emtbythesea Member


  • Why do they smell so bad? Because I work freakin hard at the gym everyday plus I live in a very warm climate. Sometimes I don't wear socks (I know I know) but it helps me spread my toes and grip the floor better. Nikes are expensive and my shoes fit my feet so perfectly, so I won't be trashing them - although selling them…
  • I've never heard of sports suds, but my husband has the same problem with his protective pads and gear. Where can I buy it? I have used baking soda in the past, but it didn't seem to work very well. I'm gonna try the dryer sheets too.
  • Sex, chocolate and beer (not necessarily in that order).
  • I was intrigued by the title of this post. Do you feel like you don't deserve to be attractive? Deserve the new attention? Deserve the health and fitness advantages? Those things are for other people? Not you. I ask because I think people struggle with that mind-set but don't even realize they are doing that. I think what…
  • You have more muscles now because of your intense training. You know those puppies weigh more now than when they were fatty. Do you take measurements? Are you bigger or smaller? Do your clothes still fit? Too much emphasis on weight and not enough on size. If you want to just lose weight, reduce your calories and remain a…
  • I echo what so many others say: log every single thing, eat less fat grams (I eat over 2200 calories per day - a total of 40g of fat - it's sooo hard to do). Also, remember how important carbs are for energy and mood control. Finally, someone else here suggested some HIIT and I agree. It's fast and fun. You will get…
  • Did your read this thread? Like, she feels guilty. Then she's got all this posts telling her she's putting her kid to bed at the wrong time and how she shouldn't be doing this and that. Can someone please tell me how that is supposed to help her with her feelings of guilt - would make me feel worse. If she was seeking…
  • Show them your food journal and show that you are eating PLENTY!! Numbers scare ppl because they're so in-your-face. But showing them what you've been eating, might soften them up to see what you're about. [/quote] I agree, encourage them to join mfp. Then you can be friends and hassle (I mean motivate) each other, instead…
  • When they say that, you can respond with something like, "Actually, I just had some... and in a bit I'm gonna grab a... Want to join me?" Or you can take a more condescending approach, "I'm on an eating plan. When you're ready to get on my train and shed YOUR extra pounds, I'll show you how to do it right. Until then,…
  • To all the parent police on this thread: Instead of telling Mom what time she ought to be putting her child to bed or what psychologists would say, let's help her out with her ACTUAL question. My advice: workout at times when your child is sleeping (assuming you have childcare) or bring your child to the kids club at you…
  • Maybe try changing up the times. If its an option, go later at night when your child is sleeping. Perhaps your gym has a kids club and you can go early before work. This is tough and I feel for you, mom. You are NOT a bad mom. You just want the most time with your child that you can get. You'd be weird if you didn't feel…
  • I like to be the best at the things I do. If I'm not the best, I tend to give up.
  • I mean quit lifting weights, not quit my marriage. With the aggressive attitude you suggest, no man would want to be with me and it would have nothing to do with looks. I'm a housemom and I would never tell my husband "if you know what's good for you, you will..." Sorry, but your advice is not productive, it's provocative…
  • Except you missed the part about how I'm usually cool with his old school values. Lets be clear, I'm not having a problem with my role in my marriage. I'm looking for a way to convince my man to like my more muscular body. I'm not mad at him for being the guy he is - I've been married to one man for decades and we don't…
  • I'm lifting 6 days a week for about an hour. Cardio 15 minutes 3 times a week - usually a run. I'm eating 2200-2300 calories a day (down from about 2700 at my peak). I weigh 115 (last month I was 120 and nothing fit and I loved it, but he was like "whoa"). My numbers are not huge: on the regular I do 6-10 reps of DL and…
  • Eat dark chocolate - the really really tiny pieces. Eat like 2 when you are having a "moment". 3 Muskateers bars are fat free. Lol
  • Actually he's really confident. We have no trust issues at all. He's not jealous of my trainer or suspicious of my gym activities. He really simply just thinks my physique is too crazy for his taste. I don't look like I did when he married me (a realllly long time ago) and he still looks the same.
  • Please don't do this: eliminate all carbs, eliminate all fat, lift no weights, take a 20 minute walk and call it exercise. Carbs will give you the energy you need to workout and maintain your blood sugar. Fat is important in cellular structure, permeability and mood control. Lifting weights will burn fat more efficiently…
  • Mychocolatediet: I like your advice. I try to explain to Dude, I'm like 15% bf and will NEVER look like that, but I can dream and try to copy. Maybe instead of trying to explain my position to him, I just keep going without talking about it. I'd like to have an event to work toward, but for now maybe just silently try to…
  • Just get on it, write the number down and then stick the paper in your dresser drawer. Never look at that paper. Put your scale in the closet. Don't take it out again until spring. Repeat seasonally. This time next year burn the papers and trash your scale. You should take measurements but eliminate the pressure of body…
  • Got a trainer? They are so expensive but they do all the things you're asking for. I had the same concerns when I started but my trainer set me up on myfitnesspal and he checks up on my log regularly. Reminds me to workout, what to do at the gym, suggestions on food choices and sends messages of motivation on off days.…
  • I'm not gonna name his sport, but he's extremely athletic and slightly sexist. He gets it that exercise is important, but does not think women need big muscles. He is a-ok with me being a cardio zombie all day long. He's not a bad guy, he's actually really great. But he's old school in his values and roles in marriage (I'm…
  • Thing is, I WANT to get huge. I like the hard work it takes and I like the way I "feel the pump" when it's happening. My inspirational body type is Dana Linn Bailey and my powerlifting hero is Caitlyn Trout. He thinks they both look like freaks. Maybe, but I like it. I agree with many posts that perhaps we've got some…
  • I like the idea of the 1lb pink weights and the Zumba jacket - that was really cute. I'm just really uncomfortable with the whole "my secret gym life" thing. Sounds like being "vague" is the way to go.
  • I agree with you. Problem is, he actually DOESN'T like the way I look right now as much as did before. I do.
  • It's really just a fear he has that I will look like a guy if my muscles get huge. I KNOW this is not true, but most guys think that way. He's ok with maintenance for health. I want my husband to be physically attracted to me, but I really like my look and IT'S SO FUN! You have all really given me a good boost of…
  • You are right. I'm continuing to talk to him about my training goals even though I know he doesn't care. I gotta at least put the effort in to try to understand his concerns
  • Yes! I actually saw this. I KNOW this is true, but all he really "knows" is that he sees female weightlifters in movies and they all look like guys, so that's what will happen to me. When I try to show him hot lady lifters like Caitlyn Trout, he refuses to even look and says I'm not them. Weird right? Like a pre-emptive…
  • He's supportive of me working out "to maintain health" but he's not a fan of my muscles (Which are not even big and I totally love them)
  • I'm going through the same thing. He's afraid I'm going to get bulky like a dude. I'm NOT a fan of blowing off my spouse and doing whatever I like - I'd be mad if he did that to me. What I don't understand is wanting to stop something that isn't even happening yet. And what if I WANTED to be big and huge? Guess what, I do!…