afbigg Member


  • I have started this program multiple times. I can never seem to get past week 3. Anything over a 5 min jog and I feel like I'm dying! I quit smoking 3 months ago so I started the program again but now my right heel always hurts afterwards and takes a couple days to recover. I've researched and think it's planters fasciitis…
    in C25K!!!!! Comment by afbigg June 2017
  • I have been doing this program for about a month and have fallen in love. I've always liked weights over cardio however I have had better weight loss results with combining them both. I'm not great at the nutrition part 100% of the time so I feel like I need the cardio to help balance me out. I'm a 30y/o woman, 205lbs,…
  • I'm currently trying out the StrongLifts 5x5 and the whole point is to use free weight Olympic bar and added weights. The gym I go to doesn't have an Olympic bar and the biggest free bar there is only 50lbs. So my only choice is to use the smith machine. This is actually frowned upon by the creator of the program but I'm…
  • muscle weighs more than fat. If you're lifting weights and/or adding weight to your lifting routine you may gain weight due to muscle growth. Take body measurements instead of just weighing yourself on a scale. I've lost weight all over but soon after starting my weight loss I got stuck at the same weight for about two…
  • I'd say the couch to 5k or C25k program is great. I'm still a smoker
  • I know it seems backwards and scary as hell, but if you eat a little more the weight might come off just a wee bit easier. Ive read a ton of stuff that says when it gets harder to lose weight/inches or you hit a plateau that you should increase your dietary intake. I'm not saying that your current calories are bad, it's…
  • I bought six star whey protein elite series. vanilla cream flavor. its a big black and red container from walmart for like $18. It doesnt taste all that great, i'd recommend chocolate instead although Ive never tried it myself. It says to add 1 to 2 scoops to any liquid and there are tons of shakes you can mix it with that…
    in Protein Comment by afbigg February 2014
  • I think either would be good for you. I would think that eating only one thing everyday would get old/boring, so maybe switch between the two? I drink carnation breakfast essentials on days that I have class because it's quick and easy. I have heard/read a few bad things about it, but they do make sugar free bfast…
  • I measure neck, bust, waist, hips, thighs, calves, and arms. I do this once a month, for some reason the day I started was on the 2nd, so I measure on the 2nd of each month, or as close to it as I remember. Try to find a landmark if you can, like on my right arm where I measure, I have a little freckle or mole and that…
  • I got a HRM a few weeks ago and I'm in love with it. It's a polar F4, but I'm sure most do all the same stuff. I like it because it keeps track of the amount of time I work out, how many minutes I was in my "zone", and it tracks calories for each workout. The treadmill at the gym and mfp seem to be pretty close give or…
  • Thank you everyone!!! I cannot believe how many people post advice and words of wisdom. I really appreciate it and it keeps me motivated. I have decided I will add back the strength training and give it more time so I can see the results while doing both. I began by doing both in the same day; cardio and weights arms and…
  • What is OP? I'm assuming you are asking me lol. My end goal is just to lose weight and be/feel healthier. I have small goals that really are just based on pounds lost, 5lbs by this date, another 10 by this date and so on. Like I said, I don't want the flab that comes from losing weight and not doing any toning, but I am…
  • thank you to both of you! I plan to see the doctor, but I recently moved and havent switched doctors yet, and my doctor at this time is over an hour away from me. Just hoping if I wait long enough, my period will come!
  • I should also add, that I have only lost 3-4 lbs in the month since I started regularly exercising, and I am 27. My period has been regular for almost 5 years, since my last child was born, and I stopped taking the pill 3 months ago after being on it for about 8 months, so this should not be afffecting it.
  • Thank you everyone! Any advice is helpful advice:) It is a hard journey but definitely worth it in the end!!!
    in SODA!!!!! Comment by afbigg April 2012
  • Just turned 25:( I feel so old now! Also in college for nursing right now. Add if you'd like:)
  • I have mini goals, so once I hit 10lbs lost I get a new pair of shoes, which I really need anyways, but hey why not make it a prize! Once I hit 20lbs my fiance and I are going gambling, may not be fun for others, but we think it's a fun atmosphere and we don't ever gamble. When, and not if, I hit my goal weight of 54lbs…
  • wow! you can definitely tell you've lost weight. you look great!! keep it up:)
  • thanks:) i figured i will have to break down and buy a HR monitor. I just want everything to be as accurate as possible.
  • I actually take about an hour and a half to 2 hour nap when my youngest naps, and then after supper my bf is in charge of the kids and I get another 2 and a half to 3 hours of sleep before work. It has been a very hard adjustment to make, but it works for now so I just go with it. I never thought about sleep deprivation…
  • That is kind of what I have been doing, but sometimes I feel like I am cheating because one day it will kick my exercise way up and cut the calories I ate, but I don't really feel like I should be able to take those calories back. Thank you for your input tho, I do find it helpful!!
  • many people hit plateus or just fall off the map for a little bit. A lot of people I have talked to as well as myself have hit a wall every now and then where we are just at a stand still; eating right, exercising normally if not more than usual, and nothing worked. If you aren't taking your measurements you should start,…