
mountain dew is my weakness! I quit drinking soda and work out and I can lose weight over a period of time, but then I gradually sneak in a soda here and there, which turns into one soda a week, then 2 a week, then one a day, and then I lose it and the calories I burn from working out basically end up cancelling the calories I consume in soda:( I end up not losing any more pounds and I know it's from the soda. It is my biggest weakness and no matter what I do I can't seem to give it up for good. Any ideas???


  • ShanR77
    ShanR77 Posts: 287 Member
    I love my Pepsi but i discovered it was the sweet drink i craved and not the caffeine. I switched to crystal lights or make some flavored green teas.

    Good luck ^_^
  • dg09
    dg09 Posts: 754
    Switch to diet soda. The soda companies have really stepped up their game in the past few years in regards to diet soda and taste.

    If you like Mountain Dew. Try Diet Sunkist, Fresca, or Diet Mountain Dew Supernova... kind of similar to Mt. Dew.
  • Find a replacement. No soda is healthy, even diet and caffeine free. When I started my weight loss, I loved Diet Dr. Pepper. I completely gave it up and switched to tea sweetened with Splenda. The first 2 weeks were the worst, but it slowly got easier. The only thing you can do is have the will power to stay away completely. No "allowing" one a week because that will progress into more and more. You just have to cold turkey it and remain free of it. I have not had a soda in almost a year and I feel wonderful. I don't crave them anymore and my body just feels better. I don't get tired and sluggish like I used to. It's a tough hurdle to get over, but if you can beat the cravings and get over the hump, it does get better.
  • afbigg
    afbigg Posts: 33 Member
    Thank you everyone! Any advice is helpful advice:) It is a hard journey but definitely worth it in the end!!!
  • I would say quit cold turkey and stick it out, I have personally quit drinking soda well over 3 years. The craving subsides, however it doesn't happen in a week it will be longer than that before it becomes easier. Dropping this habit is very difficult don't kid yourself soda is everywhere, and everyone as a social greeting loves to offer this "refreshment". But stick to the fact that it is holding you back and if you have one a week it will lead you into accepting more as time goes by. Find one of your friends on MFP and challenge each other to quit for an entire month and see if you can accomplish that and go from there.
  • If you can't drink in moderation, I suggest not drinking at all or switching to diet. Soda can really eat away at your calories! I didn't drink any at all for 3 months, and now I allow myself 5 sodas a week (diet or regular). I look at my regular dr.pepper as a special treat. Also, there some great sparkling waters and teas out there. Sweeten tea with stevia, and you have a delicious and all-natural drink. =]
  • dg09
    dg09 Posts: 754
    No soda is healthy, even diet and caffeine free.

    What's wrong with diet soda?

    If diet soda is a bridge for OP to get off a soda that actually has calories, it's a perfectly viable option. 0 calories is 0 calories, you don't gain or stop losing when you drink diet soda. Just mix in some regular water every now and then too.
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    Staying away from soda is difficult. Step 1 is figuring out why you enjoy it, for me its the sugary bubbles :o Even the smell of soda in the air makes my mouth water, even 2 years after giving it up. I confess that I permit myself 1 soda per year that I stay free of it and that 1 soda stays in the fridge for a month then I open it, sip it a cpl times, and dump it out. Just glad that I made it through another year. I know that sounds awful, but there's something about soda that makes it difficult to give up so every day that goes by without it is a minor victory.

    The toughest part was going out to dinner and ordering water when everyone else gets soda. That has gotten a lot easier, now the waitresses just roll their collective eyes at me for not spending money on a drink, heh. I enjoy the fact that I don't drink soda. It's terrible for your teeth, your weight, and there truly are more choices out there.

    Good luck! Stay strong!!
  • ummnadir
    ummnadir Posts: 48
    Drink water
  • TheWinman
    TheWinman Posts: 684 Member
    Just cut out all sode including diet.
  • Ixidor
    Ixidor Posts: 6
    Dr Pepper is my kryptonite. A friend recommended I purchase Soda stream so I did. It's definitely not the same; it tastes like the supermarket brand but it still gives me my fix. And only 35 calories (per serving =X)!
  • Cwilliams8676
    Cwilliams8676 Posts: 252 Member
    Find a replacement. No soda is healthy, even diet and caffeine free. When I started my weight loss, I loved Diet Dr. Pepper. I completely gave it up and switched to tea sweetened with Splenda. The first 2 weeks were the worst, but it slowly got easier. The only thing you can do is have the will power to stay away completely. No "allowing" one a week because that will progress into more and more. You just have to cold turkey it and remain free of it. I have not had a soda in almost a year and I feel wonderful. I don't crave them anymore and my body just feels better. I don't get tired and sluggish like I used to. It's a tough hurdle to get over, but if you can beat the cravings and get over the hump, it does get better.

    this all soda is unhealthy i drink water and crystal light
  • sjeagle30
    sjeagle30 Posts: 292 Member
    I would look at this guys weight loss and go with what he says. If you have a few diet sodas a week you are not going to just gain all of your weight back. I was drinkign 8 or so diet cokes per day, I switched to one or just a diet sierra mist or sprite zero. Im still losing weight. Of course more water is better but a diet dew a day is not going to destroy your weight loss. I have to agree what someone else on her said once.....everyone bashes diet soda but as soon as you ask for good drink while dieting they all say to drink diet soda and vodka, rum, brandy, etc......:drinker:
    No soda is healthy, even diet and caffeine free.

    What's wrong with diet soda?

    If diet soda is a bridge for OP to get off a soda that actually has calories, it's a perfectly viable option. 0 calories is 0 calories, you don't gain or stop losing when you drink diet soda. Just mix in some regular water every now and then too.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    When I try to quit completely I end up with the 'oh damn i just had a soda so I blew the day, I'll stop again tomorrow and drink 5023905923059032523 sodas today'

    I've been working pretty hard on reducing the number and working on control instead. Have gone from a case every 2-3 days to a case every 2-3 weeks. Tracking the calories and pre-entering food so that I can see just how little I'd have left to eat to stay under calories if I had one more soda helps.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    On a diet special of a talk show, can't remember which, they recommend substituting orange juice because it's acidity mimics the soda. I drink somewhere between a ton and a **** ton of diet coke and still lose weight. So that's another option
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    Diet Cokes are my one vice and, no, I have no intention of giving them up. Oh, and I DO count them as fluid, along with my coffee.:indifferent:
  • BodyElectric1
    BodyElectric1 Posts: 120 Member
    No soda is healthy, even diet and caffeine free.

    What's wrong with diet soda?

    If diet soda is a bridge for OP to get off a soda that actually has calories, it's a perfectly viable option. 0 calories is 0 calories, you don't gain or stop losing when you drink diet soda. Just mix in some regular water every now and then too.
    The sweetener in diet soda causes headaches (among other things that I cannot remember). I remember that it causes because I always used to get a headache at the back of my head for some unknown reason (I love Coke Zero). When I read that I stopped drinking Coke Zero and cut out sweeteners from my diet and the headaches went away, which is why I remember that fact.
  • Cwilliams8676
    Cwilliams8676 Posts: 252 Member
    Diet soda may make you gain wieght they say I know jus quitting drinking it i lost 8 pounds
  • water and crystal light help me give them up except for when i drink achol. which is hardly ever... but i love my crystal light my kids tell me that i am addict to it like i was soda but i love my crystal light
  • OJs have 110 calories and 20+ something sugar.