leafsan Member


  • You don't have to friend your family on here, but I have both of my Parents on here and we're friends. It's not so bad because we're all living together at the moment and we are trying to support each other. I'd say, share the wealth, and friend them only if you want to!
  • If I'm really interested in a snack i like to have a few saltine crackers with some peanut butter on them. They really give me a boost.
  • I do this as often as possible. There are days of the week where I can't know what i'll eat for dinner, but otherwise I try to plan out my whole day as soon as I can. :)
  • I'll be honest, I enjoy seeing the numbers on the scale go down, but a bigger impact on my mood and feeling towards my weight really comes from what I see in the mirror. If I weighed 192 for the rest of my life but I didn't LOOK fat with no clothes on, I wouldn't care in the slightest about the number the scale said.…
  • Last semester was my last semester of actual classes. I started just going on the weekends (first thing in the morning works great for me) and taking my textbook for the cardio machines or notecards with me. I was very quickly finding excuses to squeeze in an extra hour later in the day during the week because it made me…
  • This, was perfect. Thank you :)
  • I hope my C/D's (depends on the bra and whatnot) Don't shrink to much. Though genetically speaking, even the thin members of my family have some nice Chacha's so I expect they won't be where I lose to much weight there. I have however already lost inches in the band! Which I am VERY happy about. However if you want to lose…
  • I prefer green tea myself, and I don't buy name brand I buy whatever house brand happens to be at the store I'm shopping at. If I could though I'd get real tea leaves! They're the best :) I also don't drink tea on days that I work, I drink coffee those days, it's my day off drink.
  • Your cats make me miss Mine, He is quite similar in color to yours! He's living with his grandparents right now while I live in a "no pets allowed" apartment.
  • I just made a crazy leftover type casserole; chicken, noodles, cream of mushroom soup, Alfredo sauce, mixed veggies and some avocado with biscuits on top. Sounds horrible I know but it's really a less than 600cal meal! It tastes pretty good, a little soupier than I planned but that's okay.
  • First; you are beautiful, doesn't matter that you've never had a date or any of that stuff. It doesn't mean anything in the long run. Second, I've been in your shoes many times. Part of the reason I joined this site was because I'm tired of not getting dates, feeling like I'm not the pretty one and being a third wheel with…
  • I'll be honest, I haven't given up chocolate. I'm very good at self control though. What I buy is the Dove Promises and I let myself have two after dinner most days. two are 88 cals and they fix my chocolate cravings so well! Some days I let myself have four, but those days are very rare that I crave it that badly. I don't…
  • I'll friend you! I'm working on continuing the good habits I already have, but any support is good! welcome to mfp!!!
  • Honestly, I have no idea why my limit is so high! I found it odd myself, as other sites had told me 1600. The BMR calculator has me at almost 1700 for a BMR. I am just over Obese 1 but I've found myself perfectly happy and not hungry on a 1400-1600 calorie diet, I am just tired of not losing weight, working out has been a…
  • Thanks everyone! :) great suggestions, sometimes I swear my brain turns off on healthy foods that I already love and for some reason think I can't have!
  • I don't think it's to high, I have a job where I walk or am on my feet a great deal. It's the calorie goal they gave me to loose 1lb a week. I'll see about adjusting it for 1.5lbs a week though and see if that makes me feel better!
  • Thanks both of you! I'll see what I can find at the store when I go this weekend. Almonds might be a great one for me to try to get my hands on. I like crunchy things. :)
  • Thanks for the suggestion! I wish that my gym was open that early, it really would make a difference for me. I enjoy working out first thing in the morning best anyway. Maybe I can find a new gym, though this one is currently free to me (School alum) so that's why I use it. Thanks for the suggestion again! Good luck with…
  • excellent notes! Thanks! I already have cut out sodas, and I don't keep a lot of sugary food in the house. I think my biggest weakness is pasta. Any tips with that? I do measure it out when I cook. Bulk is certainly our friend with cooking! Thanks!