Calories Changing?

Hi. I read that when I lose 10 lbs on here that my calories will change. Well, I did and they didn't change. I didn't get any sort of notification or anything. And I'm not at 1200 cal or w/e the minimum is...I'm at like 1360.


  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    You need to go into Goals, Change Goals, Guided, and have it recalculate. Just weighing in won't change it.

    However, once you get to exactly 10 lbs, it will prompt you to do it. You might be just under (9.8 lbs) or something, to where it shows 10 lbs on your ticker, but not really at 10 lbs yet.

    Good job on your progress!
  • CallejaFairey
    CallejaFairey Posts: 391 Member
    you need to go in and reset your settings to reflect your new weight, usually it means having to change the amount of weight you want to lose again, as it goes down a little bit everytime you weigh in and have lost weight
  • esthertsivia
    esthertsivia Posts: 32 Member
    thanks :)
  • julie4760
    julie4760 Posts: 125
    I think I was notified once I hit the 18lbs mark so I think it may depend on your total goal loss, not sure but it's a thought I know others have been notified at different stages and it does ask if you want to leave it for another 10lb or change it now.
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    Apparently it will not prompt you to re-set your goals if you set your own goals manually initially. If you went by the automatic MFP goals then it kinda enters it into a system to update every 10lbs.
  • esthertsivia
    esthertsivia Posts: 32 Member
    I went in there and changed my settings , well I didn't really have to chagne anything, and I lost 50 calories.
    I don't want to lose much more weight becuase I am in a healthy range right now but want to make sure my numbers are right.
    Thanks everyone :)
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    I went in there and changed my settings , well I didn't really have to chagne anything, and I lost 50 calories.
    I don't want to lose much more weight becuase I am in a healthy range right now but want to make sure my numbers are right.
    Thanks everyone :)

    Yes, it will lower the cals, because as you lose weight, your BMR decreases because you have less weight to carry around.

    Just as a side note, since you said you are close to goal, you may want to start looking at maintenance. You don't necessarily want to change your goal to maintenance yet. But you want to start getting "ready" for it. Usually, a good strategy is to increase cals slowly, by 50-100 every couple of weeks. That way you ease into maintenance and are better able to find the "sweet spot" for your maintenance intake without bouncing around.