

  • Chickybuns- have you had any trouble with nipple soreness from pumping so much? I recently started getting very sore from adding extra pumping sessions (to the point it hurts to much to even try to nurse). I have tried larger flanges but still having soreness. I am starting to think this could be affecting my supply.…
  • I have 12 week old twins. I too am trying to lose around 30lbs while breastfeeding. I am mostly pumping as I just went back to work. For nursing twins, I feel like my supply is rather low and we are having to supplement formula at least once a day. I do have about 200oz of formula frozen as back up too. I take 2 fenukgreek…
  • Yes, Yes and Yes! Im definitely addicted. A co-worker even has a secret stash hidden for me just incase I run out of them at work and need it to get through the rest of the day...I agree its more psychological but it certainly fills me up and helps with snacking.
  • I am totally not a morning person either so I feel your pain. Last week was an off week for me, I only made it to the gym one morning. If I don't make it to the gym in the morning though, I almost never go after work like I tell myself I will. Something always comes up. There is always an excuse. I don't like to go right…
  • has great recipes :) I also like Cooking Light and the healthy/budget friendly reciepes from Kraft Food & Family
  • no you absolutely cannot taste the pumpkin :) I was a little skeptical myself... I even made my boyfriend try them before I would. And added bonus is the brownie batter tastes delicious! and no need to worry about gettin sick because there are no eggs! haha :) I didnt buy store bought pumpkin though so not sure if that…
  • I made Hungry Girl Brownies for my Super Bowl party this past weekend and everyone loved them! I simply added 1 can of pumpkin to a box of Devils Food cake mix, poured into a mini muffin pan, baked at 400F for 12 minutes and ooeey gooey perfection! each brownie bite has about 60 calories or 1 regular muffin about 180. I…
  • I have been sitting at work (bored) eating all day long. A snack here a snack there. I keep telling myself to stop, its just boredom but I continue to eat. Anyway my point is I only have around 350 calories left for the day and its only 3pm where I live. I KNOW that I will consume more than that for dinner. I don't…
  • no food allergies that I am aware of...
  • I went back to the gym Saturday for the first time since June. I hadn't been able to go because of an injury from a car accident. So I am excited to be back at the gym and hoping I can sweat some of this "puffiness" off :) I have also been drinking tons of water, hoping to flush it away. I am usually pretty good with my…
  • I suppose it is possible but highly unlikely
  • Danielle110- "way under my calories" - you probably are not eating enough which in return can cause your metabolism to slow down. Try eating your recommended calories everyday, chances are you will see results !
  • Wow you sure have been through the ringer the past 4 years! Its great that you are staying positive! I managed to lose 30 lbs between November and May by using this site (i track on my iphone religiously!). Though not quite as bad as you've had it, my past year has been a rough one. I lost several loved ones, watched my…
  • Awesome! I am doing my first ever yoga class tonight also! 2 of my co-workers and I are "buddying" up and giving it a go - i am excited yet nervous! I hope i don't get the giggles!