Amiwil Member


  • :laugh: isn't it hilarious we come on this site to lose weight and then finding the calories to eat becomes difficult? I love it! Lol well, think of something you've wanted for a long while and fit it into your calorie count. When is the last time you had a slice of pie or cake? Figure out a serving and how many calories…
  • Absolutely! I just complained the other day like a foolish baby until I realized my period was the culprit. I was so disgusted with my post. I feel your pain. I just kept fluctuating from the same lb lost. Scale wouldn't budge. Then my period dropped and I said "Ohhhhhh!" Lol, we are kin.
  • Yay! I'm sending a PM. So glad it helped.
  • That was my love as a kid lmao. Glad you joined the club.
  • If you crave it, eat it! Your meal over lettuce sounded wonderful! Count it, log it, weigh it, measure it. Don't underestimate what you've eaten so that you know what remains, after your done, in your calorie limit. I've found some ways to help me with salty cravings and sweet cravings. For salty, I've found black pepper…
  • Wear an A line dress. Also, that person was *kitten*! Excuse my French. If you're a large girl like me, fear not, you will lose quicker than 2 lbs a week because you have so much excess. I've been dieting since the first and only exercised a week so far and I'm down 16.6 lbs. I don't eat my workout cals and I try to adhere…
  • I am so sorry david! That's horrible. UNFORTUNATELY, I've heard this all before from people who were attempting to lose weight. They normally didn't last together. What it sounds like is the you are ready for a change where she is comfortable in the same spot. How that works out between you two is up to you all. But, one…
  • Follow your gut. It's a scam. Eat fruit everyday, especially to soothe your sweet tooth.
  • [Thanks! Those are all great things and I know I am doing a lot of the right things I rarely eat fast food with the exception of pizza. But I just discovered 116 calorie thin crust!! Occasionally I eat a taco at Taco Bell but not much more than that. I dont drink soda, didnt really even before I started. Not a big candy…
  • Agreed! My mom does have some size 8 clothes that I'd love to take though! Lmao!
  • Anais I did the same but I will see how I feel after I reach my GW 180. If I still hate my gut then I gotta keep trucking and shoot for 170!
  • Isn't it great to see what REAL women look like. My goodness I got so tired of people wanting to know celebrity secrets because they want their body. We don't have chefs, nannies, nutritionists, personal trainers, and plastic surgeon doctors on call like they do. So I decided people need to get real and see real. So I…
  • Nice! Great minds thinking alike!
  • Hi all! So you want to know what real women look like at the size you want to be? Sorry guys I'm not sure if there's a sight made for you but here you go ladies!
  • I had a serving of steel cut oats with a half cup of blueberries this morning. I've also made myself a smoothie out of a half cup yogurt, cup frozen raspberries, and a cup of frozen peaches or mangoes. Egg white omelettes made with 5 eggs is good too with a brown rice cake for crunch and some milk.
  • Hey! Don't feel down! People are offering great suggestions. 1) Set your activity level in your profile to sedentary. 2) try your best to stick to the goals set 3) remember that it takes 9 calories of energy to burn 1 gram of fat, so beware of fatty foods (hint: multiply fat grams by 9 to see how much exercise calories you…
  • I use Pam. It's ZERO cals. They have flavored ones too if you want to taste olive oil or butter etc.
  • You're right. I didn't realize how much the biggest loser has obscured my thinking lol. I have GOT to stop watching those things. I definitely can't make my job working out so I needed your mental check. I guess I get overwhelmed looking at all these great weight loss stories on supermarket shelves and tv that I get down…
  • You're right I am waiting for the exercise to kick in. I guess I need to learn patience. It's hard since last year I had lost 30 lbs in a month! We have similar stories :)
  • Omg you're right I sound like a crybaby. Disgusting!
  • A year?! Omg how frustrated you must've been! I'd die, seriously. I'm going to take a look into that blog, thanks! I do weigh everything. I follow the barosolutions plan and enter all of my substances used and eaten EVERYDAY. And when I see the fatty Mediterranean feta salad and eat two scoops on mini toasts I add those…