Need accountability and help

Once again I am starting my fitness pal to hopefully lose 30-40 lbs (helping my husband lose 60 or so pounds) and would love to have some motivation and accountability so I can stick with it this time. I am trying new and healthy recipes and will start back at the gym tomorrow. However, I always give up and start cooking with butter and cream cheese again. I need someone to get on me when I don't go to the gym, when I don't chart ect. I appreciate your help and any ideas, recipes ect to make this happen for myself and hopefully my husband!


  • ataylorgardner
    ataylorgardner Posts: 203 Member
    welcome. I will do my best to help motivate you. i got into fitness to get myself back into shape but have found that what i really enjoy is helping other people reach their goals. How many days a week are you planning on working out?
  • mblaich
    mblaich Posts: 18
    HI there, I plan on working out 2-3 times a week with the hopes of working out more as I build my stamina...
  • idnkt
    idnkt Posts: 9 Member
    I need help also. Lost 30 lbs, was so proud of myself. Do not stress and not being able to afford the shakes I was drinking I have put on 20 in the last year. I am so angry with myself. Started back with this ap today hooping if I track everything I can get motivated again. Now where did I stash my fat pants :(
  • emtbythesea
    emtbythesea Posts: 32 Member
    Got a trainer? They are so expensive but they do all the things you're asking for. I had the same concerns when I started but my trainer set me up on myfitnesspal and he checks up on my log regularly. Reminds me to workout, what to do at the gym, suggestions on food choices and sends messages of motivation on off days. Like I said, really $$$ but I need the extra support.
  • JenJBS
    JenJBS Posts: 83
    Best wishes.

    The only idea I have to add is portion control of what you like, so you don't feel deprived - which makes it easier to sustain long term. I now restrict myself to 1 piece of pizza not 2, a 12 oz. can of soda, instead of a 44 oz cup, a small smoothie instead of a large. That way you still eat the foods you like, but can also lower your calorie intake and lose weight.
  • BrendaS03
    BrendaS03 Posts: 92 Member
    Hey there! I am also looking for people to encourage accountability and motivation. Feel free to add me :)

    By the end of 2013 I had successfully lost 15lbs and was feeling great. Over the holiday season my work out routine suffered and progress came to a stop. I was feeling pretty down on myself and was terrified to hop on the scale. I faced my fear and was shocked that in three weeks of very little exercise, and less than stellar food choices I had only gained one pound.

    So I've jumped back into my healthy lifestyle this week and am looking forward to losing another 30 lbs!

    Hope we can be friends and share the highs and lows of our weight loss journeys!
  • emtbythesea
    emtbythesea Posts: 32 Member
    Please don't do this: eliminate all carbs, eliminate all fat, lift no weights, take a 20 minute walk and call it exercise. Carbs will give you the energy you need to workout and maintain your blood sugar. Fat is important in cellular structure, permeability and mood control. Lifting weights will burn fat more efficiently than cardio and will keep your skin tighter on the body as the pounds shed. You got to get your heart rate up in a sustained way and walking will NEVER do that. Please drink a lot of water and never buy soda again. You're gonna do awesome!
  • BambiMcPhillamy
    BambiMcPhillamy Posts: 3 Member
    I would like to find help to keep me accountable for my food intake. Not a lot of support from home or work. In order to lose weight I have to stay in a 1600 range. I seem to do well till the afternoon and evening when I get home from work. I cross train up to 4 times a week now and I'm planning to do one day of just cardio also (my cross training sessions are 50-55 min) I'm feeling discouraged because I can't control my food and my weight is going up instead of down........feeling frustrated in Kansas!
  • Starting up is always hard. I struggled for over a year to get motivated. Back in August, I started doing two to three workouts a week and then working my way up. I started T25 in September and am now down 16 lbs. It's 5 days a week and it is only 25 minutes to do the workouts and it is easier to fit into my life.

    To keep myself accountable I joined a fitness challenge group on FB. It helped tremendously!!! I am going to be helping with a free 10 day fitness and healthy eating challenge on Feb 3rd I think with some of the same people in the challenge I just finished. Message me if that seems like something that would help keep you motivated and accountable let me know. It has opened my eyes to the way I look at eating and has also made it easier for me to do my shopping and cooking. :)