FrankieTrailBlazer Member


  • just take the average.... lol
  • Eggs are not fit for human consumption if one is looking to increase ones lifespan. Just in case any of you are willing to reconsider, i urge you to view some or all of a series of short videos on Dr. Greger's : Egg Industry Blind Spot Eggs…
  • The Pitfalls of Body Fat “Measurement”: Part 1 (of 6) you may find this of interest.
  • @billieljaime That is reasonably well summarized. Not perfect but quite good.
  • nice one. all pretty much correct...
  • I dont see how providing reference material can be considered spam. Your opinion is just another reference. The OP can objectively evaluate all references and decide for himself his own opinion.
  • Your point is quite amusing. You would rather get bogged down in minutia than look at the broader picture. The link provided has 71 parts covering many topics, and has way more detail than ever could be covered in this string. It woud seem more prudent for the OP to review the information, and perhaps ask *you* some…
  • I have provided a link for reference. The arguments developed can be accepted or rejected by the viewer. It is just a suggestion for the OP to consider without any obligation. It appears that you dont seem to respect that the OP can make their own decisions on their own AFTER considering more than one point of view. The…
  • Glad to see that you made an effort. Cheers for that. Rational decision making(opinion forming) requires use of rational thought process before the opinion is formed, not justification of a opinion formed in the absence of rational thought. The former may require listening to more than "last minute".
  • lol insulting.... sorry that you find me insulting. I'll tell my avatar to put down the verbal spear he's holding. But seriously, thanks for your cogent summary. Now the OP can compare that to the info provided and make an informed decision as to which may be more correct.
  • @neandermagnon you just like to hear yourself talk.... no references and probably cut and pasted 1000 times... lol...
  • not sure what your point is. Are you trying to trivialize this conversation by making it about the definition of what a "whole food" is? We will agree that processed foods are not whole foods. I guess it will make more sense if you look at the actual link provided, should that appeal to you.
  • you are free to allocate your precious time however you wish. And the OP can look at your garishness and compare to the information provided and decide for himself, should he so chose.
  • the ideas are cogently stated and fully referenced in the link provided... there is no need to rewrite them here... i would recommend you use that utilize your time and your degree level studies effectively by looking at the links rather than attempt to intimidate people in MFP forums... There are more scientific research…
  • 35 How To Become Insulin Resistant (The Paleo Way) 1 Do you want to be insulin resistant? According to the low-carb leaders, you shouldn't. Gary Taubes says, "When you're insulin-resistant, you secrete more insulin and you store more fat" (p.124, WWGF). Mark Sisson wrote, "Here's a quick summary of some of the unpleasant…
  • The OP is intimating that Lustig has something useful to say which is not the case. There is substantial proof that he is an Atkins foundation funded hack spreading misinformation and causing confusion demonstrated thoroughly on the link provided above.
  • i wouldnt oversimplify the world. Addiction manifests itself in more than one way. There are chronic low dose addictions scaling all the way to acute high dose addictions.
  • The OP is probably a hack planted by Atkins Foundation to support its cranks including that fraud Lustig, lol....
  • I wouldnt make the mistake of making life decisions based on anything out of Lustig's mouth QUOTE I’m back to talking about Robert Lustig again with this video. Lustig is, as I said, a master at speaking with certitude about issues he apparently doesn’t understand. Here he is on Tom Ashbrook’s NPR show talking about – what…
  • Gluten Free does not equal carb free.
  • The Pitfalls of Body Fat “Measurement”: Part 1 QUOTE Most of us, at one point or another, have had our body fat levels “measured.” I put “measured” in quotation marks because a body fat “measurement” is not a measurement at all. Body fat testing is a prediction, and a…
  • nobody can do the hard work for you... you will have to do the research yourself...
  • Improve your knowledge and confidence by checking out This will help make you immune to their silliness... Best of luck.
  • If you want to study Low carb and its claims in a fairly substantive & comprehensive way which would enable you to answer your question effectively, you would do well to check out: The Primitive Nutrition Series Playlist QUOTE Welcome to The Primitive Nutrition…
  • Lustig is a crank, an Atkins Foundation-funded researcher. He is just towing the company line. Good luck in your research.
  • Before you try it, perhaps you should watch all or part of a 71 part analysis of the Paleo myth. Each well referenced chapter is between approx. 4-12 minutes. . It is quite thorough and complete, a serious tome of information not to be overlooked. Best of luck with…
  • Before you try it, perhaps you should watch all or part of a 71 part analysis of the Paleo myth. Each well referenced chapter is between approx. 4-12 minutes. . It is quite thorough and complete, a serious tome of information not to be overlooked. Best of luck with…
  • Forget the above link to quackery. From Although Vetrano’s article is one of the most fanciful stories I’ve ever read about vitamin B12, it is rather detailed and I will only respond to the excerpts from the Jones-Shoeman article... For more…