Ladies, your thoughts. Ok, guys too.



  • JustAboutDelicious_wechanged
    1. Yes, it's all about the almight dolla

    2. Indifferent, as a woman I'm used to constantly being under a microscope anyway. They can bite me. And by "they" I mean anybody who doesn't like me the way I am.

    3. Absolutely 100%

    4. I can't figure out how to cover mine up, but sometimes you want to cover it up to be taken a little bit more serious otherwise guys in the office are constantly staring at your boobs

    Wow, constantly?

    Ummm, yes, if they like girls then constantly. They like to wink, too, not all of them but some of them. Frustrating. This is why I'm a pitbull at work, you have to to be able to get the job done.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Genie Bra, Spanx, and hmm I wonder what the make up was. Bare Minral? hahaha
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    I for one hate the culture of making woman feel bad about their bodies because when women feel sexy and beautiful, they flaunt what they've got, they are in better moods, they want to have sex and be naked more... it would just be a better world if we had a broader standard of beauty in our culture. I mean, those Dove soap ladies are hot hot hot.
  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    They don't bother me I either ignore them like I do most commercials or like what they are selling... They don't make me feel less of a person, they are just trying to sell their product!!
  • queenprog
    queenprog Posts: 10
    1. Do you think these infomercials/commercials are intentionally trying to make you feel bad about your looks and bodies?

    Unfortunately, yes. Even those women who have an ideal or healthy body are tricked by these commercials to believe that they are not perfect, even though most of us would die to be that healthy.

    2. When you see these commercial, do you laugh, shake your head, get mad, or are you just indifferent? Has there ever been a commercial that offended you in some way?

    I think all of these commercials are offensive. My husband loves me the way I am, even though I weigh more than he does. He's one of the few people in my life that think I look okay at this weight. All my life, I've been told by commercials and people around me that I was too big.

    3. Do you feel like you are always judged on your looks?

    Always. When I wear makeup, I feel good about myself and people compliment me, but when I don't wear makeup I see a difference in how people treat me. Or look at me.

    4. Why would anyone ever want to cover their cleavage?

    Some women like to cover themselves, to annoy the other sex.
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    I don't watch TV. I gave that up years ago. Between commercials designed to make me crave food and the commercials designed to make me feel bad, I don't care for TV very much. Or magazines. Most of the shows are crap too.

    Being 100+ lbs. overweight, yes I'm aware that people judge me. But having been fat for so long, I notice it less now than I used to unless someone is obnoxiously fat shaming. I'm not as self conscious when I date or have sex anymore, because obviously the guy doesn't care or he wouldn't have asked me out in the first place.

    I've always been a free thinker and have preferred to live life not by the general societal standards around me, but more what makes me (individually) happy. I'm not out to impress the sort of men that don't look at me anyways. Or wear a bikini. Or post photos of me in my underwear in the Motivational forums. I'm losing weight to be healthy. So, without all the normal motivators that usually make women lose weight, commercials can't make me feel inferior.

    It just frustrates and angers me that women are seen as worthless and invisible if they aren't beautiful. My validation as a human being doesn't come from my exterior. Hell, we'll all be old and ugly one day. Age has a funny way of sneaking up on you like that.

    Oh, and I cover my cleavage for work. Anywhere else, I let the puppies roam. :wink:
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I like you post! What a smart person you can look at an ad and see beyond the sh_t they are trying to sell and see the message

    1. Infomercials arent doing it on intention. They are just tapping into the base fear of modern society women looking fat and ugly and selling a product. It works successfully and they make money. I can't fault them if I had a product that made me millions of dollars you better believe I'd be telling women how fat and hideous they are without my product.

    2. Shake my head, but not at the company, but at the people who buy into the message without listening.

    3. Humans are shallow creatures we judge everyone based on looks. It's why humans suck. Beauty and youth in whatever the cultural context will always reign supreme.

    4. You have to cover your cleavage because on top of being judge for looks and how pretty you are you are also judge according to double standards and a woman exposing more cleavage is considered a *kitten*. Also sometimes women actually want to be taken serious like at the work place and our breasts alone make us appear stupid and if you add cleavage to it then you can expect that your perceived IQ will be knocked another 10 points.
  • OfficerFuzzy
    OfficerFuzzy Posts: 222 Member
    Anyone ever see "Killing Us Softly"?

