What is "too skinny" for you?



  • My_Own_Worst_Enemy
    My_Own_Worst_Enemy Posts: 218 Member
    Its all subjective.

    Which is what makes this thread divisive, useless, and herp derp derpity dumb!
  • MissLeelooDallas
    MissLeelooDallas Posts: 145 Member
    Its all subjective.

    Which is what makes this thread divisive, useless, and herp derp derpity dumb!

  • Its all subjective.

    Which is what makes this thread divisive, useless, and herp derp derpity dumb!

    :laugh: basically this...
  • Well, we were doing so well, but I see the calling people "gross" portion of the thread has begun.

    Also the wanting to puke portion has begun as well (see above).

    the machinist thing? i didnt want to say something.. but wouldn't the average person DIE from losing that much weight? in the picture you're talking about, pukey? didnt he lose like 100 lbs for that?

    No, I wasn't talking about that photo. The person that posted above me said she wants to puke when she sees spine bones. You can't see mine when I'm standing (my muscles stick out much further than my spine, which goes inward), but probably can to some degree when bent over, with a rounded back.

    Also small bones don't break easily. Breaking is related to bone density or extreme excessive force (in reply to your deleted comment).

    Stop it! Facts, sense and logic...bah humbug! :laugh:
  • amandakev88
    amandakev88 Posts: 328 Member
    Its all subjective.

    Which is what makes this thread divisive, useless, and herp derp derpity dumb!


  • kateyharris9998
    kateyharris9998 Posts: 8 Member
    I use to have a number in my head as to what I wanted to weigh, but after I got really sick and lost weight on accident, I got to see myself at that number, and I did not like it at all. I currently would like to lose 20lbs, and feel then I will look thin enough, but not too skinny. I get mixed messages from loved ones on this subject. I'm in a place (again) where I say I need to lose weight, and family and friends agree. However, this cycle of weight loss I undertake annually, always has everyone turning on me about 15 lbs in. Then they start telling me I'm too thin. So I think the truth is, take what you think you should weigh, and add 5 lbs to that to be at the ideal weight, and not too thin.
  • emrp22
    emrp22 Posts: 14
    Sanfly: intersting website you posted! http://www.mybodygallery.com, showing real women and their body shapes.

    I think weight is best wherever you are the most comfortable and healthy.

    Many years ago, during a stressful time in my life, I was 123 pounds (I am 5'8), and I looked like I was ill. Not a good look for me - but for some for some others at my height it might be OK. My ideal weight with my bone structure is 140-145 pounds. I have high cheekbones, so if I go below 140, my face looks hollow, which I don't like.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Well, we were doing so well, but I see the calling people "gross" portion of the thread has begun.

    Also the wanting to puke portion has begun as well (see above).

    the machinist thing? i didnt want to say something.. but wouldn't the average person DIE from losing that much weight? in the picture you're talking about, pukey? didnt he lose like 100 lbs for that?

    No, I wasn't talking about that photo. The person that posted above me said she wants to puke when she sees spine bones. You can't see mine when I'm standing (my muscles stick out much further than my spine, which goes inward), but probably can to some degree when bent over, with a rounded back.

    Also small bones don't break easily. Breaking is related to bone density or extreme excessive force (in reply to your deleted comment).

    OHHH. i get it. sorry, im slow! cant you see EVERYBODY'S spine bones with a rounded back? im sure yours is normal.. [and you're banging hot, i gotta say..sorry, i creeped your pics lol to see the spine thing you were talking about [which i didnt see!]. you look like Jennifer Conelly/Amanda Peets love child!]

    Yeah, I think you can feel everyone's spine when they bend over with a rounded back, that's how they check for scoliosis in school (remember).

    Aaaw, you are so sweet!! Thanks! I have been told before that I look like Jennifer Connelly. I was not familiar with Amanda Peets. I can see that resemblance. People have told me I look like Nicole Linkletter and she looks like Amanda Peets also. Thanks for the compliments!! You made my day! :flowerforyou:
  • emrp22
    emrp22 Posts: 14
    The answer to that question is going to vary greatly from person to person.

    A person is too skinny when that person is unhappy with how skinny he or she is.

    Or when that person is a starving child dealing with a famine or child abuse. That breaks my heart.

    Or when someone is dealing with an eating disorder and needs emotional support, therapy, and a positive body image.

    Or when someone has become hopelessly addicted to drugs and needs to recover but can't on his or her own.

    Or when someone has cancer and the skin has become so thin that you can see the bone underneath.

