

  • I have the Wii Active 2 and it is what first got me started with my exercise program. I loved it, but have not used it in quit some time because I have found other workouts I enjoy more, but it really did help build stamina and muscle.
  • I have the Wii version of Active 2 and I have almost completed the 9 week challenge. I love it, it really helped me start my weight loss journey! Because I started noticing that I wasn't loosing any more inches at about week 8 I have kind of cut back using it and have been doing some circuit training with my elliptical and…
  • THANK YOU EVERYONE! You all are so encouraging! I guess 7 lbs is a lot for 1 month, but it seems that I go down a pound or so then the next time I weigh myself it is back up. Just get upset that the scale want to go back up!! I really appreciate all the support everyone has to offer and I will definitely try some of the…
  • I LOVE to workout to Michael Jackson! I also like Eminems newest CD Recovery!
  • Hello Jacki! Sounds like you the right idea to start by lowering your soda intake! This site has proved to be very helpful in changing the way I think about the food I am putting into my body. Good Luck on your journey to a healthier you!
  • I can totally see it in your face and hip area!!! You look great, keep it up!
  • Awesome recipe! I LOVE chocolate and PB! I can't wait to try these!!!
  • I am hoping for a new cute bathing suit for our vacation to the beach in June!!!
  • Way to go Kimmies!!! I have that workout DVD and it is brutal! It does get easier the more you do it though! Stick with it, you can do it!!!
  • Sounds delicious, but I too am curious how many calories. Depending on the amount of PB and what type of yogurt could be quite a lot!
  • I weight myself everyday, but am finding that it's a bit frustrating. I have an obsession with the scale!!! I only weigh in on MFP once a week, usually on Friday. Always weigh in the morning after going to the bathroom and nude!
  • Hello ladies, I'm Shannon, been using MFP for just over a week now and I love it! Best of luck to you on your weight loss journeys!
  • I'm with you on this one! I am currently at 136.5 and would love to see 130 by the end of February! We can do it if we all stick together!
  • Congrats! My suggestion would be to continue to make healthy choices and stay active to help from gaining too much weight while pregnant. Never use the excuse your eating for two!
  • What I have found is eat the things you love, but eat in moderation! It sounds like you have the right idea with limited red meat, and wheat bread. Betty Crocker has a cook book website that is really good maybe you could check it out!
  • We all have those days where we think we can't make it through, just dig down deep and find your inner strength!
  • Thanks everyone! I love how supportive everyone is!
  • I feel your pain girl! I have been telling my husband for months that I need to loose these 15-20 lbs then the next thing I know I'm shoving a cheeseburger and fries down my throat! Not anymore! MFP makes it soooo easy. By seeing what I have eaten through the day I am more conscientious about my choices. I am struggling…
  • Hi! I added you and look forwarded to having someone to go down this journey with! It is nice to have people who can help and encourage you!
    in New! Comment by sdornbush January 2011
  • Thanks everyone for the help and support! Glad to hear I am not the only one struggling to get my mind in the right mode! I am really motivated to change my lifestyle to help show my kids how important it is to eat healthy and stay active! Keep the tips coming!
    in Help! Comment by sdornbush January 2011