Biggest Loser

afbigg Posts: 33 Member
edited October 2 in Fitness and Exercise
I have been doing the biggest loser dvd workout for awhile. It's the one with Bob Harper and it has bootcamps 1,2,&3. I was wondering if anyone knows how many calories are burned during these workouts? I cannot find it on the beachbody website, I know that everyone burns different amounts of calories based on weight, but a general idea would be great. When I googled it, I only found one site that had any info on it and it said you burn 400-600 calories with each bootcamp. I found that hard to believe! I don't remember how I came up with it, but when I track it now on MFP it says bootcamp 1 is 380 calories or something like that. I also do pilates and wasnt sure where to find the amount of calories burned for that, but when I typed it into MFP it was already in the database so I went with it. Anyone have any idea or a suggestion on how to find out? I know you can use HR monitors and through some calculations find out, but I do not have one and I am a poor college student with a family and practically $0 extra money to spend:(


  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    Everyone is different, and your best bet would be to get a heart rate monitor. I usually burn about 300 calories +/- 50, combining the warmup, cardio 1, and his weight loss yoga #1. The +/- 50 Depends on effort I am able to give, based on my level of exhaustion at the end of the day, since that's when I usually do it. But again, everyone is different, plus it depends on your weight, so your best bet would be to get an HRM.
  • afbigg
    afbigg Posts: 33 Member
    thanks:) i figured i will have to break down and buy a HR monitor. I just want everything to be as accurate as possible.
  • emdawn1
    emdawn1 Posts: 1
    I am a few days into the biggest loser bootcamp level 1 video. Ive heard you burn up between 400-700 and you say 300 up there. If im 128 pounds how much do you think im burning. With the warm up, workout, and cool down.
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