

  • Oh. My. Gosh!!! This was the best time ever. I had so much fun and never in my life have I ever been that muddy!. I stressed over that wall and shed a tear of happiness when I made it over. So much fun; I can't wait til the next one! If you want, you can read my account of it here:…
  • Hi all! I'm in the Pearland area. I started training for the Warrior Dash in February, and now it is only 11 days away. In the meantime, I started running. It all happened accidentally, but now I have run my first unoffical half marathon (13.5 miles) last Saturday. I never set out to be a runner, but I am proud to say that…
    in Houston Comment by candirw November 2011
  • How are other captains doing it? I never hear anything about any of our team mates; all I know is the calories I log in. I almost forget about the game because there is no real communication. Now that I have Lee as my friend, I can see when our double days are and stuff, but other than that, I don't hear much. Just…
  • I am new to the getting-up-early-to-workout game. I am not good at it because I usually wake up late. With that being said, I pack my lunch the night before along with my bag, although I have not yet once remembered everything! (I have to shower there and come straight to work) I have all my workout clothes ready so I can…
  • Favorite: No matter how slow you are, you're still lapping everyone on the couch! This means alot to me, because it took me a while to accept that I run at 4 mph. I am fine with that now and I know that speed will come over time.
  • Sounds good to me, but I would like a copy of the spreadsheet. I think it would be good motivation to track how many "miles" I am personally doing and/or contributing. Would that be ok?
  • I like Vita Sana. I'll go with whatever! I'm flexible. =)
  • What a difference! You look amazing and healthy! Thanks for the encouragement, too.
  • I like Shiver Me Slenders. Weighty Maties...let's try another word for weighty. Booty Babes, although booty may kind of be like weighty. hmmm... I'll keep thinking
  • Fantastic! What a difference twenty pounds can make! We're kind of at the same place. I started at 233 and am now at 211. I wish I had taken pictures, but I was not as brave as you. Keep up your great work! We're gonna be hot mammas in no time! =)
  • I just started running for the first time in February. I did notice the same thing. The whole time would my calves would be on fire. I just kept going. I'd usually be really sore, too I don't feel it anymore. I think as long as you aren't feeling pain like an injury, you may be readjusting. I don't like walking though, so…
    in "The Burn" Comment by candirw June 2011
  • Monylove-Awesome!! Were you in good shape? I'm working on it. I signed up for the Dash today! I'm excited. I still have several months to prepare. I'm chronicling my journey on the blog listed by my signature.
  • Facebook just posted the race in Central Texas! Woo Hoo!
  • Yes, you should go, go go!!! It's great! I've been going on Saturday's for a couple of months, and I look forward to it all week. i would go more if the classes fit into my schedule; but alas, I have to settle for Saturdays! My mom even goes wtih me sometimes. She is 65 and not coordinated at all! My daughter went with me…
  • That is fantastic! 13 lbs just by being aware of your food choices! Imagine what you will accomplish when you get moving! Keep it up, and keep checking your sugar!
  • I'm signing up for the one in Central Texas in November. This will be my first one, and I'm excited! It's very unlike me, but I've been working out and building up strength and endurance slowly but surely. I'm chronicling my exercise journey on my blog. Please check it out!
  • Not quite 40, but I can tell you that at 39, my body didn't let go of any pounds until after a month! Keep it up! It will come off!
  • Wow Josh! Sounds like you're off to a great start! Keep up the great work!!
  • Thanks everyone for the welcome! Already it seems like this is a great place to be!
  • I agree! I've been going to a zumba class every Saturday, and I LOVE it!! It is so much fun.