fit_crow Member


  • Salt and vinegar potato chips! Also lackluster dessert - really good dessert is fine. I can go get a doughnut from my favorite place and feel awesome, but give me a disappointing slice of cake and I end up binging. I also sometimes get triggered by dairy-heavy food, but I've gotten a little better about that. Today I had…
  • Ugh, I was doing so well and then tonight just turned into a late night stream of snack binging and it has not been good. I kind of forgot about this forum, maybe the accountability would have stopped me. Oh well. I'm actually still kind of in that mindset right now and trying to snap out of it. I tend to get launched into…
  • Curiouscreaturee covered a lot of the breakfast bases! If you're looking for more protein and don't mind fake-meat products, I really enjoy most of the vegetarian sausage out there. English muffin breakfast sandwiches are nice if you want something more savory than most other egg-free breakfast options. The sausage might…
  • It's awesome that you could recognize how being obsessive was affecting you! I used to have that problem a few years ago. Now tracking things has actually been really helpful for my binges, but I am very conscious about not getting too obsessive about it. I hear people talking about food scales all the time on here now and…
  • It really depends. Obviously with a lot of restaurant food I don't have the option to be exact so I have to estimate. I usually measure everything I add to recipes. Not with a food scale though. For me, personally, I have to balance counting calories with not letting myself become obsessive about it. But the emotional…
  • I have totally been where you are right now. For me at least, it was really stressful and scary when I had those kind of binge cravings for days, so I imagine it's probably similar for you. Other than talking to a professional, I don't have a lot of advice for making the problem go away permanently (still pushing through…
  • Me: 5 Binge: 1 Yesterday was rough, but I'm back on track and feel great.
  • Me: 4 Binge: 0 Here's to making it through Sunday and going all weekend binge free!
  • Raspberries with melted coconut butter drizzled on top! The coconut hardens almost immediately, and the richness goes so well with the light berries. Not the lightest in calories I guess (200 to 300 depending on how much coconut butter) but still healthy and so so delicious.
  • I'm in! Me: 1 Binge: 0 Lots of events this month, so hopefully this will help me stay on track (and feel better if I do slip up).
  • I'm 5'4" and currently at about 120, aiming for 105. I'd love to have some twin friends!
  • I'm 5'4", so not quite petite I guess, but I am pretty small-framed. I feel small when everyone is always taller! I'm trying to go from 120 back to 105 or so, since that was the weight I felt healthiest at. But that might be too low, so it's more about getting into the groove of healthy eating again and reaching a weight…
  • I have a mini, and I decided on this size because it could double as an ereader and be less cumbersome. I love it, personally. It's a really comfortable size.
  • It's very intentional. The media, and the diet industry especially, profit off people feeling bad about themselves. And usually this type of advertisement is targeted at women. Men tend to be advertised to as being "manly" and thus deserving of some cool product. Usually I don't get offended when I see these type of things…