dragoness07 Member


  • Hello, depending on the damage to the liver your friend should go on a low-fat (just means no more than required), high carb diet which means cut out fat and sugars (and no alcohol not even in food) eat lots of vegetables and fruits and wholemeal foods such as brown rice, grains, wholemeal pasta. However, as your friend is…
  • LOL - I eat Vegetarian/mostly Vegan (due to some health issues) AND I don't eat Quorn *shudder* nor Soya based products (such as Tofu) again *shudder* and I don't have any problems with protein intake. There are lots of other foods which are very rich in proteins. Due to my health issues I always have to keep an eye on my…
  • I am Vegetarian/Vegan and I eat regular raw food as well.
  • Hi, I am a nurse as well and do quite a lot of 12.5 hour night shifts. I just reverse my days to nights :) So, before I go to work that's my breakfast etc. I have always done it that way and for me it has worked well so far.
  • LOL - yes I can see that happening. OK .......... why not just start cutting down on meat, fish and dairy and just start introducing some *mouthwatering and delicious* vegetarian/vegan meals into your diet? I have taken some friends today to a Vegan/Raw food lounge and ........... you know what? They were absolutely amazed…
  • Yep, I pretty much agree with you. I love animals, but I also think that some people take it to far and what concerns me most about them is that they very often stop caring about us humans. Hey, and what I forgot to say, before you go all the way Vegan, why not give Vegetarian a go and just cut down on dairy? What I DO…
  • Lol. Actually, I don't think that is that much of a problem. My personal trainer is Vegan and he has got some incredible biceps *grin*. However, I have been mainly Vegetarian since my early teens and only recently switched to "mostly" Vegan due to some serious health issues. I have got no probs at all with protein intake -…
  • Hi there, well it's not exactly a new food item and has been around fo many years now. Agave is just another fructose sweetener and is the syrup of the Agave plant. Agave has got a very low GI and has shown to be beneficial with diabetics. However, as with all sweeteners "moderation" is the key. I use Agave nectar for my…
  • Quinoa, nuts, seeds, wholemeal foods, beans, lentils lots of stuff out there to get your protein.:happy:
  • Hi I eat mostly Vegan, and I get most of my proteins from unsweetened Soya milk, chickpeas, lentils, beans, quinoa etc. I am kind of protein restricted and eat mostly Vegan due to some health issues and I find it sometimes difficult NOT to get over my protein target. However, with the plant options you may find that you…
  • Yep, that's the most important part :). I love smoothies, especially green smoothies. Orange - Strawberry smoothie juice of 1 orange 100 - 150 gr Strawberries (or any other fruit) 1 small Banana 200 ml of unsweetened Soya milk (or any other milk - nutmilks are quite nice as well) 60 gr cooked Quinoa (white, red, black…
  • Hi, if you do snack already on fruits, nuts, veg and eat salads. You shouldn't have a problem with reaching your fibre goal. I usually eat around 20g minimum and 60g max. I usually have two to three portions of either grains, wholefood rice or pasta. However, I eat mostly Vegan/Vegetarian due to some health issues and need…
  • LOL - I agree with that. However, if you do fancy some healthy Smoothie/milkshake for lunch you have to ensure that it will give you enough cal and that it will satisfy you. I am a great smoothie fan, especially green smoothies. Orange - Strawberry Smoothie Juice of I Orange 100 - 150 gr of Strawberries 1 small Banana 200…
  • Woah, your meals look fab. Absolutely delicious. I just had a peek at your food diary, it appears there are a few similiarities in our eating habits. Could you please post the link to your blog. :) :smile:
  • Thank you very much :) Very interesting thread!
  • 15g of Chia Seeds added to cereals, joghurts, salads, etc will give you 25% of your daily fibre intake. However, as others said already fruit, vegetable and grains are great for fibre. Actually, it is very easy to get your daily intake of fibre.
  • If it doesn' t say they probably mean the uncooked rice. However, if you compare the calories with a pack which does say whether it refers to uncooked or cooked rice you can very easily find out. :)
  • That sounds about right with the calories. I usually eat an uncooked portion of about 60-70 gr and rice weighs about double after cooking. Hope that helps :)
  • I have never been that great at breakfast and only started recently with it - due to a healthproblem I have to eat regular now - I found that if I am not too keen on food in the morning that I enjoy a green smoothie eg. 1 small banana 1 small apple 1 small orange a handful of strawberries 2 handful of mixed baby leaves 1…
  • Hi :) I am a great green smoothie fan and I just enjoy the taste of them. If you would like to find out a little more about them I suggest to read the books by Victoria Boutenko and her family who kind of "invented" green smoothies. Her books are quite interesting and contain lots of different recipes. Apparently when you…
  • Hello :), I quite often double of my sugar content as well because I eat my 5 portions of fruit and veg a day - I usually eat 2 portions of fruit and 3 portions of veg and still snack on raw veg. However, I do believe as long as you are not diabetic or may need to be restricted with sugars for other reasons that shouldn't…