My Measurements

I have had the problem of whether to cut or bulk. I don't want to look skinny or extremely lean but at least like I have good size.
Decided to bulk for a month to add some more size. Currently these are my stats.

Sex: M
Age: 24
Weight: 182
Height: 5'8
Body Fat%: 18
Biceps: 15
Waist: 35
Chest: 39
thighs: 24
Neck: 15
Forearm: 12 inches
Around my Shoulders and back: 48 inches

I don't really look all that well defined just like I have size. What are your recommendations? Should I start cutting or continue bulking. Also My chest feels small like its lagging.

Any advice will b great thanks.


  • Fithealthyforlife
    Fithealthyforlife Posts: 866 Member
    You look like you have the same sort of body type as me...just more bulked up. I'm guessing your forearms haven't changed much over time...? Because mine are probably the same size as yours, but you're bigger everwhere else. I've always had lagging arms.

    I'm not sure if you're bulking and looking to cut, or what. How clean is your diet at this point? How many calories above your required amount are you currently eating?

    And are your workouts going up in intensity over time?
  • StephanDwarika
    Your hand looks bigger than mine. lol. My body type is Mesomorph. Last week it was very clean, Complex everything, no soft drinks or juice, on healthy stuff. As of this week It was a lil dirty. eating a bunch of food to match calorie intake. Currently need about 3000-3300 Calories for one pound of muscle a week. using XXl mass gainer and whey 100% gold. Am just thorn on if to keep bulking or cut.
  • Fithealthyforlife
    Fithealthyforlife Posts: 866 Member
    Choice is yours, depending on your goal. Only you can decide at this point what you want. I don't know what your normal waist size is; mine is 30 right now (I haven't done ab/oblique work yet, though, so it will prob increase by an inch or two at some point). Maybe we're different in that area. But 35 on me would mean a lot of excess fat in the stomach area. Personally, I would decrease by a few hundred calories and try that for a few weeks if I were in your shoes and I knew it wasn't under my requirement. You have 149 lbs lbm. If I were you, my goal would be 12% at 170 lbs. I would also probably decrease my rest intervals between sets and do more exercises that resemble cardio during that period of time. I would continue lifting heavy or moderate and make certain I had enough protein (over 1 gram per pound of body weight) during that period. But you already know all that...and only you can decide what you really want to do.
  • StephanDwarika
    ok thank you very much. I think I will cut a bit because i have muscle, but its not really showing. If u don't mind me asking what are your stats?
  • grantdumas7
    grantdumas7 Posts: 802 Member
    I agree go on a cut until your b/f drops to 10-12% then slowly bulk. BTW what method did you use to measure you b/f
  • StephanDwarika
    II used Calliper plus on-line measurements. Am wondering thought. how I would look with 148 pounds of lean muscle at around 12% bf.
  • Brad805
    Brad805 Posts: 289 Member
    Was that waist measurement at your hips? What is the measurement near your belly button?
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    i never really understand these threads because this is such a personal decision. each one of us would make a different decision based on how we look, how we want to look, and which way the wind happens to be blowing at that particular second.

    you're not going to put on much muscle in a month so if you bulk, stick it out for a longer period. if you're going to cut, set a goal of 10-14% and hang in till you get there. which you choose first doesn't really matter because after a few cycles (which could take years) you'll be trying to arrive in the same place anyway.
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    If you care at all for a non-weight lifting women's perspective, I prefer definition over bulk. I don't want my man walking around looking like a gorilla, but I do want him strong enough to kick *kitten* if need be...
  • StephanDwarika
    hmmmm ok thanks. Its just that want a good size for my height. Because i am not really tall I can't put on a bunch of muscle because I will look short and broad. Trying to avoid that. So trying to get that perfect size. But I guess the best thing would be to lean down first and then add slowly. Measurement at my belly is 35 inches.
  • StephanDwarika
    Yes thank you, a woman's perspective is great. I would keep that in mind. thank you very much
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    "good size", "too skinny", "perfect size", "well defined", and "extremely lean" are all vague terms that mean completely different things to different people, you know
  • StephanDwarika
    yeah I knw. hmmmm. I guess its a trial and error issues.
  • Brad805
    Brad805 Posts: 289 Member
    ....Measurement at my belly is 35 inches.

    I suggest you keep losing fat then. You will probably look more defined and bulkier at a lower BF level even though some of your measurements will go down. The bulky look has a lot to do with the muscle definition that pops out when the fat is gone. You need not worry about the bulky look unless you plan to add in a few of those illegal substances and dedicate the next 10yrs of your life to the pursuit of getting that look. That magazine look is just not in the cards for many of us.

    Some researchers suggest the most efficient mass growth is between the 10 - 15% BF for men. It really does boil down to your own personal long term goals. We all learn as we go.
  • StephanDwarika
    ok thank you very much. I will take my time and cut. Will get there just takes time. Thanks all for the advice
  • Fithealthyforlife
    Fithealthyforlife Posts: 866 Member
    ok thank you very much. I think I will cut a bit because i have muscle, but its not really showing. If u don't mind me asking what are your stats?

    5'9 and currently 140 lbs at somewhere between 6-8% bf. Medium build, ecto-meso body type in what is essentially an untrained state right now. This is too small for me, lol...I feel awkward right now with these proportions.

    I am actually just starting out again after being away from this for many years! I've been lifting light for several months now to get my joints stronger, and am just starting to go heavier as of today. I used to lift in high school, but then stopped in college due to laziness and time issues - I'm 27.

    And yes, my hands are a bit on the larger side, but not huge...I have the hands of an average 5'11.5 guy.

    Just started counting my calories and macros last week. It's been very helpful!
  • Fithealthyforlife
    Fithealthyforlife Posts: 866 Member
    ok thank you very much. I will take my time and cut. Will get there just takes time. Thanks all for the advice

    yeah, don't rush it! Don't want to lose muscle.
  • StephanDwarika
    thanks. I will.