RyanneRose Member


  • Thanks for the replies here :) I am already at 1200, as I moved down to that after losing my first 15 or so at 1500. I haven't been weighing my food though. I do log, but some of my logging is guesswork when I don't have a readily available number to put in. I'll try and adjust my behaviors to be more accurate in logging…
  • Right, though I didn't get the program in physical form. I'm using Beachbody on Demand to stream it, so I only have the video portion. Nothing else that comes with ordering it, which is why I'm still searching for an anchor and then I'll buy a band from...somewhere.
  • I moved recently and haven't found a new doctor yet. I'll ask them about it when i do. I guess I'll just skip that part for now. The little I did of it the last time I am really feeling today. Like probably more than I should be. Hurts-to-cough type. Ah well. I'll set it aside for the moment.
  • Started doing workouts again and still looking for more friends on here if anyone wants to friend up!
  • Right now I'm finding that at least as far as the late night, pre-logging is helpful. Unfortunately, I can't just log my day in advance because I don't always know what will be available for a whole day. I work closing shift in retail, so 5-6 days a week I get home between midnight and 1am. I try to get to bed by 2:30. I…
  • I'm all for support! And I personally definitely need the accountability. I've got about 35lbs to lose after an initial 25 down so far. But I keep falling off the wagon!
  • I'll jump in on this! Most of that applies to me lol.
  • Thanks for the helpful replies :) I've tried a few water flavorings, but haven't found one I like yet. Which is why I generally just go with a lemon. But thats not super convenient when I'm out! I've kind of gotten hooked on a cinnamon tea recently. I used to be huge on sodas (Coke mostly), but I've cut down a LOT. I tell…
  • It's never a whole day for me, though I do try to keep it to one time a week. Like I'll say "Sunday is my cheat day". Sometimes I'll just eat like I normally do. Or I'll eat as normal but have a size able dinner. Other times ill eat as I usually do but add something special like a sundae. Without worrying about the calorie…
  • Yes. Mfp always gives me a very generous estimation. I do home workouts and my elliptical's own readouts weren't working, so I got a heart rate monitor. I go by that. Except in the case of yoga, mfp always gives me a much higher number of burned calories than I actually burned
  • I've only done three sessions from the PiYo DVD I got recently so far, but according to my hrm, my calorie burn has been between 98-170 for 20-30min But I haven't gotten into the harder stuff yet.
    in PiYo Comment by RyanneRose January 2015
  • My kids are recently 1yr and almost 3yrs. My only real chance to work out is after they go to bed. There's no way I'm getting up any earlier than I absolutely have to since neither of them sleeps through the night, still. I'm not adding to the sleep deprivation willingly! I only do home workouts, though at the moment.
  • 1600-something is my goal (started at 1800). Most of the time I shoot for 100 under or so. Sometimes i slip and go over. But it's my happy zone as far as weight loss. When I was at 1200, the weight wouldn't budge.
  • Thanks! Love the suggestions :) Greek yogurt with honey sounds great, and banana with peanut butter doesn't sound weird to me at all lol. Gotta look into tuna. Should get some fruit cups in anyway for my daughter.
  • Good ideas in here! I'd like to keep breakfast under 300 in general since I prefer that my "main" meal be dinner. The only time I get a substantial breakfast by choice is if there's an occasion. My usual go-to's if I want more than coffee/biscotti etc are a bowl of cereal or oatmeal/cream of wheat... maaaaybe scrambled egg…
  • Soda intake, portion size, and cutting out my random Hershey Kiss here and Thin Mint there and so on. Makes a huge difference.
  • Coke is my soda of choice. It could be my only liquid intake for a whole day if I didn't have reason for it not to be. But now that I'm back on the weightloss/healthy eating train, I've managed to cut it down. I'm restricting myself to 1 a day if I really want one and have the calories left over at the end of the day. I've…
  • I say it still counts if you put it on during pregnancy ;)
  • It wasn't until 8mo after my first that I did anything toward losing weight, and she was almost a year when I got serious about it. I was on *such* a good roll when I got pregnant again. Steady loss, nightly workouts 6 days a week, looking into getting a heart rate monitor etc then BAM! Pregnant lol. Starting over is hard.…
  • I just came to read. I don't have any that come to mind. But hey, I had a dunkin donut in my diary today...complete with frosting! What makes the OP one so "sad" is the 'frosting removed' part. I just get an image of someone scraping the frosting off with a knife or something onto the plate before eating the thing. Just…
  • At my best I was about 145. It was high school, more than 10 years ago, so I don't remember my size. I'm currently 193, losing lots of weight after pregnancy. I was up at 224 :/
  • I'm just starting out, so I'm not doing a whole lot yet. I do 6 days a week on the elliptical for 45-60min generally. Sometimes 35, sometimes 90. On the 7th day I do 15min. It kicks my butt, works up a sweat, and I'm losing pounds and inches, so for now I'm happy with it.
  • Same way you add them when you do eat them. Add to a meal. MFP doesn't know if you've eaten it or not.
  • I had MFP set for a 2lb loss per week. It gave me 1300 calories. I lost about half a pound a week. I changed my goal to 1.5lb per week and it gave me 1500 calories...my first week with more calories, I lost two pounds...maybe you need to eat more.
  • I've always just done salt, pepper and olive oil and it's a family favorite. Love it. That and asparagus prepared the same way.
  • My first maybe 3 weeks on here I had mine set to 2lbs per week and "lightly active" - I'm a stay at home mom. Activity level depends on the day and the kid, but I just chose one. It started me off with about 1300 per day (and eating back exercise caloried burned after that). I lost about half a pound a week. Not bad, but…
  • If you're not just looking for guys to add, I'd be happy to jump in :) I'm a wife and mom with a 1yr old girl, trying t lose weight in a life-change kind of way (not a quick diet way). Admittedly I make some bad food choices still (like dinner last night), but I'm working on it. I'm about a month in and I try to comment on…
  • I pretty much log everything, but I took literally one sip of apple juice today and had no idea how to record that, lol, so I didn't. I recorded everything else though.
  • Aww, I wish I had a dog to take for walks! I'm still fairly new, at just about a month (today marks 30 days). I log everything and weigh-in on Sunday mornings. It's been a real eye-opener, seeing every little thing logged. I hope you have good luck with it!
  • How does putting it on yesterday make it a cheat? Do you mean in the sense of a cheat day where calories are disregarded? Because it seems like putting it on today, where I can work it away with exercise and better choices would feel more like "cheating" in the sense that I can kind of get rid of it. On the day before, it…