Log Your Day In Advance?

I think I'm going to start logging what I plan to eat at the beginning of the day. Anyone try this? :-/

That way I'm not scrambling to make up for anything at the end of the day. I've been in "starvation mode" all week but with a surgically altered stomach I can't make up that many calories a few hours before bed! :-D And I really think I need to focus on strength training instead of burning more calories (same argument - I CAN'T consume that many calories without pain).

Has this worked for anyone else?


  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Absolutely! Everybody should be doing this, at least for long enough that they find their rhythm/routine. Pre-planning will give you better success, I guarantee it. :smile:
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    I always plan for the next day - the night before. In my settings against each meal i.e. Breakfast I have the calories I'm allowed i.e. Breakfast 450 cals. That way I know how many cals I'm allowed for each meal/snack. It also means that every night I can have 200 cals worth of my favourity Green & Blacks chocolate if I wish.
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    I do this often. Maybe not all meals, but it helps on days when I don't exercise much as well as days when I do a lot. Just keeps me informed of how much /little I've actually got to play with.

    I also find it helps inform my choices of whether to hav pudding or not!
  • leafsan
    leafsan Posts: 21 Member
    I do this as often as possible. There are days of the week where I can't know what i'll eat for dinner, but otherwise I try to plan out my whole day as soon as I can. :)
  • Juniper3411
    Juniper3411 Posts: 167 Member
    When I was using another logging site I used to plan out some in advance too, especially when I was at work, because I knew what I had packed and I wasn't going to be able to eat anything differently! It's not like you can't go back and delete things that you don't eat right!!
  • MrsGriffin67
    MrsGriffin67 Posts: 485 Member
    I almost ALWAYS plan my meals in advance. This gives me a better perspective on my daily goals. I don't close out my day until right before bed (on most occasions). It seems to be working for me. It also helps me to know if I need to choose smaller portions or add an extra snack. Best of luck to you on your journey!
  • aristel
    aristel Posts: 110
    yes, is really the best way, I´ve been doing it since my first day on MFP. it helps a lot
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    I always plan my meals first thing in the morning. Most days, I'm taking my dinner to work, and I seldom eat out, so that makes it easier.
  • asallen7
    asallen7 Posts: 301
    Yes, I do it quite often. It helps to have a game plan when everyone at work suddenly decides to order take out. If I don't plan ahead, I usually mess up pretty bad.
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    I plan my meals the night before and will sometimes tweak things the day of.
    It's the best way, IMO.
    I also prepare and pack up my food that I take to work the next day so it's ready to go.
  • JenBrown0210
    JenBrown0210 Posts: 985 Member
    Its what I do! I have to pack my food the day before for work anyways.
  • LadyT02182011
    I plan ALL of my meals in advance and input them into my diary at night. If I want something and it exceeds my nutritional allotments, then this gives me the opportunity to come up with an alternate. I love it and it helps me to stay focused without any slip ups. It's also great to input your meals in advance if you plan on eating out. Go to the restaurants website online and that way you are able to input your meal into the database before you go out and do extensive damage based on assumptions. All meals on the healthy menus aren't necessarily healthy. Good luck on your journey!
  • JustJessie
    JustJessie Posts: 162 Member
    If I don't plan ahead then I might go over. I fill it out for every meal and snack but don't click the complete button until the night of in case I need to adjust something if I grab something extra. I also plan the average amount of calories I'll burn so I eat those too.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I plan ALL of my meals in advance and input them into my diary at night. If I want something and it exceeds my nutritional allotments, then this gives me the opportunity to come up with an alternate. I love it and it helps me to stay focused without any slip ups. It's also great to input your meals in advance if you plan on eating out. Go to the restaurants website online and that way you are able to input your meal into the database before you go out and do extensive damage based on assumptions. All meals on the healthy menus aren't necessarily healthy. Good luck on your journey!

    Me too! It helps me see if I have to back off on portion sizes or if I have room for a not so perfect snack like chocolate, cheese, etc.
  • Therapist_mama
    Therapist_mama Posts: 135 Member
    I wish I were this good at planning as I have heard from all of you! I'm good to be planning as I go! I need to spend some time doing this though as I do find myself scrambling at the end of the day to get my calories in. I guess that will be my next goal here.
  • avenathus
    avenathus Posts: 113 Member
    I do this a lot, especially for breakfast and lunch. When I know I am going out to eat I also do my research online (if I can) about what I'm going to eat there, then log it. It helps me stay on track in the long run.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I always do this.
  • DebbieLaviolette
    DebbieLaviolette Posts: 89 Member
    Do y'all also plan your calories burned in advance to so that you don't constantly have a deficit late in the day...that worries me....I
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Do y'all also plan your calories burned in advance to so that you don't constantly have a deficit late in the day...that worries me....I

    Absolutely. When you're planning out your meals you should have the rough estimate of your calorie burn factored in already.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    My breakfast, lunches and snacks are the same Mon-Fri, so all I have to figure out are my dinners.