jnknzxD Member


  • That's a good idea... I would say my boyfriend but he's gone through a big mental illness thing and he hasn't been motivated himself.. x_x
  • Just make sure you go to your GP before you change your diet to a vegan diet. Maybe stick to a Vegetarian diet, then convert slowly.
  • @Luper; I'm actually not eating only 1250 calories, I think someone just pulled that number up. I actually don't know how much calories I am eating at the moment, but I'm sure soon to find out when I start counting again! :D I used to eat sweet potato a lot.. thought it was bad because it was sweet though lol.…
  • CR; well it's been the past 6-8 months that I've been that active, so raise my calorie intake then? Hmm I like the sound of that =D I need to buy some dumbella, know a cheap area? Sorry for asking so much, you just seem a bit knowledgable. Mark; yummm yoghurt, I'm at the groceries at the moment so ill probably grab some of…
  • Well the thing is, the past year I've been quite active, doing things such as running around, jumping around, walking from my place to another place etc but I don't seem to go anywhere with it, so this is why I wanted to try the no carb after 6pm thing. I've half majority of my proportions and I did lose weight, but I…
  • @Chad; Sounds common from some people I've talked too.. @Cr01502; Is there such 'boost' for the metabolism? Does that just come from exercise?
  • What do you think about the 3 meals a day, 2/3 snacks in between? Or eating every 3-4 hours? @Cr01502 as well.
  • @Cr01502; Hmm.. Okay so stay within certain calorie intake, and follow the Daily intake guide?
  • What happens to unused energy then?
  • @Chad; Does that mean I can still eat before I sleep? Because I also heard that you should wait AT LEAST 30 minutes before you sleep because your systems slow down whilst you sleep... Well, according to what I learn in my nursing and psychology courses. @Skeywood; Cr01502; But carbs 'turns into' fat when it's not used, so…
  • Don't think you should go Vegan, JUST to lose weight. It's harder than you think it is, you can't eat eggs or dairy products, and it'll be surprising to you to find out what actually has those products with foods that you actually love. Just eat healthy, have vegetables but also have meat. If you really do want to go Vegan…
  • @Krist; That'll be a great idea, thank you! I shall try that one next week! @Chad + Andy; I heard that Carbs at night time, especially simple carbs at night time is bad as it's harder to break down and it's close to sleeping time... And something else. >__<' @Pries; Is sweet potato actually good for you? Since normal…
  • I just don't have the time to log the food though.. And sometimes the food I eat aren't even on there, and I don't know how to count the calories. Weight is a massive problem for me especially when I don't have a lot of time due to Senior year as well. Money is also a problem and ... Motivation. I'd like to have an…
  • I guess I'm just not ready to lose the weight.. I sort of feel like I can't lose the weight x_x But thank you guys :3 I will.
    in absence Comment by jnknzxD April 2011
  • @Chris : Hahaha, That's super adorable.
  • Lol I'll keep that in mind. @_@ I've been at this for like, almost 5 weeks and I haven't lost anything though, I'm a bit worried.
  • Mmmm Ice cream. Damn you Chris for making me think of it haha. I just don't want to keep restarting like I have been. It feels bad. @Carl; That's true. I haven't done that bad in the previous days, I actually had trouble eating up the calories I needed each day.
  • It's weird, but I was in the hospital and it made me feel so much better. I think it also helps that I actually want to be a nurse in the future. But that's not the point. I'll do my best with the working out and burn as much as I can. But I think this is my 2nd fresh start in 2 weeks. Haha ^^;
  • I was in hospital for depression. I just needed to get out and be in a safe environment since I should be appreciating life right now. But what do you mean over several sessions? Over a few days? or...
  • I realized that Maccas seems to be an Australian term for Mcdonalds, that's what we say instead of Mickey D's. I do.
  • Thank you guys and thank you for the motivational story. Well.. Planning XD
  • I'm confused a bit .. Due to the long words @_@; /Fails at english/ In summery does this mean we eat a decent proportion of foods each meal and not have a bell shape meal plan? [aka, 500 calorie breakfast, 1000 calorie lunch, 200 calorie dinner]
  • Indeed a lesson learned and that sounds good to me. I have taekwondo tomorrow and I'm excited to burn that cookie away haha. But does that mean I don't eat the burned calories from tomorrow? Or is it an absolute restart. And those Subway cookies were absolutely irresistible.
  • That's what I was thinking too, I just needed to grab some confirmation. >_< I'm having a home cooked meal tonight so it shouldn't be to bad, but man, I'm almost double what I should be having per day.
  • Alright thank you ^_^ I think I just sort of find it weird eating different amounts in a day due to exercise but that's understandable.
  • I never had a nasty habit of foods really. I did crave for foods but they were very random. Although my favorite worst food was cakes, especially Cheese cakes.
  • Chinese new years. :3 You know those dancing lions with the bald guy. Google it, I'm sure you guys know who he is. And thank you for the HRM site.
  • Ah~ How do I find one of those o_o;; Lol. D:
  • I'm not sure what a HRM is. xD;