Finishing week 2 - no results on the scale

Hello all! I just finished week 2 of my clean eating and exercise quest to lose 60 pounds by the end of the year. I'm trying to stay motivated, but feeling a little discouraged after 2 weekly weigh ins have shown 0 pounds lost. In fact, I've gained 2 pounds according to the scale. I do realize that the scale is not the best way to measure progress sometimes and I am only finishing week 2, but I feel like I've been putting in a good effort and not seeing a "reward" on the scale. I will stick with it. I need to stick with it. The success stories do help to keep me going since many of you have lost a similar amount of weight as my goal in the same amount of time or less.

Did anyone else experience 0 pounds lost the first few weeks after starting out?

1200 - 1500 calories
Currently working out with various DVDs
Height: 5' 9.5"

SW: 225
CW: 227
GW: 165
UGW: 145


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    First, the 2 lbs gain is water retention from new exercise. It can mask any weight loss you may have.

    Second, have patience. Weight loss isn't linear, and there will be weeks you have little or no loss. Just keep at it. If after 4-6 weeks there is still no change, then you should question things, like your calorie intake.

    I suggest you read this thread, it has alot of great information:
  • I have not really lost any weight yet. But I feel better.

    Remember it is not going to happen quickly, also since you have just started working out you will gain a bit of water weight.

    Plus your body weight fluctuates naturally.

    Aim for that first 5-10 lbs in 6 weeks or more. Remember losing more then 2 lbs a week is not recommended.
  • I managed to lose forty pounds, but ended up in the hospital for a week, getting on new medications, and earned half of it back. lD; Struggling to get down again. I know it is frustrating, but keep at it! The rewards are fantastic when you start to feel them!
  • 78jasesgirl
    78jasesgirl Posts: 2 Member
    I am also finishing week 2, and I am scared to death to weigh in tomorrow. I usually weigh twice a week and record weight once a week. I don't think I have lost any this week. I know losing every week isn't going to happen, but I was hoping I would see loss for the first few weeks anyway. I'm glad you posted this thread. I don't feel so alone now.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    ^^^This, but you may be underestimating your food &/or overestimating your exercise. Weigh your food. Log everything you eat accurately & honestly. Find reliable database entries. (There's a lot of junk data on there.) If you're still not losing, eat back half your exercise calories.
  • This happened to me this first time I dieted and started exercising. I started retaining water from the exercise and gaining muscle mass.

    Also be sure to only weigh yourself in the morning and no more than once a week. Our bodies will fluctuate a few pounds every day.

    Also I found that I was better of measuring my weight loss by how my jeans fit rather than the weight.
    Good luck :)
  • sls1989
    sls1989 Posts: 10 Member
    When I first started losing weight it took about 4 weeks for anything to show on the scales, as long as you are tracking your calories honestly and exercising just keep going. I agree that weighing your food/measuring out liquids also is really helpful- I was really overestimating serving sizes without weighing food!
  • wrenegade64
    wrenegade64 Posts: 410 Member
    I will attempt to give you a different perspective about your situation. I am a paramedic at a hospital. Lets say a patient comes in the emergency room with chest pain. The "typical" procedure to stop it includes oxygen and an IV. When it comes to medications, we start with aspirin, if that doesn't work then we try Nitroglycerin. If that doesn't work we try Fentonyl. If that doesn't work we try Morphine. If that doesn't get the picture? Sometimes you have to tweek what you are doing if the results are not happening. A small handful of things to consider are.....

    Is your sodium content too high and making you retain water?
    How is your activity level?
    How are you doing on carbs?
    What about your water intake?

    A paramedic won't give up on a patient with chest pain. Be your own paramedic and DON'T GIVE UP!
  • austinsneeze
    austinsneeze Posts: 220 Member
    Don't be discouraged!!! Keep going!
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    Are you weighing your food or just guestimating how much you are intaking. How are you coming up with your calorie burn....that could be off as well. it is also very possible you are eating too few calories. You shouldn't be eating under your BMR.
  • jblouise
    jblouise Posts: 1 Member
    1. If you don't have a good digital scale, then get one. It is nice to know that your scale will read accurately and repeatedly.
    2. As others have said, make sure you are recording your food accurately. Measure and weigh everything until you know what 2 oz of meat looks like or a half cup of milk looks like. This is critical!
    3. Get a heart rate monitor and use it when you are doing cardio. Using your heart rate and weight, it will estimate your calorie burn. I find that the calorie burn using my monitor is usually lower than the MFP gives me for a given exercise. Especially when you are working out to DVD's, how do you know what you are really burning?

    It all comes down to calories in vs calories out, so make sure you are counting your calories accurately. Don't give up!!!!!! You will see a loss.
  • skydad08
    skydad08 Posts: 3 Member
    I know it sucks to see no results on your scale. You need to be doing cardio. Zumba is a great start. Doing the Elliptical is a great start. Need to buckle down and be true to your self! Sweat loss is fat loss. Join a gym that has exercise classes. Find a buddy to work out with. Always try to out do your self.
  • kabrube2
    kabrube2 Posts: 21 Member
    Yes stick with it... The results will follow! To get my scale moving I started really working out. Body Pump, Body Combat and Spin are my favorites. They give you a real burn. Also if you can afford it invest in a HRM. That will let you know just how hard you are working out and then you can challenge yourself to work harder. Good Luck you can do this!!
  • sarahslim100
    sarahslim100 Posts: 485 Member
    mfp tends to over estimate calories burned. i recommend a free app accupedo for walking/running calories. i dint go down till week 4 when i worked out i needed to up my fibre esp.
  • Barrettmomof3
    Barrettmomof3 Posts: 140 Member
    how often are you eating? and are you drinking enough water??? I have found that my fitbit helps keeps me from overestimating my burns.

    Just keep at it, you will see results just stick to it!!
  • olivia_june
    olivia_june Posts: 111 Member
    Yes, are you weighing your food? I found that I WAY underestimated how much I was eating before I got an electronic scale. It really was eye-opening. (And it doesn't have to be an expensive one! Mine is store-brand and was $30!).
  • olivia_june
    olivia_june Posts: 111 Member
    Also, you should open your food diary to public, I want to see your food intake haha :)
  • AtLeastOnceMore
    AtLeastOnceMore Posts: 304 Member

    Did anyone else experience 0 pounds lost the first few weeks after starting out?

    In my second week, I gained 1.3kg, but changed my body shape massively. This week, I lost 2.3kg. Stick with it, make sure you're measuring your food and not underestimating your portions/calories and exercise, and you'll be fine!
  • Amiwil
    Amiwil Posts: 57 Member
    Hey! Don't feel down! People are offering great suggestions.

    1) Set your activity level in your profile to sedentary.
    2) try your best to stick to the goals set
    3) remember that it takes 9 calories of energy to burn 1 gram of fat, so beware of fatty foods (hint: multiply fat grams by 9 to see how much exercise calories you need to burn that meal off and decide is it worth it)
    4) try to reduce salt, it holds onto the water you drink and makes you bloated
    5) I don't eat back my exercise calories, but this is something that people argue about daily.
    6) get measuring spoons, cups, and a small food scale. Follow every measurement to the tee according to the label and log it.
    7) if you have trouble finding things to eat, make a small investment in a healthy cook book. It'll be trial and error but eventually you will have recipes you like and love.

    Try these and see if it works. And don't be shy, share your diary! It will allow folks to better serve you.

    Over and out
  • QueenofGuac
    QueenofGuac Posts: 47 Member
    Get a tape measure! I've only lost .8 pounds, but I've also lost 4 inches in the last two weeks which has kept me happy and moving forward!

    Seriously tape measure it up!!