    I think your post is by far the best one that I have read on this thread. You point out that "skinny" not only can be caused by illness or emotional trouble, but by physical abuse and malnourishment. We are too concerned about how we look in our society; instead we would do well remembering that how a person looks has nothing to do with what they are worth as human beings. Sadly, that is NOT the message we most often get through our modern day media...
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    The answer to that question is going to vary greatly from person to person.

    A person is too skinny when that person is unhappy with how skinny he or she is.

    Or when that person is a starving child dealing with a famine or child abuse. That breaks my heart.

    Or when someone is dealing with an eating disorder and needs emotional support, therapy, and a positive body image.

    Or when someone has become hopelessly addicted to drugs and needs to recover but can't on his or her own.

    Or when someone has cancer and the skin has become so thin that you can see the bone underneath.

    I think your post is by far the best one that I have read on this thread. You point out that "skinny" not only can be caused by illness or emotional trouble, but by physical abuse and malnourishment. We are too concerned about how we look in our society; instead we would do well remembering that how a person looks has nothing to do with what they are worth as human beings. Sadly, that is NOT the message we most often get through our modern day media...

    Yes, I agree with all of this as well!

    And this is why it can be hurtful to say someone is "too skinny" just based on aesthetic preference. Because it is claiming they have mental and physical illness.
  • Too skinny for me is when someone looks sick, and you want to tell them to eat something

    Too skinny for a friend of mine is anyone with a normal and average BMI (He likes his ladies big, honestly though all his girlfriends have been obese).

    This question is like do you prefer long hair or short hair,

    blue eyes or green.


    The important part it be happy with your body, I don't want a skinny body, I want a healthy strong body
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    As a teen, I remember feeling a bit too skinny at 115 lbs - I was pretty self conscience about it. That put my BMI at 17.0, so yeah I was a bit thin - I don't think it was just in my head.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    As a teen, I remember feeling a bit too skinny at 115 lbs - I was pretty self conscience about it. That put my BMI at 17.0, so yeah I was a bit thin - I don't think it was just in my head.

    I'm quite a bit shorter than you. For me 98 pounds plus is not too skinny. Below 98, in the 95 pound range is too skinny aesthetically for my body in my personal opinion.
  • tinyzombie
    tinyzombie Posts: 128 Member
    I won't give an answer regarding other people, because there are way too many variables involved, plus I'm not out to shame anyone's bodies.

    For myself, however, I can answer this. I don't put a lot of stock into BMI because of this. I'm only 5'3", and according to BMI, I'm not "underweight" until I hit 100lbs or less. That's crazy to me, because the skinniest I ever recall being was about 130, and I looked very unhealthy and everyone was worried about me. At 100, I feel like I would look like I was in need of hospitalization. I've seen loads of girls my height at 100 who looked PHENOMENAL, truly, so it's not like I think slender people just don't look good, or anything. It's just my frame, personally, I guess.
  • sarafischbach9
    sarafischbach9 Posts: 466 Member
    It varies from person to person and what they think looks good. Also, people vary naturally in height and frame! A short, small framed woman might look healthy at 105 lbs than a woman of the same height and weight of a larger frame.

    For me personally, probably anything under 105 lbs! I start looking boney and scrawny. And once I'm under 105 lbs, I am medically considered underweight.

    I think I might be a medium framed person... but I personally think I look the best around 115 lbs. I am 5'3.5"
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    The whole boney emo looks is not my favorite thing... honestly as long as your body is healthy it doesn't really matter.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    If I get below 160, I start to look too skinny. I know that sounds strange since I am only 5'7". Just my body type, I guess.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    <<< Apparently I'm "too Skinny" now and have been told so by at least half a dozen people where I live. I however don't think I'm too skinny yet. Yea I've always had a hourglass figure, but I'm not even to a healthy BMI yet. I want to at least get below 150 before trying to maintain. Right now I weigh 157. I also wear a US size 8 jeans with M tops, which I don't think that is "too skinny" for anyone woman.
  • olivia_june
    olivia_june Posts: 111 Member
    I'm 5'9" and built like a linebacker (big hands, big feet, wide shoulders, small breasts, etc), so when I graduated high school at 170lbs I probably could have gone to 160 but not much lower. I've since had a baby so I have no clue if I could even get down to that anymore, but 170 is my ultimate goal weight....we'll see how that goes.
  • Amiwil
    Amiwil Posts: 57 Member
    Hi all! So you want to know what real women look like at the size you want to be? Sorry guys I'm not sure if there's a sight made for you but here you go ladies!
