

  • thanks. I will.
  • ok thank you very much. I will take my time and cut. Will get there just takes time. Thanks all for the advice
  • yeah I knw. hmmmm. I guess its a trial and error issues.
  • Yes thank you, a woman's perspective is great. I would keep that in mind. thank you very much
  • hmmmm ok thanks. Its just that want a good size for my height. Because i am not really tall I can't put on a bunch of muscle because I will look short and broad. Trying to avoid that. So trying to get that perfect size. But I guess the best thing would be to lean down first and then add slowly. Measurement at my belly is…
  • II used Calliper plus on-line measurements. Am wondering thought. how I would look with 148 pounds of lean muscle at around 12% bf.
  • ok thank you very much. I think I will cut a bit because i have muscle, but its not really showing. If u don't mind me asking what are your stats?
  • Your hand looks bigger than mine. lol. My body type is Mesomorph. Last week it was very clean, Complex everything, no soft drinks or juice, on healthy stuff. As of this week It was a lil dirty. eating a bunch of food to match calorie intake. Currently need about 3000-3300 Calories for one pound of muscle a week. using XXl…
  • hmmm, ok cool, thanks.
  • lol am guessing my calories are too low. but like wth. lol
  • ok thanks. I didn't know I could do that. Noob. lol. I usually just write everything down. thanks
  • ok thank you very much. Will track everything. Also was at 21% body fat and dropped it 17% with a deficit and heavy lifting. Muscles got stronger. Wana add a bit more muscle and then will cut down. Don't wana cut, then add and cut. I think I can successfully add a couple pounds. Not looking to add a whole lot, 5 pounds max…
  • thank you very much. This has helped alot. :)
  • Went and check my body fat a bit more accurately and its about 17%. lol. Wel thing is I have been doing resistance training with a rtio of about 45 carbs 45 pro and 10 fat. I have lost some fat but not so much muscle. In fact I my chest is starting to form maybe because of the weight loss but its a bit harder and so are my…
  • LOL. ok thanks. Well I think I will do a 20% fat cut right now, and the add on half pound of muscle a week. Should just stick to the basics that work rather than trying to short cut it. Thanks all.
  • THats very interesting. I guess its all trial and error. I was wondering also for a calorie surplus on days you life heavy and deficit for the others you may do cardio or HITT. What would that do?
  • Sorry miss worte. On average about 20% body fat. Well on average. But I don;t look that big, thats the thing. If you take a look at my profile picture you will see. Ok thanks will do
  • Ok in relation to what you said. Am 24 bf% 21 5"8 180 pounds. I have some muscle, but If I would to drop down to my goal of 10% body fat I will look to lean. lol. and I want to add some muscle on to that. So Would it be more feasible to eat clean with a calorie surplus of lets say 250-300 to gain muscle mass per week. I…
  • well kinda new. Used to life before but got sick and gained a bunch of fat over my muscle. But would like to ask all teh crazy questions first before I start something :)
  • ok that helps a lot, thank u. I think the hardest thing is maintaining it because sometimes after a couple weeks people tend to get discouraged. But I will keep up with it this time. I was just concerned about putting on a whole bunch of fat over my muscle or losing mat. Thats why I was scared to lift heavy. But I guess…
  • ok I understand that. The endurance would be great for when am out in the sun from 9-6 playing sports. But at the same time I don't wana keep them the same, I want to add. I understand what you saying about the Lesmill and my HR does go very high with the Lesmill and my muscles feels sore the next day, like they have been…
  • ok that sounds pretty good. Well I have sports training twice a week which can be seen as Cardio I guess. Cricket. So I wouldn't mind skipping the HIIT. Lets say I revise it to this: Would do the Lesmill pump lets say 2-3 times a week and eat maintenance on those days or just below. 2-3 times a week will do heavy. Not…
  • Well I don't wana add bulk with the fat. Wana shred some fat as well and want more lean. Not a whole lot of muscle. Just a little.
  • hmmmm ok thanks. I just don't wana lose muscle mass as well. Are you saying I should up my calories? But would I lose fat still?