Sugar free red bull addiction - can anyone relate?!

Does anyone else think they drink too much sugar free red bull? (or supermarket own brand equivalent!)I have a can after breakfast every day and another at about 4pm. I think I’m addicted to it more psychologically than physically, but the main benefit I get from it is that it staves off hunger pangs. While this is good, I also know how bad it is for your health (aspartame crazy!). I don’t like coffee, so can’t switch to that. Is anyone else in the same position?


  • megamix12
    megamix12 Posts: 16
    Yes, Yes and Yes! Im definitely addicted. A co-worker even has a secret stash hidden for me just incase I run out of them at work and need it to get through the rest of the day...I agree its more psychological but it certainly fills me up and helps with snacking.
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    <Raises a wing while shielding herself with her other wing in anticipation of the aspartame rioters
  • mcgwnkrista
    Omg, love that stuff. That and Coke Zero are my drink weaknesses. I just try to limit myself to only once a week, plus that saves me major $$ when I think about how much I used to spend getting the drinks on a regular basis.
  • SpaceMarkus
    SpaceMarkus Posts: 651
    I used to drink Sugar Free Monster several times a day. Got to the point it didn't do a damn thing to keep me up and energized. That was also while drinking a cup of coffee for breakfast, lol. Got over it by switching to a more whole-food based meal replacement shake.
  • ☆ShawnsMom08☆
    ☆ShawnsMom08☆ Posts: 74 Member
    I am working in my addiction! It's tough. But the sodium, other crap in it and the money is making me walk away. I love the taste and when it's really cold!
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    Does anyone else think they drink too much sugar free red bull? (or supermarket own brand equivalent!)I have a can after breakfast every day and another at about 4pm. I think I’m addicted to it more psychologically than physically, but the main benefit I get from it is that it staves off hunger pangs. While this is good, I also know how bad it is for your health (aspartame crazy!). I don’t like coffee, so can’t switch to that. Is anyone else in the same position?

    WAYYYYY better off drinking a healthy energy drink like Advocare spark or a pre workout drink by some of the major manufacturers. At least... I think. Red bull doesn't have a lasting energy for me, I think because it's so caffeine intensive.
  • FatGirlSlim89
    Yup I used to drink about 3 coffee's and 2 sugarfree Red Bull's a day. I used to just have a can of the stuff for breakfast. I've managed to kick the habit though.. only after I developed an ACTUAL TWITCH! I still treat myself to the odd couple of cans, don't really care what anyone else thinks, some people have their cake, I have my red bull haha.
  • bfnp
    bfnp Posts: 58
    I was on the sugar free Rockstar for a while but I kicked it. Now it's just a hangover drink from time to time.
  • millymoozie
    millymoozie Posts: 150
    "can anyone relate ?" well no sorry not be i hate the stuff ,,i like my coffee ,but my son could relate ,he is a serious addict to it & is very sneaky about getting it ,,wish there was an age limit on it to assist me in stopping him drink ,its me that suffers when he becomes a redbull crazed motormouth :sad:
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    haha weird. me too kinda. I dont drink it as much as you but i love that stuff
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    I have never been addicted to energy drinks mainly because the flavor is sooooo terrible..

    But it is so funny to me when I see people say that they cant survive without them (not saying anyone here says that or thinks that).

    For hundreds of years the human population has survived without energy drinks, now it seems that unless people have them with breakfast lunch and dinner we cant get through the day.

    My best advice is to ween yourself off of them, pretty soon a well balanced diet and 8 hours of sleep is all you need to get through the day.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I drink four cups of coffee (black with splenda) every workday morning and on weekends I will have a lo-carb monster (not doing low-carb, just has 10 calories per serving and still wakes me up unlike the sugar free stuff).

    The only reason I'm cutting back is because it does break the bank a bit.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I have never been addicted to energy drinks mainly because the flavor is sooooo terrible..

    But it is so funny to me when I see people say that they cant survive without them (not saying anyone here says that or thinks that).

    For hundreds of years the human population has survived without energy drinks, now it seems that unless people have them with breakfast lunch and dinner we cant get through the day.

    My best advice is to ween yourself off of them, pretty soon a well balanced diet and 8 hours of sleep is all you need to get through the day.

    Faulty logic.

    Humans survived for thousands of years before modern medicine, grocery stores, make up and education (as we know it).

    Not that your conclusion is bad. Just your argument to support it. :)
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    I used to drink Sugar Free Monster several times a day. Got to the point it didn't do a damn thing to keep me up and energized. That was also while drinking a cup of coffee for breakfast, lol. Got over it by switching to a more whole-food based meal replacement shake.

    I am with you! I used to drink diet soda and coffee all day. I had cut back and once I started on that whole-food based meal replacement shake you are on I don't drink them anymore. Every now and then I will have a cup of coffee on the weekends :)
  • sinsaria
    sinsaria Posts: 30
    Sadly....yes. It got so bad at one point, I was buying Aldi brand "red bull".....even worse, caffeine does nothing to me. So, I have no reason to be addicted!

    I think it is the cabonation burn...
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    I have never been addicted to energy drinks mainly because the flavor is sooooo terrible..

    But it is so funny to me when I see people say that they cant survive without them (not saying anyone here says that or thinks that).

    For hundreds of years the human population has survived without energy drinks, now it seems that unless people have them with breakfast lunch and dinner we cant get through the day.

    My best advice is to ween yourself off of them, pretty soon a well balanced diet and 8 hours of sleep is all you need to get through the day.

    Faulty logic.

    Humans survived for thousands of years before modern medicine, grocery stores, make up and education (as we know it).

    Not that your conclusion is bad. Just your argument to support it. :)

    Well, there is no medical need for energy drinks. There is no heath need or requirement for energy drinks. Our bodies don't naturally require energy drinks, YET because people drink them, they become addicted to the caffeine high and therefore like any other addiction they think they need them. Plus people would still survive without modern medicine grocery stores and make up. sure more people might die without modern medicine, but that happened before. Grocery stores and the production of new foods has only weakend the human population, all the additives and preservatives are only making us weaker. Some people would even argue that modern medicine isn't as beneficial people make it out to be(not my personal belief). Education is a iffy one, simply because the human population has been created to learn from our mistakes, thus ultimately gaining knowledge which is education. So we did have education in its basic forms since the begining of man.
  • kirstyfromscotland
    kirstyfromscotland Posts: 555 Member
    you can get hooked on these drinks, I used 2 work at a shop called lidl and drink their sugar free nrg drink i was drinking about 8 cans a day, but the problem is when u stop drinking them you get a bit of a comedown, I very rarely drink them now, if i go in the shop i cant help but buy 1 or 2 but i used 2 buy it buy the case.
    read this its a bit long but iys very interesting.x
  • MaryElizabeth84
    Wow thanks for all the comments everyone! I'm glad I'm not the only one!
  • clean115
    clean115 Posts: 59
    I tried it for the first time yesterday.... <3<3<3
  • silvafan
    silvafan Posts: 147
    Sugar free red bull or Rockstar Recovery or Xyience enregy drinks. I'm super hooked, I have to have at least one a day. I drive for 1hour &15 minutes to work each day so I usually drink one on my way to work. Sometimes I'll have another on my way home since I workout after work too. I really, really, really, want to stop drinking them tho, they are so bad for us. But hey id you're going to drink them sugar free is the way to go!