    I don't watch much television.
    Short story short...I don't really have anything interesting to say on the topic.
  • fit_crow
    fit_crow Posts: 17 Member
    It's very intentional. The media, and the diet industry especially, profit off people feeling bad about themselves. And usually this type of advertisement is targeted at women. Men tend to be advertised to as being "manly" and thus deserving of some cool product.

    Usually I don't get offended when I see these type of things though. I should probably be outraged, but I'm pretty indifferent when it comes to actually watching those commercials. It doesn't really register at the time. I actually don't feel like I'm judged on my looks though. I don't think people notice my appearance too often, but I've probably just been really lucky in that regard.
  • amsxxo
    amsxxo Posts: 17 Member
    1. Do you think these infomercials/commercials are intentionally trying to make you feel bad about your looks and bodies?
    I think that in order for products to sell we have to think that we are only capable of so much because we look a certain way. Basically, yes! We have to feel bad about ourselves in order for us to want to strive for more. Since we are never fully satisfied with ourselves then we are constantly looking for more.

    2. When you see these commercial, do you laugh, shake your head, get mad, or are you just indifferent? Has there ever been a commercial that offended you in some way?
    I am very indiffernet. I get offended when I see these girls that actually are not even FAT and they get called fat on TV. Yes, I get offended because I look like most of them. But when they show these girls that look anorexic then that is perfection. When the heck did bones become so attractive? I was not aware! They pray on the parts that we feel bad about our bodies so they just keep exposing these tiny little things that look like boys to make us THINK that that is what's perfect!

    3. Do you feel like you are always judged on your looks?
    I do and that's because of marketing. You have to look a certain way to be considered beautiful or to be able to be "accepted" Its ridiculous but very true. People judge you based on what you look like then on your personality second. So stupid!

    4. Why would anyone ever want to cover their cleavage? (Ok, that question was for me….lol) Don’t answer.
  • VeganSurfer
    VeganSurfer Posts: 383 Member
    I tend not to watch TV...
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    I love infomercials. I believe you refer to the slim and lift.

    I do feel bad sometimes after watching them though, but typically it's something I can shrug off.
  • AIZZO4
    AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
    Totally off topic but I've always wanted to be a infomercial dramatization actress. I want to fumble around like an idiot trying to deal with saran-wrap then look at the camera with a "why isn't there an easier way?" face. Maybe I could be in the cleavage napkin commercial...."Are your boobs always falling out? Introducing the cleavage companion!!" Just an idea. :tongue:

    That being said, I obviously laugh at most commercials.

    I would watch that :laugh:
  • reallifealien
    reallifealien Posts: 128 Member
    1. Do you think these infomercials/commercials are intentionally trying to make you feel bad about your looks and bodies?
    YES. this is why i hate the dieting industry so much

    2. When you see these commercial, do you laugh, shake your head, get mad, or are you just indifferent? Has there ever been a commercial that offended you in some way?
    i get a little mad knowing that companies like those are cashing in on young women's low self-esteem. i don't appreciate the reinforcement of beauty standards. and no.

    3. Do you feel like you are always judged on your looks?
    yeah, but i don't really care

    4. Why would anyone ever want to cover their cleavage? (Ok, that question was for me….lol) Don’t answer.
  • weevil66
    weevil66 Posts: 600 Member
    1. Do you think these infomercials/commercials are intentionally trying to make you feel bad about your looks and bodies?
    Maybe not so much intentionally try to make women feel bad but play upon the pressure to look a certain way that society, media, fashion industries pushes upon both genders.

    2. When you see these commercial, do you laugh, shake your head, get mad, or are you just indifferent? Has there ever been a commercial that offended you in some way?
    I ignore them. Unless they make me laugh like the Nads one.

    3. Do you feel like you are always judged on your looks?

    I know I am. I have neurofibromatosis so am covered with fibromas. Some people think that gives them the right to ask rude and personal questions, people have acted like I have the plague, and not wanted to look at me. But oh well, I don't really give a rats a**. I am the one who has to live in my skin. If they are that superficial then that is their problem not mine.

    4. Why would anyone ever want to cover their cleavage? (Ok, that question was for me….lol)

    Sweetcheeks. I am barely an A cup. I don't have any cleavage to cover.
  • AIZZO4
    AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
    1. Do you think these infomercials/commercials are intentionally trying to make you feel bad about your looks and bodies?
    Maybe not so much intentionally try to make women feel bad but play upon the pressure to look a certain way that society, media, fashion industries pushes upon both genders.

