Ladies, your thoughts. Ok, guys too.

AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
Hey, it’s me again. Last Sunday, I was at the gym (never thought in a million years I would say that) early in the day. Most of the televisions had infomercials showing. So I watched and noticed a trend, the commercials were all about women and how to make their bodies look “better.” The first commercial was about some kind of thing you wear to get rid of bulges, fat roles, and help make you self look slimmer. The second was make-up that made you look younger. The next one was something that hides cleavage, and the last one was a weight loss program. So of course this got me to pay attention to commercials all day. I noticed every other commercial was about women and basically saying you look terrible here is how you fix it.

So ladies, I have some questions:

1. Do you think these infomercials/commercials are intentionally trying to make you feel bad about your looks and bodies?

2. When you see these commercial, do you laugh, shake your head, get mad, or are you just indifferent? Has there ever been a commercial that offended you in some way?

3. Do you feel like you are always judged on your looks?

4. Why would anyone ever want to cover their cleavage? (Ok, that question was for me….lol) Don’t answer.

As always I love to hear different ideas and opinions.


  • SugarBaby71
    SugarBaby71 Posts: 3,630 Member
    1. Do you think these infomercials/commercials are intentionally trying to make you feel bad about your looks and bodies?

    It's all about marketing. We need to be made to feel like we're not good enough so we will succomb to the pressure and NEED that product. Sadly it works or those infomercials won't be so prevalent.

    2. When you see these commercial, do you laugh, shake your head, get mad, or are you just indifferent? Has there ever been a commercial that offended you in some way?

    Sometimes I shake my head... Sometimes I shake my fist... most times I see my glaring imperfections and KNOW without a doubt that this is talking directly to me.

    3. Do you feel like you are always judged on your looks?

    I KNOW I am judged by how I look.

    4. Why would anyone ever want to cover their cleavage? (Ok, that question was for me….lol) Don’t answer.

    Just to tease and frustrate men.
  • AIZZO4
    AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
    Thank you for the response.
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    1. no. ppl (espesh women) are insecure enough when it comes to their bodies and appearances that they don't need any help in that area. the only thing anyone needs to do is open with a sincere and non-judgmental "hey there, have you ever felt like this..." and ppl will line up to commisserate. i haven't seen every commercial, and i'm sure some are worse than others, but i think most of them try to play on existing insecurities in such a way that ppl will feel comfortable admitting to them.

    2. i'm offended by humanity. it's not the product companys' fault that ppl are naturally insecure. i'm also offended by ppl trying to take advantage of others (e.g. preying on insecurity) but that boils down to human nature too. humans are gross.

    3. yes. i was meditating on this very thought just the other day: whether i want to play the game or not, the game is played around me, and i WILL be judged by my looks, for good or for ill, rightly or wrongly, no matter what i do or say. i might as well accept it and use it to my advantage insofar as i may do so without compromising my values.

    4. if you don't have cleavage you tend to keep that area covered up. that's the only way i can answer that...
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    1. Do you think these infomercials/commercials are intentionally trying to make you feel bad about your looks and bodies?

    Obviously. They come from the premise that there's already something wrong with the way you (general you) look. Women are easy targets because they are constantly concerned with their appearances and getting older. Women are mostly surface. This is why I like recording my programs and skipping over the mind-numbing commercials.

    2. When you see these commercial, do you laugh, shake your head, get mad, or are you just indifferent? Has there ever been a commercial that offended you in some way?

    Usually, I just skip over them. Other times I stop and watch for a minute just to laugh, make fun, or rant angrily at my television for being a chauvinistic *kitten*.

    3. Do you feel like you are always judged on your looks?

    Yes, and in most cases, it's true. Everyone judges everyone by their appearance, at least at first. It doesn't just apply to women, but maybe a little bit more to them.

    4. Why would anyone ever want to cover their cleavage? (Ok, that question was for me….lol) Don’t answer.

    lol. :P

    As long as their is a "standard" for beauty in any society, insecure women will strive to reach for it usually. Even the secure ones do, because why not? There's nothing wrong with wanting to look better or be prettier, unless of course it becomes an unhealthy obsession where you're risking your own health just to try and be more attractive. If you believe a magic pill or 100$ device on television is going to make you prettier, lose weight, or live longer, you need to educate yourself immediately.
  • jimmyalice1984
    jimmyalice1984 Posts: 171 Member
    Good questions from OP and brilliant answers above.Yes we are under constant pressure to look 'perfect', I know every one of the infomercials you refer to and I have never bought any of those products. I am too poor to buy expensive beauty products but a lot of women literally buy into the 'ideals' that are shoved down our throats day in and day out. Yes it makes me angry and it makes me sad for young women too.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    1. Do you think these infomercials/commercials are intentionally trying to make you feel bad about your looks and bodies?

    No... these commercials are playing on women's insecurities. Obviously, they don't think every woman will buy their product, but they figure that some will.

    2. When you see these commercial, do you laugh, shake your head, get mad, or are you just indifferent? Has there ever been a commercial that offended you in some way?

    I'm indifferent. Marketers are trying to market a product to some segment of the population that may or may not include me. The last thing they are trying to do is offend.
    3. Do you feel like you are always judged on your looks?

    By individuals, no. By the general public, yes.
    4. Why would anyone ever want to cover their cleavage?

    I can't even imagine what product would be sold for this purpose. If you want to cover cleavage, then wear a turtleneck!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    1. Do you think these infomercials/commercials are intentionally trying to make you feel bad about your looks and bodies?
    Yes, that's how they make their rmoney
    2. When you see these commercial, do you laugh, shake your head, get mad, or are you just indifferent? Has there ever been a commercial that offended you in some way?
    I laugh and SMH and sometimes get a little miffed when the before and after pictures are so obviously staged. Before: guy/girl is slouching, frowning, pale, no make-up. After: guy/girl is standing up straight, sucking their stomach in, smiling and tanned or made up! Any of us would look fabuous with some proper posture and fixing up! Oh and I really love it when it's obvious that the before pictures are either post pregnance or stretched. Yes, I know women need to lose weight after they have a baby but I think we can all agree that your before picture should not be you 8/9 months pregnant...
    3. Do you feel like you are always judged on your looks?
    I think anyone would be naive to think they're not judged by their looks in some way but as they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Trying to look like everyone else is just silly. You are you, just try to be the best you that you can be. LOL! Deep, I know.
    4. Why would anyone ever want to cover their cleavage? (Ok, that question was for me….lol) Don’t answer.
    Just wanted to add my 2 cents to this one. Most of the time, a little cleavage is fine (although I know certain old cronies that get their knickers in a twist about seeing even a half inch) but it's pretty unprofessional to have the girls hanging out.
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    1. Yes. Absolutely. And they're right on the money because we're raised in a society where women are idolized for their perfect bodies. And I'm not just blaming the men, we women do it to each other too--probably worse.

    2. When I see a commercial like that, I turn it off. When I see a magazine like that, I throw it away. My daughters don't need to see that crap, and neither do I.

    3. We are all judged on our looks, men and women alike. I know I'm judged on my looks every day. But it's not my job to care what everyone thinks. It's my job to be a good person and teach my kids to recognize when they behave that way and give them the tools to fix it. For myself, I fight that feeling of insecurity by remembering who is really important in my life--those are the people whose opinions I value.

    4. I don't know about anyone else, but it gets cold where I live. My girls hibernate.
  • WannaDizzolve
    WannaDizzolve Posts: 270 Member
    Thoughtful questions.

    1. Of course they are. And it's not just commercials. Open any woman's magazine. When they play on our insecurities, we buy their crap. And most of us never feel quite "good enough." Including Supermodels, by the way.

    2. I ignore this crap. I do not watch much television.

    3. Are you kidding? Of course, I feel constantly judged on my looks. When I was 20 lb heavier, I was invisible. Now, guys come out of the woodwork to ask me out. They do extra things for me. Losing weight has saved me a ton of money :wink: I never open my own door. And i'm in a state not known for good manners...

    4. Like my Great-Grandmother said, no bosoms before 4 p.m. She also said no red shoes. I have red cowboy boots. You don't need to wear a turtleneck, a higher neckline suffices. lol
  • AIZZO4
    AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
    I have a DVR - I suggest ignoring all commercials entirely

    Some commercials are funny.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Of course the infomercials are designed to make women feel badly about their bodies.

    When I come across stuff like that (buy this device and get a flat stomach! long, lean legs! or whatever), I roll my eyes because it's all such a crock. Mostly, I'm just astonished and saddened at how ignorant people are about how to lose weight and get in shape. As if spending half an hour a day on an Ab Lounge is going to give you a six pack if you're 100 lbs overweight and eat every donut you can get your hands on ...

    Do I feel like I am always being judged on my looks? Absolutely. Human nature. Do I feel pressure to look "perfect?" Eh, I think I put more pressure on myself than men do in that regard. I think we, as women, have convinced ourselves that our bodies have to be perfect, but I think most men, at least once they get past the stage of believing all women should look like porn stars, have lower expectations for us than we have for ourselves.

    Why would a woman want to hide her cleavage? Because, contrary to popular male opinion, there are actually places where showing your boobs isn't appropriate.
  • ForABetterMe89
    1. Do you think these infomercials/commercials are intentionally trying to make you feel bad about your looks and bodies? Yupp. In some instances I don't think women think they have a certain flaw until a commercial or whatever has a fix for it. Then it gets in their head.

    2. When you see these commercial, do you laugh, shake your head, get mad, or are you just indifferent? Has there ever been a commercial that offended you in some way? I'm a very hard person to offend. I'm open and brutally honest at times. Most times I just turn the channel, other days I sit and watch. Typically, I'm criticizing what they just advertised. I know 9/10 products don't work.

    3. Do you feel like you are always judged on your looks? Yes. I hate it. I know that it's not true. People have so many other things to do than to judge my looks. Even though I know it's not true, I still feel like it is.

    4. Why would anyone ever want to cover their cleavage? (Ok, that question was for me….lol) Don’t answer. I'll answer anyway. I don't know! Why not? Unless you're in church or a nursery school (or any other similar place) I don't see a problem with showing some off.

    As always I love to hear different ideas and opinions.
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    I have a DVR - I suggest ignoring all commercials entirely

    unless its a budweiser commercial with the pretty horses.... but i guess then doesnt that fall into the make women look better category? beer makes women look better and to not cover cleavage for the op
  • starbab311
    starbab311 Posts: 94 Member
    1. Do you think these infomercials/commercials are intentionally trying to make you feel bad about your looks and bodies?
    I think we are the targeted consumer & it feeds into the media's depiction of the perfect woman. I don't feel bad but we are bombarded by billboards (I live in NYC) that show these sickly looking woman happy as ever in their fashionable outfits --- where is my chica with curves?!

    2. When you see these commercial, do you laugh, shake your head, get mad, or are you just indifferent? Has there ever been a commercial that offended you in some way?
    I think at this point it's whatever... I just move on. There will always be a trend and as long as there is an audience there will be many more.

    3. Do you feel like you are always judged on your looks?
    Heck yeah!! I am judged no matter what I wear just by the way I talk. I have an accent so I am instantly pigeon holed. On weekends I prefer jeans and a fitted hat since I wear more corporate gear during the week. Sometimes you do get a lil WTF because you are judge by the appearance.
    Ex:: My parents were renewing their vows & we were scouting locations. There was a place that we made an appointment to see -- my parents had a nice budget for the affair. We met with the manager and immediately he offered us the smaller room and tried to make it more economical by offering us a weekday wedding. My mother shook her head and walked out. Judge because we were in jeans & had accents...

    4. Why would anyone ever want to cover their cleavage? (Ok, that question was for me….lol) Don’t answer.
    I actually received this as a gift -- it didn't work!!!!!!!!!! lol
  • AIZZO4
    AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
    I told you guys don't answer #4 :laugh:
  • JustAboutDelicious_wechanged
    1. Yes, it's all about the almight dolla

    2. Indifferent, as a woman I'm used to constantly being under a microscope anyway. They can bite me. And by "they" I mean anybody who doesn't like me the way I am.

    3. Absolutely 100%

    4. I can't figure out how to cover mine up, but sometimes you want to cover it up to be taken a little bit more serious otherwise guys in the office are constantly staring at your boobs
  • AIZZO4
    AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
    1. Yes, it's all about the almight dolla

    2. Indifferent, as a woman I'm used to constantly being under a microscope anyway. They can bite me. And by "they" I mean anybody who doesn't like me the way I am.

    3. Absolutely 100%

    4. I can't figure out how to cover mine up, but sometimes you want to cover it up to be taken a little bit more serious otherwise guys in the office are constantly staring at your boobs

    Wow, constantly?
  • NHoughton13
    NHoughton13 Posts: 303
    Totally off topic but I've always wanted to be a infomercial dramatization actress. I want to fumble around like an idiot trying to deal with saran-wrap then look at the camera with a "why isn't there an easier way?" face. Maybe I could be in the cleavage napkin commercial...."Are your boobs always falling out? Introducing the cleavage companion!!" Just an idea. :tongue:

    That being said, I obviously laugh at most commercials.
  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
    1. Do you think these infomercials/commercials are intentionally trying to make you feel bad about your looks and bodies?
    YES - its marketing to get us to buy more products to "fix" ourselves

    2. When you see these commercial, do you laugh, shake your head, get mad, or are you just indifferent? Has there ever been a commercial that offended you in some way?
    When I was younger these things sucked me on, now that I'm older/maybe wiser/mroe confident, I just shake my head - i am bothered that society puts so much emphasis on our looks, but I try not to think about it actively.

    3. Do you feel like you are always judged on your looks?