

  • Depends on the day. Sometime it's easier to pre-log my day, or even an entire work week just to remove any need to worry. Nice to just look at what is for lunch today? If something changes, easy to fix. Othertimes it's nice just to log as I go. Though I find hitting all macros (specially sodium) is easier to hit if I…
  • NO this is will power. Everyone has will power. You just have to summon it. It is A LOT easier to have will power to no eat that bowl of ice cream when you can say "Hey on my cheat day I'll eat ice cream I'll stick to eating healthy today" then it is to will power up "I"ll never eat ice cream. If you tell yourself (or…
  • I've lost 33 pounds so far eating foods I love. I failed in three diets in the past and got really depressed thinking I'd always be fat (which lead to getting fatter) because I though I had to go "all or nothing." MFP the whole point is track what you eat. Make reasonable choices in modoration. I eat good most days of the…
  • Unless you found very hard to find no sodium chicken, it has sodium in it: http://www.cookinglight.com/eating-smart/nutrition-101/sodium-in-chicken-00412000070041/ Only the Lemon and Ms Dash dont' have sodium (Ms Dash uses Potassium instead). Everything else has sodium in it. But I'd make sure. Like has been said eating…
  • Detox is myth. There is no weight loss benefit. If you drop any weight on a detox it was water weight and comes back soon as you're eating normal foods again. There is no scientific evidence supporting detox it is all fads.
  • 400-500 calories in a workout is a lot. How long is the workout and what are you doing? A lot of those apps are REALLY BAD and overestimate like crazy. Can't see you food diary so can't too much. But its possible you have a lower BMR then the TDEE calculator is using. Also weight at the same time (morning is best because…
  • Ummm, that would be shocking if you actually had 210mg for an entire day. Almost everything has sodium in it. I would say maybe the things you are logging incorrectly don't have sodium on them. Some people don't fill in all the nutrition facts when they input food into the database. I TRY to do low sodium of around 1500mg…
  • There is some studies showing woman response better with weights for fat loss then cardio. But in general cardio is a good call anyways. Lowers your resting heart rate over time, raises good cholesterol, and helps prevent heart disease, etc. If you're working to be healthy it's a good idea to find ways to fit in in =) Good…
  • You need to do some cardio too. If you're busy at work you can do things during your lunch hour, like running up and down stairs, etc. Good cardio is where you burn fat. Weights while some calories are burned its more about toning and gaining lean body mass. You should eat typically TDEE -20% eating back your calories…
  • Beer does not skunk by taking it out of the frige... The idea it will skunk in temperature change is a myth spread by people who think they are beer experts when all they were are is the kind of people who drink Miller High Life... Edit: Here is a link explaining true beer skunking http://beeradvocate.com/articles/527
  • I used Netflix and Hulu. I turn Hulu off when stuff I like is all caught up (Family Guy for example). Certain things like Breaking Bad I usually just pay for it on iTunes. I had the trial of Prime but found I didn't like it was paid for by the year and not month to month where I could turn it off at anytime. My one thing…
  • Not sure on a scale I know there is a electronic method to record body fat that is not as accurate. Send a small amount of current through you and measures the resistance. I used one of these and then had my trainer do all the proper measurements and it was off by about 1%
  • All good ideas and thoughts. Thanks everyone =)
  • Hate sleeping!!! When I was younger I could sleep for 3-4 hours tops and be rested. Now that I need closer to 6 or I'm dead to the world and useless, I get so frustrated.
  • In modoration they are just fine. There are more then a few nuts out there with unfounded studies that are not peer reviewed trying to claim artificial sweeteners cause all sorts of issues. I'm sure someone will post something about it and how you should only ever drink water. But if you enjoy sometime don't cut it out,…
  • I put fresh squeeze lemon in water and find I love the taste. And I keep diet coke as a treat having 3-4 a week no more then once a day. Makes them all the more rewarding.
  • I started taking multi-vitamins every morning at the suggestion of someone else on MFP and it helped a lot with my nighttime cravings. But I usually drink a glass of water and just go to bed. If you have a really bad time, drink a protein shake that is low in sugar and high in protein. You'll fill full but the damage is…
  • This. And add a little lemon. If you're really trying to cut a few calories. But over all olive oil is great for you and should not be cut out.
  • Please don't spread false information that has absolutely no research or merit. One person whispers this crap then another will think it was true. No part of this is true. Diet soda is worse because it reduced bone density. But if you don't have to worry about potential osteoporosis you're perfectly fine with a little diet…
  • To answer your speed question 2.4km = 1.5 miles To run 1.5 miles in 13 minutes you must do 6.92mph (or pretty much rounding up 7mph) Also forgot to say, in metric it would be 11 kph to do 2.4km in 13 minutes.
  • I had changed my life once before, and took 48 pounds off before I took a dream trip to Japan. Though I was still very overweight. I had an embarrassing experience with a language barrier where at Universal Studios in Osaka I was told I couldn't fit in the seat and could not go on the ride. Depressed me and then topped off…
  • I would skip breakfast at the minimum, sometimes I would go all day without eating then at 10pm or later I was famished. Usually opting for fast food at that point and justifying ordering 3000+ calories. Also drank tons of sugar soda. I can remember going through drive-thru lines and getting two drinks to make it seem like…
  • All some great thoughts. I have access to a fridge and a microwave. I'll check out these sites and get some ideas. Thanks!
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