kristinhowell Member


  • Yes! Otherwise I end up binging because I'll be SO hungry after a few days. Being in a 500 calorie deficit, I also sometimes go over my calories, just staying below 500 (typically only 100-200 over) and I still lose. There's some days I'm just not as hungry and I'm under by 200-300 so it evens out. I use a Fitbit Charge 2.…
  • Definitely! Balance makes the world go round (or something like that, right?). Enjoy your meal and your family!
  • I was never able to lose weight when I hated the way I looked. Once I figured out I deserved to be loved just the way I was, it got easier to improve myself. Because I deserved to lose weight and I deserved to be healthy and feel good. I loved my body every step of the way. You can't do this for anyone else, and if you…
  • Taco bell. And for these cramps to go away. I'll fix at least one of these problems at lunchtime today. B)
  • This homemade chow mein and some gardein vegan mandarin orange chik'n, and I'm good to go. Or just with some veggies and tofu stir fried with tamari, seasoned rice vinegar, ginger, garlic, and sriracha, if I need to lay off the processed food, lol.
  • The birds chirping outside at the feeders. Been working hard to get the pond area outside my window fixed up this year, and the birds are enjoying every bit of it.
  • I did my C25k training yesterday, even though I'd just started my period and was feeling incredibly tired from it. Felt better afterwards, even if the runs were slow as a snail.
  • Vegan broccoli and cheese soup - Can eat two cups for 450 calories, and it's chock full of veggies and potatoes.
  • I didn't binge on my full rest day - allowed myself to eat until maintenance and then stopped. Helped tremendously with the stress I was feeling from work.
  • Yep! You're burning calories from all that movement. If I don't eat my exercise calories, after a few days, I'm STARVING. Some days I'm not as hungry and I won't eat all of them, and other days I'm not quite as active and my calorie goal won't change much (I'm already set to active), but I've never had a problem losing…
  • I use Fitbit. And I connect it here. And I eat back most or all of my calories. You have to fuel your body as you're expending energy. If you're not being sedentary, don't eat like you are. It'll be more sustainable and will help you in the long run. I let it track my activity and I'll plan my day on what my normal calorie…
  • Yeah, i agree it's most likely water. I can fluctuate like that, or more, when I'm changing up my workouts. The more sore I am, the more water I'll retain. The muscles have to heal, though. A bath with some epsom salt helps the soreness and the water retention. And like the other poster said, drink lots of water!
  • Definitely ingredients. But processed foods have their place. If you lean toward organic products, the ingredients are much healthier in general, and they don't usually push for low-cal. And typically, things that are full fat or such are more satiating, and will keep you full for longer anyways.
  • Agreed, the first week, maybe more if there's a lot of weight to lose, always drops fast. I don't have much left to lose and I've been maintaining for a long time now, and still had the four pound drop week 1. Week two was less than a pound. Just make sure you're eating enough to fuel your workouts and all that! Good luck!…
  • It gets easier, but there are still days where it's hard. I have gotten significantly better about my stress eating, but I still want to eat some days out of boredom. Like others said, exercise helps a lot. For one, that's 30 minutes - an hour that I'm not eating, lol; and two, it gives me more calories to eat on. I…
  • There's some really good advice here, so all I'll add is be consistent (log all your food, every day, and use a scale to be accurate) and enjoy all things in moderation. Find what works for you - it might not be what works for someone else, but you have to get to know your own body. And last, trust the MFP system - it's…
  • If you want to try a vegan burger, I LOVE this black bean burger recipe. Very quick, easy, and you can easily reduce to make just one patty to try it out.
  • I agree on the headaches - k-cups have been my saviour when it comes to limiting myself. Otherwise I'd probably drink a whole pot and man would the days I miss my coffee be hell.
  • I don't like to eat meat for ethical reasons, so I usually don't (I'm human, though, and I am still an emotional eater). But I find my body feels better when I eat plant-based. Meat and sugar tend to make me crave more meat and sugar and I end up way over-eating food that makes my body feel sluggish. I can eat more food…
  • Learn to love yourself right now. Know that all the work you're going to put into your body and your health is because you love yourself and you deserve to be healthy and happy. Take it one step at a time, and don't give up. And don't beat yourself up if you fall - we all fall sometimes. It doesn't mean you failed, it…
  • I eat healthy snacks. Fruit and nuts or nut butter usually. Timing of eating is not really as big of an issue as sometimes it's played out to be. Just don't get carried away - too many calories at any time of day obviously could hurt weight loss unless you have calories left to eat. I eat supper pretty early most days, so…
  • Great job! Good luck with the rest, you know how to get there!
  • Good luck! MFP is a great tool.
  • Know that you deserve it. And that the hard work gets a little easier with time. But you have to put in the effort. It will pay off if you stick to it though. It's worth it.
  • I actually look forward to working out and meeting my step goal every day. Also, noticing progress in my arm and stomach areas (kind of problem areas) even though I have only dropped a few pounds in the last few months. Anddd feeling really confident and happy and loving myself. Biggest NSV yet.
  • I never found mine to be inflated. As long as I was accurate in my calories in, I never had an issue losing weight while eating back all or at least most of my exercise calories.
  • Good for you! We have to make each day count! :smile:
  • @ quietapathy :smiley:
  • Do it for you AND your kids. And remember those happy thoughts when you feel like you're "failing" - you got this, love yourself. Because you DO got this :smile:
  • I wish I wasn't so sore, but it's still so satisfying.