esthertsivia Member


  • I used to weigh in on Fridays only, but it was driving me crazy every week so now I often do Mon and Wed also... yes it flunctuates but I do it around the same time of the day (morning between 8 and 930) and it helps me realize to not eat so much on weekends!
  • I went in there and changed my settings , well I didn't really have to chagne anything, and I lost 50 calories. I don't want to lose much more weight becuase I am in a healthy range right now but want to make sure my numbers are right. Thanks everyone :)
  • thanks :)
  • WOAH you are right. Definitely not 5 times a day haha!
  • No, its not regular dancing. You can't imagine. I cannot dance at all. I got rhythm recently from going to the gym. haha. Heres basically what I do: Jog in place, when i get tired march. Knee lifts. Jump up and down (touching the toes), jumping jacks, and then random dancing aka flailing in the air randomly. Haha. But if…
  • In an average exercise (45 mins) I burn 500-600 calories. I try to work out 5 times a day. I go to classes and do workouts on my own. Just dancing around during a TV show , if you do the moves bigger and more intense, can lose you 600 calories during 45 mins. I'm talking about jumping around al ot, knee lifts , that sort…
  • you should post that in the suggestions board, it is a cool idea but i dont think they will see it on here!
  • I have sort of given up on that sort of stuff for now. Haha. But , a container of Jello Pudding is like 110 calories!!! Plus has calcium...and you know it tastes good! If you have to eat something chocolaty, I'm thinking thats the way to go. Last night, someone gave me a packaged cookie from a bakery around here. After a…
  • Punches! These things are all good that people are saying, but if you want cardio while sitting, just do a bunch of punches in the air, diagonal to the other side. It really gets your heart rate up. If your'e watching a tv show, do it during the commercial, etc.
  • what do you mean, you make sure you eat at least hte goal of 1200? does that mean you make sure to exercise every day?
  • I am a senior in college and I work an average of maybe 25 hours a I feel your pain. I go to my local women's gym. They have classes that last 45 minutes. In an average class, I believe I burn 500-700 calories (just got a heart rate monitor last week, so not sure yet). They are fun because of the variety of…
  • I don't have Polar...but my impression is anything above however many BPM is fat burning. Higher than another number is cardio, but is also fat burning. Know what I mean? Like anyone who has over 115 is smartt, over 125 is very bright, but 125 is still smart. Not exclusive
  • I am! I would it does not help, because there are certainly less options. A lot of the healthy snacks are not kosher... and for example, at my work I cannot bring in my healthy food and heat it up, so I end up just snacking...and being hungry... The main issue is honestly Shabbos and not being able to keep track…
  • I can only see your before pic...but I see from your ticker that you are doing a great job! Keep it up!
  • And thanks everyone for the comfort! I feel better now. I'm going to a nutritionist next week so hopefully I can get some more insight on this 28 g number... haha
  • Ok, how do you do that? What do you eat that doesn't have sugar in it? We NEED fruit.
  • I am usually going over my carbs too but am trying to replace cereal with eggs, brownies with fruit cups, etc., and it's making a big difference. Good luck!
  • HAHA Yeah! Well, the instructor recommended a heartrate monitor but I'm a college student and basically financially independent... in other words cannot afford it haha. I would like to get one eventually but for now, am just going with estimates lol
  • Yeah, for sure. I am totally addicted. At one point I was having 4 cans a day. Now, I am down to 1 a day. I am not even aiming for 0 at this point. One coke puts me over my daily sugar and it takes away half a meal's worth of food... but... ... I love it.... :(
  • I would guess that the worst drink is beer just from personal observation (i.e. beer bellies). One of the trainers at the gym told us that a glass of wine (white) has 100 calories. But I don't know if you mean that you're planning on going out to have like hard alcohol or sitting there sipping something with friends. You…
  • Thanks everyone! I just had a few perogies and some apple juice... I only went over about 30 on calories but WAYYYYY Over on sugar. These sugar goals are a little too much. Two apples, and then you only have a few grams left. So I guess that needs to be my next goal. I 'll be thinking of this my next trip to the grocery…