    2. When you see these commercial, do you laugh, shake your head, get mad, or are you just indifferent? Has there ever been a commercial that offended you in some way?
    I ignore them. Unless they make me laugh like the Nads one.

    3. Do you feel like you are always judged on your looks?

    I know I am. I have neurofibromatosis so am covered with fibromas. Some people think that gives them the right to ask rude and personal questions, people have acted like I have the plague, and not wanted to look at me. But oh well, I don't really give a rats a**. I am the one who has to live in my skin. If they are that superficial then that is their problem not mine.

    4. Why would anyone ever want to cover their cleavage? (Ok, that question was for me….lol)

    Sweetcheeks. I am barely an A cup. I don't have any cleavage to cover.

    Sweetcheeks lol Don't answer #4
  • gerard54
    gerard54 Posts: 1,107 Member
    Hey, it’s me again. Last Sunday, I was at the gym (never thought in a million years I would say that) early in the day. Most of the televisions had infomercials showing. So I watched and noticed a trend, the commercials were all about women and how to make their bodies look “better.” The first commercial was about some kind of thing you wear to get rid of bulges, fat roles, and help make you self look slimmer. The second was make-up that made you look younger. The next one was something that hides cleavage, and the last one was a weight loss program. So of course this got me to pay attention to commercials all day. I noticed every other commercial was about women and basically saying you look terrible here is how you fix it.

    So ladies, I have some questions:

    1. Do you think these infomercials/commercials are intentionally trying to make you feel bad about your looks and bodies?

    2. When you see these commercial, do you laugh, shake your head, get mad, or are you just indifferent? Has there ever been a commercial that offended you in some way?

    3. Do you feel like you are always judged on your looks?

    4. Why would anyone ever want to cover their cleavage? (Ok, that question was for me….lol) Don’t answer.

    As always I love to hear different ideas and opinions.

    A man's opinion on this is, no Babes, you don't need that, those are for the uglies haha...
  • AIZZO4
    AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
    1. Do you think these infomercials/commercials are intentionally trying to make you feel bad about your looks and bodies?
    Maybe not so much intentionally try to make women feel bad but play upon the pressure to look a certain way that society, media, fashion industries pushes upon both genders.

    2. When you see these commercial, do you laugh, shake your head, get mad, or are you just indifferent? Has there ever been a commercial that offended you in some way?
    I ignore them. Unless they make me laugh like the Nads one.

    3. Do you feel like you are always judged on your looks?

    I know I am. I have neurofibromatosis so am covered with fibromas. Some people think that gives them the right to ask rude and personal questions, people have acted like I have the plague, and not wanted to look at me. But oh well, I don't really give a rats a**. I am the one who has to live in my skin. If they are that superficial then that is their problem not mine.

    4. Why would anyone ever want to cover their cleavage? (Ok, that question was for me….lol)

    Sweetcheeks. I am barely an A cup. I don't have any cleavage to cover.

    Sweet profile pic.
  • missgorg
    missgorg Posts: 28
    1. Do you think these infomercials/commercials are intentionally trying to make you feel bad about your looks and bodies?

    Yes, looking at those perfect toned legs make me want to cut myself. (kidding)

    2. When you see these commercial, do you laugh, shake your head, get mad, or are you just indifferent? Has there ever been a commercial that offended you in some way?


    3. Do you feel like you are always judged on your looks?

    Yes, I feel that like all the time.

    4. Why would anyone ever want to cover their cleavage? (Ok, that question was for me….lol) Don’t answer.

    As always I love to hear different ideas and opinions.
  • AIZZO4
    AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
    1. Do you think these infomercials/commercials are intentionally trying to make you feel bad about your looks and bodies?

    Yes, looking at those perfect toned legs make me want to cut myself. (kidding)

    2. When you see these commercial, do you laugh, shake your head, get mad, or are you just indifferent? Has there ever been a commercial that offended you in some way?


    3. Do you feel like you are always judged on your looks?

    Yes, I feel that like all the time.

    4. Why would anyone ever want to cover their cleavage? (Ok, that question was for me….lol) Don’t answer.

    As always I love to hear different ideas and opinions.

    That first answer scared me :frown: