Heavy lifting

I have cut my body fat from 21% to about 17% in the last couple weeks eating at a calorie deficit and lifting heavy. I am about 175 pounds, 5'8. I have a fair amount of lean muscle, about 147 pounds. I would like to start adding on some muscle and then do another cut if necessary. Most of my fat is around the tummy and in legs but it does' like horrible, in fact I can see four of my abs.

Was gonna do Body Beast from Beach body which is the old school body building. Most of my calories will come from foods, not gainers. I eat only the whole wheat stuff with lean meats. 5-8 meals a day. Using the supplement whey 100% gold standard. Will add some nuttela maybe some Oates if I need to to make it gainer. However I was wondering if eating only the healthy and not a bunch of crap juts for weight if I could add lean muscle without a bunch of fat. Was also wondering if at the same time the calories would go to muscle building and not fat making and I would also be able to burn some fat as well. I knw the whole logic about eat more to gain, eat less to lose, but just wondering.

Thinking of going around 2800-3000 calroess, 300 carbs, 200 grams of protein, and 100 grams of healthy fats. Does that sound ok? Thanks for any help provided BTW I don't wana bulk a whole lot, no more than 5 pounds of muscle. Don't wana look short and stucky cause am not that tall.

Taking Arginine and Ornithine, Alive once a day men's vitamin. No sugary stuff, no lose cars, pure healthy. Thanks


  • haroon_awan
    haroon_awan Posts: 1,208 Member
    This video on gaining weight should answer all your questions:

    I have to say, Body Beast is not the most optimal program for building muscle (note the word optimal). It's okay, but the whole "90 day" thing is just not viable in the real world. Most bodybuilders or fitness enthusiasts will not bulk for 8 weeks, rather they spend at least 4 months on a bulk. The only reason Body Beast does is to fit it in with other programs by BeachBody. I would personally stick with a 3 day full body workout like StrongLifts 5x5 or Starting Strength for at least 6 months. The one I am currently following is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feY6vi6ORXo. I've seen better results with 3 full body workouts than I have with the 5-6 day body split. Alternatively I'd recommend an upper/lower or push/pull/legs 4 day split.

    Note on your supplement use, not sure what Ornithine does but you don't need a whole lot of them. You certainly would not need Arginine as it is found in a lot of foods high in protein and as you intend to eat 200g of protein a day you are essentially wasting your money I'm afraid, despite what the supplement companies are telling you. This includes things like casein before bed time. It's just a myth

    If you are sincerely interested in supplements and you honestly would like to know more, then for now the only things you need to read are these two articles.


    This applies for the general population, people who want to improve health/performance, amateur/semi/pro athletes, bodybuilders, fitness models, powerlifters etc

    If you can't be bothered, then I'd recommend as a baseline
    Fish oils (at least 1-2g a day)
    Multivitamin (at least 1 a day) which you have
    Possibly Vitamin D if you don't get much sunlight (1000-5000 IU a day)
    Protein powder (if you can't get 1g per lb of bodyweight as a minimum from whole foods)

    Good luck. Feel free to add me or message me for help.
  • StephanDwarika
    thank you very much. This has helped alot. :)
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    I have cut my body fat from 21% to about 17% in the last couple weeks eating at a calorie deficit and lifting heavy. I am about 175 pounds, 5'8. I have a fair amount of lean muscle, about 147 pounds. I would like to start adding on some muscle and then do another cut if necessary. Most of my fat is around the tummy and in legs but it does' like horrible, in fact I can see four of my abs.

    Was gonna do Body Beast from Beach body which is the old school body building. Most of my calories will come from foods, not gainers. I eat only the whole wheat stuff with lean meats. 5-8 meals a day. Using the supplement whey 100% gold standard. Will add some nuttela maybe some Oates if I need to to make it gainer. However I was wondering if eating only the healthy and not a bunch of crap juts for weight if I could add lean muscle without a bunch of fat. Was also wondering if at the same time the calories would go to muscle building and not fat making and I would also be able to burn some fat as well. I knw the whole logic about eat more to gain, eat less to lose, but just wondering.

    Thinking of going around 2800-3000 calroess, 300 carbs, 200 grams of protein, and 100 grams of healthy fats. Does that sound ok? Thanks for any help provided BTW I don't wana bulk a whole lot, no more than 5 pounds of muscle. Don't wana look short and stucky cause am not that tall.

    Taking Arginine and Ornithine, Alive once a day men's vitamin. No sugary stuff, no lose cars, pure healthy. Thanks

    Replying to follow. I'm in a very similar situation. Cut from 205 lbs to 186 lbs while maintaining 156 lbs of LBM (22% to 16% BF). Now I'd like to add LBM and maintain fat. Will check out the links.