

  • I think it would be more recorded as strength training. I imagine it has a similar action like a gym machine I use. Not sure you'd be able to record it as cardio without a HRM.
  • I know when I did P90X for the first time, I didn't feel sick until after the workout was over. Then I felt very nauseous for 2 hours after the workout. I attributed mine to eating too soon before the workout and high heart rate with not enough cool down time.
  • Add me. I've only been dieting and exercising for about 5 weeks now. I still need the motivation and encouragement, too. :)
  • I can't wait to see 145. My goal is between 135-140, smaller than that and I look sick. I've been here for about 30 days and LOVE it. I can't get away from it. Congrats on taking the 1st step. Add me, too.
  • Want to know how many Sundays I said "on Monday, I'm starting my diet"? Want to know how many Mondays came and went before I did? Too many to count. However, just about 3 weeks ago I told myself I was going to do this and stick with it. I started P90X and watching my calories. In 2 weeks I lost over 7 lbs. I found myself…
  • You've come to the right place. This site is incredible. I really love the people here and the daily encouragement I get from others doing exactly what I'm doing. Congrats on taking the 1st step to look for others to help you along the way in your journey. You can do it.
  • I'm doing P90X. Hard workout that has 2 programs to choose from (Classic and Lean). I do Lean. Each workout is about 1 hr long except Yoga X, which is 90 mins. I'm on week 2 and I can tell a big difference in my stamina. Good luck finding the program that's just right for you!
  • I used to be addicted to diet soda, especially Diet Sunkist & Diet Sprite. About a year ago, I got a really bad cold and the antibiotic changed my taste buds for ANY carbonated beverage. Very quickly I was able to give up my addiction to diet soda. However, I quickly substituted carbonated drinks for sweet tea, especially…
  • My starting weight was 174. :)
  • I always get vegetable fajitas. Salsa is a great topper but no chips, queso or sour cream. Enjoy.
  • It is nice to read that someone is living life the way I do. We are a family that stays on the go. Between baseball, softball and church, I hardly have time to focus on myself and my needs. Granted, my husband and my kids are my priority, I find I have neglected myself. I have made myfitnesspal my lifeline this week and…
  • I'm ready. I need ACCOUNTABILITY. Thanks for the challenge