

  • This happened to me, too. Your muscles retain water to help repair themselves after an exercise. Its very normal. just keep hydrated! You will see a loss eventually.:-)
  • LOL, that definitely made me laugh :-P Enjoy your muffins! That fridge sounds like a bully! :-P
  • That is freakin' amazing! Definitely going to try that experiment on myself as well! I HATE bloat! It covers up the hard work we've been doing! >.<
  • DEXTER!! <3 :flowerforyou: Scrubs House Heroes
  • Thanks for all the great replies!! I've never tried Avacado..Maybe I'll give it a shot :-) Dried fruit sounds great, too! Going to the store today to stock up! :-)
  • I wouldn't worry about how you look while you run....If someone wants to sit and judge how you look, then that is their problem. At least you're out there doing something good for yourself! I would try interval training, such as 30/60s or 60/120s. Sprint for 30 seconds and then jog/walk the 60 seconds. It will build your…
  • It's actually good to eat fruit after a workout. You deplete essential sugar stores in the body throughout a workout, and it is necessary to replenish them with "good" sugars that come from fruits. If you don't, you will eventually feel sluggish and unable to complete your workouts as efficiently. I, personally, try not to…
  • Where do I look for gluten free items?
  • Im pretty sure it is TOM if its not diet, becausr I eat super healthy 90% of the time...veggies, fruits, if I have bread, its always whole wheat...idk, bloating really is evil, lol. I absolutely hate it! I just cant believe how much it can change your body :noway:
  • Im not so sure about that theory...I have heard both yes and no to it. Curious to hear what people have to say as well.
  • Lol, well i have about 600 extra calories to burn....:-o
  • Only 90 cals? Wow. I might consider :) I think i might go with the salad instead of sandwich to watch some carbs. Sounds tasty!
  • Thanks, guys! Definitely an eye opener! Very glad I decided to get a HRM now, lol
  • I took some before pictures which I will post with the after pictures because I know I'm going to finish the whole 90 days!! tross, I will definitely have to have my boyfriend hide the scale, LOL. I think you're's probably not a good idea to weigh in during the first month. I want to put 110% into this :-) I'm…
  • Thanks for the support, guys! I do think I need to invest into some Whey protein powder..any recommendations on what kind to get? I definitely want to soak up all the protein I can get, so I want a good quality powder :D
  • Request sent! I can't wait to start seeing some results :) All of these before and after P90X stories and pictures have me revved up and very excited to push through!
  • I, myself, have not done it, but I've read a ton of success stories on here of people completing the 30DS. While it will definitely burn up a good amount of calories, you also need to make sure you're making some healthier food changes, whether it be packing a healthy lunch for work or school or making sure you are using…
  • I'm in! SW: 185 CW: 145 GW: 135
  • I'm absolutely sure you will look fantastic!!
  • d_marie90, I am 5'6" :)
  • My favorite cardio exercise is to run, so I mostly did that :-) But I also made sure that I mixed it up so as to not have my body see repetition of the same exercise. I included ellipticals, some Zumba ( :-D ) and a game I really love to play called Dance Dance Revolution! Outside of cardio, I did resistance training,…
  • sgreene87, thank you so much for the kind words :) Not everyone is blessed with a fairly decent metabolism or genes :) For some, it will just melt off, (Don't get me wrong, they bust their butts, too! It just simply comes off faster) but for others like us, our bodies just like to hold on to some extra "jiggly" as I call…
  • I've had friends do this to me too. They most likely just don't understand or have the knowledge that you possess about a healthy life and weight loss. I've given advice to a few of my friends that has made their jaw drop about food, exercise, etc. Just keep in mind that what you are doing is best for you :-) Whether…
  • Gaining is definitely so much easier than losing! If only it were that easy, right? Haha. I was amazed at how 40 lbs changed me as well! Everyone here is an inspiration to me and I look forward to getting to know you all! :)
  • Hmmm, so it seems to be true then. Exercise "earns" you a few extra calories. I, too, have a difficult time reaching my 1200 calories, bethany. A protein shake sounds like a great idea to complete the calories for the day! :) I think I will start trying that. Thank you for the advice!
  • I've wondered the same thing. It would only make sense that if you consumed 1300 calories...and exercised, say, a deficit of 400 calories, you would only be at 900 calories for the you would have to consume an additional 400 to keep things going. Your body's bare minimum is 1200 calories a wouldn't you…
  • Thanks all! :-) While the picture of me lifting my sister is the worst picture of myself I's also quite comical with the dog and my little brother throwing a pout :-P
  • I was just wondering how to fix that...Thanks meg! :)
  • I have troubles motivating myself everyday, so when I found this site, I got very excited. It has helped me in so many more ways than just losing weight! It has boosted my confidence as well!