New and need help!!

madyncaden Posts: 290 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
I have no clue what I am doing on any of these forums or whatever. I have already intoduced myself on someone elses new introduction post and feel dumb. I need as much help with my weight loss as I do writing posts on here:) I am a mommy, wife, teacher, organizer and peace maker. I am involved with so many things that my life is busy and every moment is planned, the ones that are not get filled with last minute things or loafing. My kids are my life and I have a difficult time playing with them for long periods of time due to my weight. I have about 50ish pounds to lose and have already lost about 50. My problem is that I find something that works, get bored, go off of it and then when I want to get back on track it doesnt work, I like the newness!! I have had many people in my life tell me they support me and want to help me finish this journey, but most of them are skinny and have no idea what I am going through or heavy and dont follow through themselves. I am now reaching out to people in my own situation in hopes that one or several of you out there can help me complete my goal so that My babies can have the mommy they so deserve. Thanks in advance for any help, advice or shuving I will recieve in the months to come:)


  • WELCOME!! You've found a great place for support, feedback, ideas, recipes, venue to VENT & share... You'll love it here! :)
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    Welcome to the boards, and congrats on your loss! Just keep filling out your journal and doing the right stuff and you'll be done in no time :wink:
  • Thanks all! I am excited to keep track of my weight loss journey on here....this will make me accountable! And its more fun than Facebook!
  • rentrikin
    rentrikin Posts: 104 Member
    Hi, I also am relatively new here ( 2 weeks) I have been watching my weight creep up for years and although have tried many times to lose, I would always just give up but this time I feel so motivated and this site is such a help. I love to read the comments everyone makes and to see the before and after pictures are so inspirational. If you would like.. friend me... Rhonda
  • leanne2376
    leanne2376 Posts: 217
    You wont get bored on here believe me - i am the same as you i have 50lbs to lose.

    So lets spur each other on :flowerforyou:
  • AdGalicia
    AdGalicia Posts: 84 Member
    i am sending you a friend request, i am fairly new to this site too. It is a great support system and ever since i joined i have not stopped talking about it
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    I feel your pain sister. I am the mom of 4, wife, and teacher as well. If I can lose weight and get healthy so can you . Feel free to send me a friend request and I'd be happy to help encourage you! Best of luck!!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    Welcome! Sounds like you have a very busy life.

    Don't try to be Perfect in this weight/fitness journey.

    Understand that it is for life. Not for 50 pounds.

    Change one thing today. (Drink your water or log all your food. Just that. Baby steps.)

    When you have that habit (like a week ) - change something else (stop drinking juice, or pop, or stop having desserts - pick ONE.)

    One step at a time. Otherwise you'll get overwhelmed, feel like you're not doing it right, and quit. break that cycle!!

    Good luck. You can do it. Just jump in!!.....(slowly)
  • Monicazumba2013
    Monicazumba2013 Posts: 45 Member
    You have come to the right place. I find that people i talk to everyday on my page are the ones who are most supportive!!! Keep track of EVERYTHING that you eat. Make sure you fit in somekind of fitness. I totally understand about a busy life. I also have two kids, getting my masters, am a teacher( no classroom yet) and just family stuff that happens. This is a time for you and you need to set aside some time to focus on only you!! Take it one day at a time and remember there are many supportive people on this website!!!

  • depaky
    depaky Posts: 1
    Hi Deanna,
    I don't really post on the boards, but felt compelled to reply to you. I am a working mother of three. I have been fighting the weight battle for nearly 20 years now. I have gone up and down through the years, never really finding what worked for me, and always losing interest. I always get bored of the routine. Like you, I want to be fit and healthy for my kids. I want to be the best mom I can be. That said, the plan I am on now, I have been on for a month and a half. I found I was getting tired of logging and measuring. The measuring and food planning takes so much time. Although, it really is necessary. I've had to change up my workouts- because I started getting bored doing the same think every day; 3 mile walk with the pooch @ 5am. Now I walk, treadmill, elliptical, and aerobics (Turbo Jam). Sometimes I throw in a little strength training. I like variety. Right now i'm in a bit of a stall. I am seeing the change in my clothes, but not on the scale. But however small, a loss is a loss. I recently increased my cardio, so need to adjust my eating. Thinking my body has gone into starvation mode.

    Keep working at it. You've had tremendous success already. Just keep your head in the game and always remember why you are doing this. As moms, what we do for ourselves translates to our chidlren. You can do it!

    All the best to you,
    Deanna (Depaky)
    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • It is nice to read that someone is living life the way I do. We are a family that stays on the go. Between baseball, softball and church, I hardly have time to focus on myself and my needs. Granted, my husband and my kids are my priority, I find I have neglected myself. I have made myfitnesspal my lifeline this week and have loved every minute of it. I find that I have to eat right because it stares me in the face when I put in the bad things. I see the importance of exercising because this site shows me that I need it. I look forward to the months to come and hopefully the "negative" changes that come along with it.

    Good luck on this next leg of your journey.
  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 290 Member
    Thanks for all your advice:) I am in need of all the support and motivation I can get!! Keep up your great work as well!!
  • hi i am new to this too
    i'm ready to get skinny and in shape for the rest of my life:):smile:
  • MandiG82
    MandiG82 Posts: 7
    Welcome! I believe it's mostly about just making healthy eating and exercise a priority. There is ALWAYS a reason to eat quick, convenient food which is often unhealthy. There's always a reason that you can't make time for exercise. There will never be a convenient time for planning meals, cooking instead of ordering dinner, running even when it's raining etc etc. We are only given a finite amount of time each day. It truly is up to us to make our own priorities and plan our day. If you find that you're over extended in other ways, you'll have to cut back in other areas, there's just no way to do EVERYTHING all the time. I am speaking from experience. You can never make everyone happy. There will always be more acitivies to do than there is time. Construct your own priorities and plan to make them happen. Best of luck!
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