Calculating Macro

Was following a formula for Macros. Currently am out 178, with a body fat of 17%. 5''8. Gonna do some heavy lifting for a while to add some muscle and will then cut some more.

So this is what I worked out

maintenance calories- 2700

Doing a surplus of 3000

Protein- 216- 864

Fats- 90- 810

Carbs- 331- 1326

Here';s what I don't understand though. Lets say I follow the macros instead of just counting calories before. Each item like a can of tuna has a calorie amount per serving. AM supposed to be totally ignoring that and just focus on the individual macros? Or am I supposed to add those calories as well. so if it has 10 grams of protein, am I supposed to check 10x4 and then add it to the amount of total calories per serving.Sorry if this sounds dumb to some but just need to make sure. thanks


  • Troublemonster
    Troublemonster Posts: 223 Member
    I'm not sure that my way is right but I tend to plan my meals ahead to try and get close on my macros. If, at the end of the day, I am short on protein I will attempt to make that up but I generally don't have a problem getting 200+g of protein a day and staying at or below 3k calories.

    216g protein is a high, although not unreasonable, amount of protein for someone at 178lbs so if you were to fall a little short you would not necessarily suffer for it unless that becomes a dailty thing for you. I tend to consider the protein a priority, the rest kind of fills itself in and I try to keep my fats down by eating sensibly and my macros generally fall right about what you laid out by the end of my day.

    I eat no more than 3 scoops of whey per day and that is always in my PWO shake.

    I do believe that a number of body builders do exactly what you're thinking though. I know Lobliner always says "Today i get xxx protein, xxx carbs, and xxx fats" and never even mentions his caloric intake for the day. I think that's kind of the basis of IIFYM (If it fits your macros) eating.
  • grantdumas7
    grantdumas7 Posts: 802 Member
    If you are trying to eat a surplus, you may find it easier to track total calories, but make sure your macros are in range. Why are you eating at surplus when you are at 17% b/f? If I were you I would try to eat a deficit while still lifting heavy and try to get my b/f around 10-12% before trying to add muscle.
  • StephanDwarika
    ok thank you very much. Will track everything. Also was at 21% body fat and dropped it 17% with a deficit and heavy lifting. Muscles got stronger. Wana add a bit more muscle and then will cut down. Don't wana cut, then add and cut. I think I can successfully add a couple pounds. Not looking to add a whole lot, 5 pounds max i plenty with about 12% body fat. Lean body weight is about 146 average.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Log your food. MFP will track calories, carbs, fats, and protein. Try to get as close as you can to target in all categories.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Log your food. MFP will track calories, carbs, fats, and protein. Try to get as close as you can to target in all categories.

    Ummmm.....yeah. Let's not overcomplicate this. The can of tuna for your example is probably in the database. Enter it and the cals/macros/micros will be entered.

    sometimes they will even be correct
  • StephanDwarika
    ok thanks. I didn't know I could do that. Noob. lol. I usually just write everything down. thanks