Throwing up after over-exercising?

withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
It's never happened to me, but I heard about it from others. Now I'm feeling headachy and just a little nauseous for no apparent reason, and I'm wondering if maybe I pushed myself too much. I haven't exercised any more than I have on any typical day in the past week or two, though... and my exercise session was more than 10 hours ago.

(psst, females: my TOM is coming up; could that have something to do with this?)


  • paintmelucky
    this used to happen to me...are you getting enough water??
  • cheleskids
    cheleskids Posts: 12
    I know when I did P90X for the first time, I didn't feel sick until after the workout was over. Then I felt very nauseous for 2 hours after the workout. I attributed mine to eating too soon before the workout and high heart rate with not enough cool down time.
  • SilentRenegade
    SilentRenegade Posts: 245 Member
    I can remember a time when I threw up after exercise and it was NOT FUN AT ALL. Once was in 8th grade during field hockey practice and it was 90 degrees and I ate a big breakfast... and I ran off the track and just puked like crazy. I just am careful not to fill my stomach up at all before exercise. Also the second I feel my stomach turn I stop and drink some water and it seems to go away pretty quickly. I take it as my body saying "slow down there tiger!"
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    I... am not sure. I don't actually count my water the way I count calories. Maybe I should, huh?
  • 2ht2hand1e
    2ht2hand1e Posts: 116 Member
    Hi this happens to me to, but I've never vomited either. I think it is a combination of working out, dieting, and hormones for me. These all affect blood sugar levels, etc. Sometimes, they come together in a perfect storm like that too. There are some things that help me like eating light foods around workouts and sipping instead of gulping water. If I eat heavy foods or foods more likely to cause heartburn, an hour before I exercise, I feel that way when I workout. It also really helps to eat smaller meals throughout the day instead of waiting until I'm starving. When I get really hungry like that, I sometimes get a headache and feel nauseous. It's worse around that time of the month for me too.
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    I can definitely imagine it not being fun! I'm just feeling a tad nauseous and it's this bad... Actually throwing up would be much worse!
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    I've actually felt ill during exercise - especially in particular pointe (ballet) classes that are very intense. I take a ginger "trip" (chewable ginger tablet) and that usually helps.

    Also, make sure you're getting enough water during your exercise. Sometimes something like Gatorade is better, actually. I use G2 during my intense class mentioned above and that's helped considerably.

    I often feel nauseous at my TOM as well - exercise or not - so it could be that....