    Fat Bottomed Girls - Queen

    Space Jam - Quad City DJs

    Get Over it - OK Go

    Girlfriend - Avril Lavigne

    That's Not My Name - Ting Tings

    Ain't Nothing Wrong - Robert Randolph and the Family Band

    That's all for now! Post songs you like to workout to! I'll try anything once!
  • Side planks, I knew there was a better name for them! lol. How much calories should I put that this burns, anyone know? I'm 5'5 and 153 lbs. I put in 20 minutes and 200 calories, but I'm just guessing. I don't have the money for a HRM right now thought it is definitely on my wish list!
  • Picky_nikki
    Picky_nikki Posts: 405 Member
    slm33- I just put on the satellite radio on 20 on 20 when I do it... I find I need the music to push me through! I usually do the level once or pre-watch it so I know the transitions first. Thanks for the music suggestions.... one day I should make a playlist... I'm just too lazy :P
  • amyannie
    amyannie Posts: 139 Member
    i just did level 3... well i should say i TRIED level 3 cause holy hellll that is some crazy **** right there!!
  • plc765
    plc765 Posts: 71 Member
    i just did level 3... well i should say i TRIED level 3 cause holy hellll that is some crazy **** right there!!

    LMAO!! Yes indeed!

    Well Ladies, I decided to get a little crazy today and switched it up a bit. Didn't do Ripped, but did Jackie Warner's Power Circuit Training, then finished with JM Banish Fat. Oh yeah, THAT was a workout!!

    Keep up the great work Ladies!!!
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    Hello lovely ripped people!

    jondy - looks like we're at about the same place in the program. I remember the plank cardio from 30DS and it was my NEMESIS so we'll have to help each other through it!

    Picky_nikki - It depends which program you're doing - for 30 DS I did it between levels, for Ripped I'm resting every Sunday. I like every Sunday better, it gives my body some extra time to recover. And it needs it! Also, I remember getting really frustrated as my weight plateaued when I was doing 30DS but the week after I finished I dropped like three pounds in a week. It definitely has to do with muscle so I'd recommend tracking your measurements and taking progress pics throughout. It is way more uplifting :-)

    Coastalmama01- I just did week 1 day 4 and I'm FINALLY less sore (thought not completely). I think we just have to get used to the idea that the next 30 days are going to be sore ones :-) And I agree, the side planks SUCK

    nikkisekstal - You are a ROCKSTAR!

    dixiejo1987- You look amazing! And could that little man be any more adorable? I don't think so!

    So my HRM keeps saying I burn more calories every time I do the workout! Yesterday was 366 and today was 372. I think it's because I am attempting more of the harder versions of the moves every day. It makes me happy to see some tangible proof of my hard work every day though!

    Another thing: I've been trying to compile the BEST music for the workout and my playlist is still a work in progress but I have some gems that even had me smiling in the side plank section. Here's my playlist right now (I love 80s rock and 90s pop as you'll see) and if you have any suggestions, I'd LOVE them!

    The Call - Backstreet Boys

    Fight for your right - Beastie Boys

    Livin' on a prayer - Bon Jovi

    Intergalactic - Beastie Boys

    Fat Bottomed Girls - Queen

    Space Jam - Quad City DJs

    Get Over it - OK Go

    Girlfriend - Avril Lavigne

    That's Not My Name - Ting Tings

    Ain't Nothing Wrong - Robert Randolph and the Family Band

    That's all for now! Post songs you like to workout to! I'll try anything once!

    Thank you so much! :smile:
  • amyannie
    amyannie Posts: 139 Member
    i absolutely HATE level 3!! i hated level 2 when i started it too but when i got towards the end it started to grow on me... i hope this happens with level 3 but at this point i'm kinda doubting it...
  • JBatt123
    JBatt123 Posts: 24
    This is all making me a little nervous to move on! :) I just finished week 1 and thought I would do it for this week again. Although I'm debating that decision since my calorie burn is decreasing or staying the same every morning. Thoughts?
  • Wdgibbs
    Wdgibbs Posts: 7 Member
    Have any of you committed to doing this in April? I started April 1st with the goal of doing all 30 days before the end of the month...hoping that will happen though, as it took me about 35 to finish 30DS.

    Is anyone following the meal plan?
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    ok so i really need to catch up on this thread but let me just say.....

    i'm officially part of the Ripped in 30 bunch! Finally did day 1 and I gotta say I LOVE IT! - was pouring in sweat 6mins into it. And the best part is I did all the advance moves not the beginners :) OH YEAHHHHHH

    only problem is i slowed down at the crunches cuz i literally heard my knees doing exactly that - CRUNCHING!
    didn't hurt but it sure didnt sound good. anyone experience this? any advice?
  • Sden1231
    Sden1231 Posts: 61
    Ok I've been sick and haven't been able to do this for the past couple days. I'm gonna attempt tomorrow. Thinking about doing week two over again since I missed 4 days from it. I was supposed to start week three on Sunday
  • MaKisMom
    MaKisMom Posts: 65 Member
    I just found this thread!! I'm starting Level 4 of Ripped in 30 tomorrow. I've done each level 6 days (I take Fridays off to clean my house :P). I haven't lost much weight, but I have lost inches. My knees are killing me, so after I'm done my week of Level 4 I'm taking a break from Jillian. She does produce amazing results, but my knees aren't thanking me right now. I've taken a picture of my abs before, and then each week after. I can't wait to compare my before picture with my after one next week.
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    I have been doing L1 for the last few weeks, but only for one or 2 days a week. I decided to do it for the entire week and take Sundays off. I have started a blog to keep track everyday. I did 30DS and loved it. I do like this, but it is harder. I have to go by measurements when working out because I don't seem to drop weight quickly.
    Good Luck everyone this week.
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